Mossack Fonseca which has extensive ties with Clinton foundation Federal prosecutors announced charg

Can anyone post a link to the CLINTON FOUNDATION 990 for 2017?

Funny enough, it seems they stopped posting the financials of THE CLINTON FOUNDATION after HILLARY LOST THE ELECTION.

Odd, huh?

I'm not saying the 2017 990 DOES NOT EXIST, I am saying that I can't find it.

Clinton Foundation 990 - Google Search

Because she wasn't running, dope.

Use all of the previous years and outline the crimes for us, professor.

WHAT the FUCK are you babbling about?

I wanted to see the 990 to see what total amount was collected in 2017 versus others years.

Did you eat a fucking brain tumor for breakfast? The 990 for the Clinton FOundation will NOT show any criminality, JUST LIK E TRUMP'S tax returns.

Jesus, you liberals have shit for brains.

Oh but it would. A charity does not report the same as a for-profit.
An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says


Is this your response to the massive “pay for play” Investigation against now being undertaken by the Mueller Investigation against Donald Trump?

Clinton hasn’t been Secretary of State for 6 years. She was investigated extensively for years and not one of these so-called “whistleblowers” came forward. Why not? It’s not like they weren’t aware Clinton and the Foundation was being investigated. Why wait 6 years after the supposed crime was committed.

And here’s a clue, Rusky: the FBI doesn’t raid the homes of “witnesses”. They raid the homes of people under investigation.
I am shocked....totally shocked.

BTW, also shocked a couple of the class clowns decided the OP was funny....but had nothing to say.

Enjoy that delicious XMas cookie Fox just gave you because that's all it is.

Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.

And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
The Clintons have NO MORE INFLUENCE TO PEDDLE. They are politically dead in the water. This scares them, hence the "tour" to try to remain politically relevant. They failed, and need to just fade away.
The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation. One has to wonder just what they will find.

Won't know till the report comes out. I'd bet they find a lot.
An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says


Is this your response to the massive “pay for play” Investigation against now being undertaken by the Mueller Investigation against Donald Trump?

Clinton hasn’t been Secretary of State for 6 years. She was investigated extensively for years and not one of these so-called “whistleblowers” came forward. Why not? It’s not like they weren’t aware Clinton and the Foundation was being investigated. Why wait 6 years after the supposed crime was committed.

And here’s a clue, Rusky: the FBI doesn’t raid the homes of “witnesses”. They raid the homes of people under investigation.

So wait, Clinton was investigated by the very people who took money during the Rosatom Bribery Scandal, allowed her to delete 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders to preserve them (destroying evidence) and these same people also exoneratted her months before even interviewing her by calling her too stupid to be trusted with anything, not even an email....and then these same people are now under Criminal Investigation for FISA Gate, most of them have been Fired, Demoted, Forced To Resign, and are under Criminal Investigation for Corruption. Comey broke multiple laws and procudures during his fake investigation to keep Clinton on the ballot and Obama and company out of jail............

And you expect us to believe there was an honest investigation of The Clinton Foundation, Rosatom, Uranium One, and the Millions of Dollars Clinton Laundered from Foreign Nationals? Hell, Mueller won't even look Clinton-Obama Collusion and FISA Gate, so he's a dishonest piece of political shit too. Fucking Commie Comey gave the entire Criminal Cabal of The Clinton Crime family Immunity, and never took one fucking note, recording, nor ever had a witness present to witness, record, take notes on such testimonies. Now that is a fucking magic trick that no magician has ever performed at The FBI, but some how, Comey was able to pull a Rabbit Out of His Ass.

It's going to take years to clean the FBI and DOJ of the filth that resides there and restore it's integrity. The Clintons and Obamas are like Leprosy and they corrupt and infect everything they touch. The IRS, FBI, DOJ, State Department. Their disease and stench is everywhere.
Enjoy that delicious XMas cookie Fox just gave you because that's all it is.

Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.

And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.

Don't know. Tell us.
Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.

And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.

Don't know. Tell us.

Look it up.
And here’s a clue, Rusky: the FBI doesn’t raid the homes of “witnesses”. They raid the homes of people under investigation.

I just RE-posted at least 6 laws, thousands of counts of crimes Hillary was found to have committed, and your response is to personally attack ME ... to call me a 'Rusky'?



Despite the News reporting the FBI raided the Whistleblower - who is under the protection of the Whistleblower Act - and the FBI refusing to comment on their actions (raid, intimidation, etc....especially considering in the past it was reported how Mueller manufactured evidence to send an FBI whistleblower to jail...when he was FBI Director), you - again - personally attack me?!

You have become SUCH a JOKE!
The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation. One has to wonder just what they will find. Won't know till the report comes out. I'd bet they find a lot.

Or until ANOTHER FBI Whistleblower provides more evidence that the FBI failed / refused to properly investigate her AGAIN!

The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation. One has to wonder just what they will find. Won't know till the report comes out. I'd bet they find a lot.

Or until ANOTHER FBI Whistleblower provides more evidence that the FBI failed / refused to properly investigate her AGAIN!


Its sad to say but Hitlery will never, ever be held accountable for anything she's done.

Anyone thinking otherwise is just pissing up a rope.
And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."

And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."


Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true.

Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!
What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.

And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.

Don't know. Tell us.

Look it up.

Did, dumbass.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!
$5-600 for the good seats.

Now, what does that have to do with the thread?

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