Mossad chief warns of Iran's growing advanced weapons supply to Russia, efforts to enrich uranium


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Iran is working itself to be a great power in the region with one less counter weight in Iraq to worry about.

I never blame nations for working in their nations interests and Iran is forging stronger ties with countries that are viewed as problematic to the West. Clearly the nuke deal with them was flawed and this article states that Iran has been betraying their promises on nuclear restrictions for years. Now they are siding with U.S enemies and rounding up allies in the region.

It's why domestic civil liberties and calling out of ALL countries that violate them is critical to the West. Instead of people hating Americas capitalist system that has defended human rights for decades and demanding them of other nations, it's become a planet of false narratives and transactionary relations which will hurt allies, be it Japan, Israel or Taiwan.

How will Israel react to this issue in the coming months and years if they don't feel America can ensure their safety?

The chief of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has warned that Iran plans to deliver more weapons to Russia, while Tehran continues to deny that it has supported Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

David Barnea, Mossad’s chief, spoke to employees at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem and stressed that his agency is "still warning about Iran’s future and intentions, which it is trying to keep secret," including Tehran’s efforts to "deepen and expand the supply of advanced weapons to Russia."

Iran has allegedly provided Moscow with weapons over the past few months, starting with a shipment of Shahed-136 "Kamikaze" drones. Tehran has repeatedly denied supplying Russia with any weapons, saying that it "has not and will not" do so.
So Iran, who still uses 70's era F-14 and F-4 aircraft, has "advanced" weaponry that Russia needs? Sounds like bullshit.

I'm quite sure i read that they were providing Russia with advanced drones, even as Iran denies.

If they deny that, what more will they deny?
So Iran, who still uses 70's era F-14 and F-4 aircraft, has "advanced" weaponry that Russia needs? Sounds like bullshit.
You don't pay much attention to news do you? These Shahed drones aren't "advanced", as such, but are still damned deadly with their 80+lb warheads. The other ballistic missiles they're planning to send are proven deadly and are far more precision guided.

Russia, Iran, and Turkey will eventually forge an alliance to take Israel down. Does that sound like bullshit to you, as well?
You don't pay much attention to news do you? These Shahed drones aren't "advanced", as such, but are still damned deadly with their 80+lb warheads. The other ballistic missiles they're planning to send are proven deadly and are far more precision guided.

Russia, Iran, and Turkey will eventually forge an alliance to take Israel down. Does that sound like bullshit to you, as well?
Yeah, it does.
The shahed drones weren't hard to shoot down, but that entailed wasting a missile that cost much more than the drone. And Ukraine had limited numbers of those missiles.

So Ukraine responded with cheap anti-aircraft systems. Shaheds fly low and slow, so they can be downed with small rapid-fire guns. 20mm or 30mm autocannons, or even the .50 cal or 14.5 mm type machine guns.

It's interesting how the technology of the war has progressed.
Russia, Iran, and Turkey will eventually forge an alliance to take Israel down. Does that sound like bullshit to you, as well
In this case Turkey should cut off all ties with NATO and the West. Are they prepared for that? Hardly. Economic dependency is too big.
Iran is working itself to be a great power in the region with one less counter weight in Iraq to worry about.

I never blame nations for working in their nations interests and Iran is forging stronger ties with countries that are viewed as problematic to the West. Clearly the nuke deal with them was flawed and this article states that Iran has been betraying their promises on nuclear restrictions for years. Now they are siding with U.S enemies and rounding up allies in the region.
What was flawed was the US going back on their word. The treaty took twelve years to get, was begun by Bush and belonged to no political party. The only reason they were able to get it to come into being was due to having moderates in power. The US going back on its word however got rid of them and sent Iran back to the hardliners although there are plenty of people in Iran who are not hardliners in the usual sense of the word who want Iran now to have nukes - or they did before this craziness with Russia.

There was a clause in that Treaty which in the situation where one party fails in their responsibilities to adhere to the Treaty as the West has done following the US demand, the other party in this case Iran, has the right to go ahead in a scheduled way to start rebuilding what it had given up for the treaty. This Iran had been doing, step by step completely as allowed by the Treaty. The writer of your article seemed to believe it was fine for the US to be the treaty breaker but when Iran followed the rules to the letter, despite the US reintroducing some old sanctions and even creating some new ones they see Iran as wrong.. They have done nothing wrong.

The only people who have ever wanted to attack Iran are Israeli Politicians. Their military do not because they know as the US Military knows that Iran is no Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria and that a war with Iran will be a long war with American youth being the main causalities. Would not surprise me if Israel tried to use the Russian war to get the US to fight Iran but really you, the US laid your bed when you acted dishonourably against the UN treaty with Iran and now you will need to learn to lie in the bed you made and accept Iran will have nukes if she so wants.
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You don't pay much attention to news do you? These Shahed drones aren't "advanced", as such, but are still damned deadly with their 80+lb warheads. The other ballistic missiles they're planning to send are proven deadly and are far more precision guided.

Russia, Iran, and Turkey will eventually forge an alliance to take Israel down. Does that sound like bullshit to you, as well?
That is another of those which would lead to WW3.
What was flawed was the US going back on their word. The treaty took twelve years to get, was begun by Bush and belonged to no political party. The only reason they were able to get it to come into being was due to having moderates in power. The US going back on its word however got rid of them and sent Iran back to the hardliners although there are plenty of people in Iran who are not hardliners in the usual sense of the word who want Iran now to have nukes - or they did before this craziness with Russia.

There was a clause in that Treaty which in the situation where one party fails in their responsibilities to adhere to the Treaty as the West has done following the US demand, the other party in this case Iran, has the right to go ahead in a scheduled way to start rebuilding what it had given up for the treaty. This Iran had been doing, step by step completely as allowed by the Treaty. The writer of your article seemed to believe it was fine for the US to be the treaty breaker but when Iran followed the rules to the letter, despite the US reintroducing some old sanctions and even creating some new ones they see Iran as wrong.. They have done nothing wrong.

The only people who have ever wanted to attack Iran are Israeli Politicians. Their military do not because they know as the US Military knows that Iran is no Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria and that a war with Iran will be a long war with American youth being the main causalities. Would not surprise me if Israel tried to use the Russian war to get the US to fight Iran but really you, the US laid your bed when you acted dishonourably against the UN treaty with Iran and now you will need to learn to lie in the bed you made and accept Iran will have nukes if she so wants.

The allegations were that Iran had enriched beyond their official statement, I think article suggested this.

Such a broad clause in which "you failed, so we will build beyond our agreement" would be erroneous and dangerous to the party that agreed to it. There are any number of reasons one could claim the other didn't hold up their end of the bargain. Furthermore, if one had to give Iran 30 days notice for U.N inspectors, it's a useless agreement as they could easily circumvent it.

If they did, what then?

It's a complicated isssue, one I don't follow too closely, but it seemed to me the deal was in place for the sake of having a deal. Not very enforceable, not very adventageous for the West trying to avoid nuclear poliferation.
The allegations were that Iran had enriched beyond their official statement, I think article suggested this.

Iran had the right to step up its enrichment, However I would have thought that now is such a long time from when Trump and hence the US and with them all the other signatures to that Treaty except Russia and China broke the deal that It must have been dead some time ago allowing Iran to do whatever it wanted. What Biden possibly did not realise was that having been bitten once Iran had little interest in trying that one again. The very reason why the deal might have not been as harsh as the US and Israel wanted was because that was the best they could get from them and that was when Iran had moderates in charge.

Israel was never happy with the deal nor were the Christian Zionists but that deal which as I said took 12 years in the making was always the best the West was ever going to get.

What Israel, the neo cons and the American Christian Right wanted was for Iran to promise not to have other weapons which as far as Iran was concerned she needed for her protection. Iran was not prepared to do that. She never had been.
Such a broad clause in which "you failed, so we will build beyond our agreement" would be erroneous and dangerous to the party that agreed to it. There are any number of reasons one could claim the other didn't hold up their end of the bargain. Furthermore, if one had to give Iran 30 days notice for U.N inspectors, it's a useless agreement as they could easily circumvent it.
f they did, what then?

It's a complicated isssue, one I don't follow too closely, but it seemed to me the deal was in place for the sake of having a deal. Not very enforceable, not very adventageous for the West trying to avoid nuclear poliferation.
You need to check it out. It was as I said. They were allowed to gradually build up while being open for the west to live up to its promises. Like it or not that was the agreement. What on earth makes you believe that just because it is the West that had given up on the deal and further introduced more sanctions that Iran should sit on its arse and put up with that. Iran are far too savvy to have allowed that situation to be a possibility which I imagine is why they got built into the deal what could be done if it was not kept. It is insane to believe you can break a deal and expect the other entity to live up to it.
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You don't pay much attention to news do you? These Shahed drones aren't "advanced", as such, but are still damned deadly with their 80+lb warheads. The other ballistic missiles they're planning to send are proven deadly and are far more precision guided.

Russia, Iran, and Turkey will eventually forge an alliance to take Israel down. Does that sound like bullshit to you, as well?
You nailed it.:thup:
That is another of those which would lead to WW3.
If ww 3 ever got started,NATO and the mossad would be behind the whole thing,they are the ones always starting wars with other countries.the thing that’s comical how the sheep here foal for the propaganda thst Iran is a threat to the world is if they would turn off the idiot box in the living room and study the facts,they would know that NATO has several military bases surrounding the country of Iran,pretty hard to be threat to the world when you got several military bases surrounding you.:cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:think you guys,you can do it. The us government and our corrupt politicians are the ones thst are a threat to start ww3,they are the ones always behind starting major wars not Iran.:cuckoo: alexa
Iran is working itself to be a great power in the region with one less counter weight in Iraq to worry about.

I never blame nations for working in their nations interests and Iran is forging stronger ties with countries that are viewed as problematic to the West. Clearly the nuke deal with them was flawed and this article states that Iran has been betraying their promises on nuclear restrictions for years. Now they are siding with U.S enemies and rounding up allies in the region.

It's why domestic civil liberties and calling out of ALL countries that violate them is critical to the West. Instead of people hating Americas capitalist system that has defended human rights for decades and demanding them of other nations, it's become a planet of false narratives and transactionary relations which will hurt allies, be it Japan, Israel or Taiwan.

How will Israel react to this issue in the coming months and years if they don't feel America can ensure their safety?

The chief of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has warned that Iran plans to deliver more weapons to Russia, while Tehran continues to deny that it has supported Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

David Barnea, Mossad’s chief, spoke to employees at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem and stressed that his agency is "still warning about Iran’s future and intentions, which it is trying to keep secret," including Tehran’s efforts to "deepen and expand the supply of advanced weapons to Russia."

Iran has allegedly provided Moscow with weapons over the past few months, starting with a shipment of Shahed-136 "Kamikaze" drones. Tehran has repeatedly denied supplying Russia with any weapons, saying that it "has not and will not" do so.
Gee shockedcanadian if the mossad said so it MUST be true.:auiqs.jpg:

I see you been listening to the idiot box in the living room instead of alternative media because otherwise you would know thst putin is not Hitler as the cia controlled media has painted him and not a threat to start wars,NATO and the mossad would also know putin invaded ukraine because their government not only murders its citizens with natos backing,but also broke and agreement with Russia along with nato to stay away from the Russian border,Ukraine along with nato as always started the invasion and Russia is fighting back and they are kicking natos ass:dance::dance::yes_text12:

the globalists who nato and the mossad serve hate Russia because they are off the dollar and that makes the fed angry not using paper money.

Right Esdraelon
Iran is working itself to be a great power in the region with one less counter weight in Iraq to worry about.

I never blame nations for working in their nations interests and Iran is forging stronger ties with countries that are viewed as problematic to the West. Clearly the nuke deal with them was flawed and this article states that Iran has been betraying their promises on nuclear restrictions for years. Now they are siding with U.S enemies and rounding up allies in the region.

It's why domestic civil liberties and calling out of ALL countries that violate them is critical to the West. Instead of people hating Americas capitalist system that has defended human rights for decades and demanding them of other nations, it's become a planet of false narratives and transactionary relations which will hurt allies, be it Japan, Israel or Taiwan.

How will Israel react to this issue in the coming months and years if they don't feel America can ensure their safety?

The chief of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has warned that Iran plans to deliver more weapons to Russia, while Tehran continues to deny that it has supported Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

David Barnea, Mossad’s chief, spoke to employees at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem and stressed that his agency is "still warning about Iran’s future and intentions, which it is trying to keep secret," including Tehran’s efforts to "deepen and expand the supply of advanced weapons to Russia."

Iran has allegedly provided Moscow with weapons over the past few months, starting with a shipment of Shahed-136 "Kamikaze" drones. Tehran has repeatedly denied supplying Russia with any weapons, saying that it "has not and will not" do so.
Israel ´d start to provide Ukraine openly , Pogromist Muscovy is not your friend Israel !

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