Mossack Fonseca which has extensive ties with Clinton foundation Federal prosecutors announced charg

Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true. Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices. Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!
Reading comprehension not your strong suit, snowflake? What do you not understand about the words 'as low as $11 at some locations'? They didn't cover that in school the day they instead taught you that 'cool' song: 'Barak Hussein Obama ... Mmm Mmm Mmm'?!
Well, we've been waiting a year and a half for the Special Counsel to investigate H. Clinton. Ruh Roooooh!
You've been waiting for someone to investigate Hillary ... when the US IG and a whistleblower reported the FBI wouldn't even thoroughly do it? Bwuhahahaha......
Mueller is the Illegitimate Head of The FBI running The FBI and he needs to be made accountable for his crimes, his actions, and his violations of Civil Rights, Policies, and Procedures and The RULE OF LAW!
And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."


Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true.

Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!

Great, perhaps you could buy extra tickets, I'm sure Hillary would be grateful...dumbass.
Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true. Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices. Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!
Reading comprehension not your strong suit, snowflake? What do you not understand about the words 'as low as $11 at some locations'? They didn't cover that in school the day they instead taught you that 'cool' song: 'Barak Hussein Obama ... Mmm Mmm Mmm'?!

Except that's what they always cost, dope.
There is a price range with seating diagrams for each venue at my link, dope. Note that the pricey seats are still pricey.
And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."


Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true.

Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!

Great, perhaps you could buy extra tickets, I'm sure Hillary would be grateful...dumbass.

Another great link from, American Nice.

It doesn't seem to have affected prices going foreward.

You dopes are so easy.
$11 on the Clinton 'GoFundMe' Tour....what a massive fall from getting $145 million from a (1) Russian for her 'charity'. It's a shame that in this booming economy all the people who invested in Hillary in the past suddenly can't find any more money to give to her 'charity'. :p
And how are the attendance numbers? Ticket prices? Time to wake up.
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."


Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true.

Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!

Great, perhaps you could buy extra tickets, I'm sure Hillary would be grateful...dumbass.

Another great link from, American Nice.

It doesn't seem to have affected prices going foreward.

You dopes are so easy.

And you dopes are so fricken stupid. Be sure to get your tickets early so you can pay full price.
$11 on the Clinton 'GoFundMe' Tour....what a massive fall from getting $145 million from a (1) Russian for her 'charity'. It's a shame that in this booming economy all the people who invested in Hillary in the past suddenly can't find any more money to give to her 'charity'. :p

You didn't look at my link to the actual prices I see.

That's alright. Others will.
Odd that no liberals would be interested in seeing the 2017 990 for the Clinton Foundation.

How much in total donations did the entity collect in 2017?
Don't know. Tell us.
The Bill & Hillary tour is tanking: Tickets prices in free fall

'Bill and Hillary Clinton have embarked on a new world tour. The world doesn’t seem to be interested. Ticket prices for the Clintons’ tour have sunk as low as $11 at some locations.'

By comparison to Bill and Hillary's 'GO FUND ME' tour, THIS will piss off Hillary - who has visions of stealing the DNC nomination in 2020, like she did in 2016, for her 3rd attempt to win the WH - even more than she already is:

"In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500."


Well, if World Tribune says so, it must be true.

Then again you could actually search tickets and look at prices.
Hillary Clinton Tickets - StubHub!

Great, perhaps you could buy extra tickets, I'm sure Hillary would be grateful...dumbass.

Another great link from, American Nice.

It doesn't seem to have affected prices going foreward.

You dopes are so easy.

And you dopes are so fricken stupid. Be sure to get your tickets early so you can pay full price.

You could look at the link and see how many seats are left. But that might just destroy your dopey narrative.
$11 on the Clinton 'GoFundMe' Tour....what a massive fall from getting $145 million from a (1) Russian for her 'charity'. It's a shame that in this booming economy all the people who invested in Hillary in the past suddenly can't find any more money to give to her 'charity'. :p

You didn't look at my link to the actual prices I see.

That's alright. Others will.
I was referring to the article I posted, the one you could not comprehend / grasp....

I’m not the one falsely accusing the Clintons of pulling off “thousands of crimes”. How is it that there isn’t a single piece of evidence of those crimes? Not one witness? You idiots can’t even find a CRIME that the Clintons have committed. And that’s according to the 17 Republican Investigations there have been.

And then there’s Dumb Donald and the Trump Crime Family. He came to the Presidency already having proven himself guilty of felony racial discrimination in housing rentals, fined for making illegal “campaign contributions” (aka “bribes”) to keep from being sued for fraud in two jurisdictions, paying a $25 million dollar fraud settlement, 7 bankruptcies and counting and over 3000 law suits, with the latter two being a record for an American businessman.

Trump surrogates are marching off to jail for a variety of charges relating to their dishonesty and that of the Trump Campaign. And the Mueller Investigation is expanding daily.

We now have proof that Kremlin officials were telling the same lies as Trump and his people. That’s conspiracy. Trump himself publically called on Russia to hack Hillary’s email account and in response, the GRU hacked the DNC later that day. Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi were coordinating for WikiLeaks. That’s how Roger Stone was able to comment on the Podesta emails 3 hour’s BEFORE WiliLeaks posted them. Oops!

Now we have this massive “pay for play” Investigation underway with Mueller in charge. Saudi princes booking hundreds of hotel rooms in multiple Trump hotels, as well as foreign delegations checking his properties around the world.

And that’s in addition to the extensive money laundering crimes Mueller is looking into.

Legal experts are shocked at the meticulous detail in Mueller’s indictments. The Manafort jurors said that Mueller laid out the financial crimes so clearly and so completely that this MAGA hat wearing junor who believed the whole trial was a witch hunt, going in, voted “guilty” to all 18 charges.

It’s why Manafort took a plea deal. If he couldn’t convince a right wing suburban jury in Virginia of Manafort’s innocence, what Chance would they have in a Democratic stronghold like DC.

Mueller has the cell phones of all of his flippers, their emails, texts and phone numbers of people they contacted. And that’s in addition to their actual testimony.

You have stories about 6 year old “crimes” which have been investigated at least 4 times now and no crimes have been found. Because no crimes were committed.

In the meantime, Trump continues to commit high treason, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice via Twitter and press conferences on a daily basis.

And the entire world is watching it happen in real time. You may be stupid enough to try and sell Putin's bullshit but once you pull back the curtain and see the little man pulling the levers, the effect just isn’t the same.

Stupid Russian trolls were believed before we knew they were stupid Russian trolls. Now we know who you are, your posts are just jokes to the rest of us.
Wow, the CFO of Clinton Foundation.

Sounds like this case is about to blown wide open.


I’ll believe it when it happens!!!

The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was “meeting an old professional acquaintance,” admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill‘s John Solomon.

Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel made the admissions to investigators from MDA Analytics LLC – a firm run by “accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators,” who have been probing the Clinton Foundation for some time.

Read more at ...

I get the feeling the shit is about to hit the fan on the Clinton's and Obama....

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