Moscow’s secret plot to invade second nation leaked

Then again, Putin doesn't have an agreement with Germany to split Poland as Hitler and Stalin did with the Von Ribbentrop- Molotov Pact.

I must disagree on a number of matters. As to borders, they are lines drawn on a map, insubstantial concepts until pressed. There is no permanence. After the Cold War we redrew the map of of Eastern Europe as we saw fit. Much blood was spilled and there is still dissatisfaction, check out today's Bosnia if you wish to verify. On the same token the US expanded westward with no regard to the sovereignty of others. Now Russia wants to redraw some maps, and they are willing to do so with force. How are they any more wrong than we have been?

Ukraine is hardly blameless either. Check out what's been happening in Donbas since 2014.

The comparison to Hitler is laughable. Today's Russia supplies Europe with 40% of their natural gas. They are not clawing back from crippling reparations. They have nukes, so there is virtually no limit to the force they can apply. They also have global reach, meaning our presence isn't needed. As we have equal reach. The EU has three times the population of Russia, vast wealth, and top tier military equipment, we are not needed.
Borders are borders. It’s a part of any sovereign nation. Some borders may be contested. Sometimes for good reason. But, getting down to it: whatever historical incidents may have taken place in 2014 or 1922 or prior provides not one single legitimate basis for the Putin invasion of Ukraine. Period. Amen.

Again, if some long ago incident did provide a valid basis for such reckless militaristic behavior, nations would be at war with each other all over the planet even more than they currently engage in such brutal behaviors. There would be no chance for diplomacy or peace.

International “law” is basically an oxymoron. But it does have some relevancy even so.
Borders are borders. It’s a part of any sovereign nation. Some borders may be contested. Sometimes for good reason. But, getting down to it: whatever historical incidents may have taken place in 2014 or 1922 or prior provides not one single legitimate basis for the Putin invasion of Ukraine. Period. Amen.

Again, if some long ago incident did provide a valid basis for such reckless militaristic behavior, nations would be at war with each other all over the planet even more than they currently engage in such brutal behaviors. There would be no chance for diplomacy or peace.

International “law” is basically an oxymoron. But it does have some relevancy even so.
Thanks for the candid discussion. I will quickly address a few points but don't have time to properly address everything.

We can't just cherry pick history and ignore the rest. The US did what was required to become who we are. All through the power granted by sovereignty. I don't begrudge our ancestors for it, nor do I deny other countries have the same rights. That is my position on sovereignty.

Now you hit the real crux of it. Diplomacy. Well, rather the utter lack of it. We don't even have an ambassador to Ukraine, how else could this have ended? We have become complacent and no longer bother with real diplomacy. No, we rely almost entirely on sanctions, drone strikes, or threats. Our future will be a bloody mess if we don't return to actual diplomacy.
Thanks for the candid discussion. I will quickly address a few points but don't have time to properly address everything.

We can't just cherry pick history and ignore the rest. The US did what was required to become who we are. All through the power granted by sovereignty. I don't begrudge our ancestors for it, nor do I deny other countries have the same rights. That is my position on sovereignty.

Now you hit the real crux of it. Diplomacy. Well, rather the utter lack of it. We don't even have an ambassador to Ukraine, how else could this have ended? We have become complacent and no longer bother with real diplomacy. No, we rely almost entirely on sanctions, drone strikes, or threats. Our future will be a bloody mess if we don't return to actual diplomacy.
Our future is likely to be similar to our past with or without diplomacy. Bloody. However, there really should be some way to get things running — even in terms of international disputes — more rationally and peacefully. The problem is as it has always been: certain types of individuals (blame it on the psychology of our species) seek power. With some of that kind at the helm of some nations, international norms are never normal. Diplomacy can’t work magic.

We may not agree on a lot; but I do agree that this particular conversation has been at least candid. I’m not always so polite. This was a refreshing change of pace.
attack on Moldova =attack on Romania=attack on NATO. Pootler ´d think 2 times at least

One would think the Hague would still be too busy dealing with Americans over what they did to Iraq's civilian population!
And it's not as if Wikileaks' Assange didn't catch them redhanded!
Nope. Remember Bush's bomb the Hague act that he passed right before he invaded Iraq?
Loo works hard in order to avoid the Hague 😆

College Graduate Job Thieves Are Defective in Knowledge of Grammar, Logic, and History

You are ignorantly referencing the breakaway region of Moldova called "Transnistria." Those people had petitioned Russia to annex them but were turned down because the Ukraine was in the way. Not so any more.

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