Moscow soldiers are supplied with Viagra to rape Ukrainian women and 'dehumanize' them, claims UN official


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Knowing what they did to the European women in WWII the dirty maskal mongols don't need Viagra....

Moscow red army veteran speaks out ...

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the evil oriental barabariens raped girls - women in Belarus, Poland, Baltics, Yugoslavia etc. Moscow ulus has used the rape as the weapons for centuries . the Moscow hordesmen raped even Jewish women- girls in consecrations camps

in East Prussia (Prusy Wschodnie) many ethnic German women, alarmed by the Nazis, fled ahead of the Soviet offensive, leaving the Polish women to endure rapes and witness the systematic burning of ransacked houses, for example in the town of Iława in late January 1945 under the Soviet Major Konstantinov. Eye witness Gertruda Buczkowska spoke of a labor camp near Wielka Żuława employing two hundred ethnic Belarusian women. In late January 1945 Buczkowska saw their bodies in the snow while fleeing with her mother and five German women of Hamburg who had joined them. The five Germans were found naked and dead in a basement of a house on Rybaków street in Iława a few days later.[

Soviets finally claimed victory, they initiated an orgy of violence, including the wholesale theft of anything they could lay their hands on, random executions and mass rape. Estimates of the number of rape victims vary from 5,000 to 200,000.[125][126][127] According to Norman Naimark, Hungarian girls were kidnapped and taken to Red Army quarters, where they were imprisoned, repeatedly raped and sometimes murdered.[128]

Even embassy staff from neutral countries were captured and raped, as was documented when Soviet soldiers attacked the Swedish legation in Germany.[129]


You are a propagandist.

No one with half a brain should take you seriously.
The OP is a chicken hawk Nazi fool. Anyone buying this story about Viagra is a total dupe of the warfare state.

This is further proof the government media complex is lying to us about this war, yet dummies still believe them.

Definitely a one track mind regarding Russia, and Putin as he/she has been banging that drum for many years.

Definite propaganda shill.

However I don't think it's a Nazi, though it does support an openly, unapologetic Nazi side.

Anybody but Putin I guess.

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