Mossack Fonseca which has extensive ties with Clinton foundation Federal prosecutors announced charg


SING A LONG . OH THE CLINTONS ARE EVERY WHERE, Here a Clinton there a Clinton knick knack patty whack give that bitch a bone bahahh , yeah I know stupid sooooo what hehehe.



Can this be the FIRST SHOT at The Cuntons as the Hildebeast is supposedly LOOKING AT ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL RUN?...Let's hope so, it is about time these felons actually had a REAL investigation, and not by their corrupt friends! ^ | 5-December-2018


WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ, and pushed heavily by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently and reported on by the Daily Crusader (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE)

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.....

Read much more at above link!

Can this be the FIRST SHOT at The Cuntons as the Hildebeast is supposedly LOOKING AT ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL RUN?...Let's hope so, it is about time these felons actually had a REAL investigation, and not by their corrupt friends! ^ | 5-December-2018


WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ, and pushed heavily by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently and reported on by the Daily Crusader (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE)

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.....

Read much more at above link!

What the HELL kind of batshit crazy stuff is this? Including the sources. EPOCH TIMES? Really?
Can this be the FIRST SHOT at The Cuntons as the Hildebeast is supposedly LOOKING AT ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL RUN?...Let's hope so, it is about time these felons actually had a REAL investigation, and not by their corrupt friends! ^ | 5-December-2018


WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ, and pushed heavily by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently and reported on by the Daily Crusader (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE)

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.....

Read much more at above link!

1 down 66,741 indictments to unseal
Can this be the FIRST SHOT at The Cuntons as the Hildebeast is supposedly LOOKING AT ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL RUN?...Let's hope so, it is about time these felons actually had a REAL investigation, and not by their corrupt friends! ^ | 5-December-2018


WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonseca”, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.

The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ, and pushed heavily by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.

The charges line up with several of the sealed indictments requesting wiretaps, PRTT orders, and search warrants which were leaked by the DOJ recently and reported on by the Daily Crusader (see our full report on the DOJ’s leaked search warrant indictments: PART ONE HERE and PART TWO HERE)

This shows that Clinton Foundation may well be very close to being rolled up; these charges, while very serious, still do not explain some of the leaked PRTT/wiretap orders, such as the National Security orders, the drug trafficking orders, or the orders related to child trafficking or providing aid to foreign terrorist organizations.....

Read much more at above link!


Take a guess
The Clinton Global Bribery Kick-Back Charity Fraud Money Laundering and Tax Evasion Foundation is in trouble.

Whistleblowers hand over 100s of documents about Clinton Foundation | Daily Mail Online

6,000 pages of evidence on the Clinton Foundation was secretly handed to the FBI and IRS last year.

The papers allege that the Foundation engaged in illegal activities and may be liable for millions of dollars in delinquent taxes and penalties.

This is BULL$#!t and ya just can't let the Clintons alone! It's pathetic with your own WHITE HOUSE on fire! :21: :2cents:
An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says

The Bitch took money and bribes for political favors and everyone knew it, including James Comey.
That was on her secret server and among the 30,000 emails deleted and then found on Weiner's laptop.

Tell you what else was on there. Obama coordinating with Clinton, Comey, Lynch and other Obama Sycophants on how to use The Dirty Dossier he paid for to assault The President and his family and staff.

This is why we aren't allowed to see any of the recovered emails.
I am shocked....totally shocked.

BTW, also shocked a couple of the class clowns decided the OP was funny....but had nothing to say.
This is BULL$#!t and ya just can't let the Clintons alone! It's pathetic with your own WHITE HOUSE on fire! :21: :2cents:

All of the witnesses should be put under the federal witness protection plan, because you know how all of the witnesses against Hillary have sudden "accidents".
Lol, but...but...but... Hillary!

Bet anybody $50 this will never be mentioned again.
An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says


Uh-huh. For the 50,000th time....

And yet you morons scoff at the Mueller investigation while Bill and Hillary sit back and laugh at you in the comfort of the Chappaqua home, while Manafort sits in jail, Cohen pleads guilty and Michael Flynn is kissing Mueller's ass daily.
Out of touch much?

It is obvious if you have half a brain that the Clinton Foundation was a money laundering, and money collection vehicle for the Clintons. Bill, and then Hillary sold INFLUENCE to both domestic, and FOREIGN entities. She did it WHILE IN OFFICE as Sec of State, then as a Presidential Candidate! Bill got $$$ from China for giving them missile technology. Treason.
An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says

Out of which non-existent basement does this group operate? :rolleyes:

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