First Photo of Ukrainian F-16 Is Making Moscow imperialists 'Nervous': Kyiv Official

Impressive that Ukraine is essentially building air and naval forces from scratch. And Poland investing in becoming a regional power is also impressive
Ukraine isn't building shit... the American tax payer is...
Ukraine isn't building shit... the American tax payer is...

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Democrats finally profess their love for the Weapons contractors.

They are certainly getting rich off the misery in Ukraine. Laughing at the Ukrainian people for following the dictator Yeltzen, and losing their lives so Huge American corporations can gain billions.
When endless warfare is profitable it will never stop...

Democrats finally profess their love for the Weapons contractors.

They are certainly getting rich off the misery in Ukraine. Laughing at the Ukrainian people for following the dictator Yeltzen, and losing their lives so Huge American corporations can gain billions.


Um . . . Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. I remember how the liberals hated him for that.

"Russia" as we know it was just one of the nations that Reagan liberated from that evil empire.

Liberals hated him for that, also.

I agree with that president of Finland dude.

I encourage Finland to beef up their military spending, which is far less than the U.S.'s and show those Ruskies that visible force!

Menkää Suomeen!
Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. I remember how the liberals hated him for that.
you mean the Marxist traitors (useful idiots ) , SRALENIST spies ? qestion , why FBI/CIA dont want to investigate KGB - Moscow connection of US famous Marxists today ?
F16s will not last 20 minutes with the Kinzhals .
If the Avangards are used they have about 10 minutes before being blown to dust .

They must be based in Poland , Romania or a Baltic State because otherwise Russia would know their exact location and bury the lot in one raid if they tried to locate them in west Ukraine .
I would be surprised if any F16s last more than a few days ---that is if they have lots of luck .

No one here is pro Russia... so knock that bullshit off... we are pro the American people... if Ukraine can't win this war more money ain't gonna fix that.... if you have such a hard on for Putin you go and fight with the dissembled Ukrainian army... they are weak and an average age of over 40... many Ukrainians under 40 have left or are leaving the country.... the Ukrainian rich left the fight too... and you want us to keep sending them money?... are you insane?...

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