Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America

Trump and his supporters are trying to surpress the people of this country.

Ohh, I mean killing the most defenseless members of society is the most important goal of fascist democrats :thup:

Why are democrats so obsessed with killing the unborn?

Because they can't fight back.
And what do you see as reasonable? 8 years of age?
Nice straw man. Did you erect that because you can't manage an actual debate? 😄

As I said before I believe viability to be a reasonable line.
Or does it all depend on the political affiliation of the mother?
Do you need a moment to collect your feelings, Snowflake?
Why do you deny science?
What science?
And if your wife or husband doesn't want you sleeping next to them they have every right to kill you, right?
Of course not. 😄
You appear to lack compassion and remorse. A healthy human is repulsed by the idea of killing others.
Some people need killing, why should I feel bad about that? 😄 Dictators, rapists, slavers, there's a whole host of people I wouldn't mind killing. As for fetuses I don't really think of them at people until they're viable.
You appear excited by it.
I just love to argue.
Your attack on religion is a red herring to distract from the fact that you support the slaughter of the most innocent and defenseless members of society.
I wasn't the first to mention religion so it wasn't my red herring. I was pointing out to the poster who did, Unkotare, that God isn't a reasonable argument.
But that's the left - murder the defenseless and helpless.
Well it's really the best way. You don't want to try and murder the armed and capable. That would be silly.
Nice straw man. Did you erect that because you can't manage an actual debate? 😄
Add "straw man" to the long list of concepts you just don't grasp..

You think 21 weeks is the cutoff?

As I said before I believe viability to be a reasonable line.

So 21 weeks then.

Do you need a moment to collect your feelings, Snowflake?

What science?

Science is a process, not a god.


Of course not. 😄
So one set of rules for killing offspring, a different set for killing spouse..

More hypocrisy.

Some people need killing, why should I feel bad about that? 😄 Dictators, rapists, slavers, there's a whole host of people I wouldn't mind killing. As for fetuses I don't really think of them at people until they're viable.

So, unborn babies are dictators and rapists?

Talk about a Straw Man...

I just love to argue.

Bummer you're not better at it... :eusa_whistle:
I wasn't the first to mention religion so it wasn't my red herring. I was pointing out to the poster who did, Unkotare, that God isn't a reasonable argument.

I've found that ghouls generally hate science, so rather than debate fact, which let's face it, is a loser for ghouls, you tend to attack religion.

Well it's really the best way. You don't want to try and murder the armed and capable. That would be silly.

Wow, startling honesty....
Ohh, I mean killing the most defenseless members of society is the most important goal of fascist democrats :thup:

Why are democrats so obsessed with killing the unborn?

Because they can't fight back.
interesting thought

they are great bullies, to be sure.

And then I think of this:

It may be the same reason they attack all Rs..

not so much that Rs can't fight back, but that often they DON'T
That could prove tricky as I understand that leftists have no heart, no brainwaves, no pulse, no body temperature and never exhale to save the climate. :smoke:
well, then by their own admission, their own agenda, they have no right to live

Add "straw man" to the long list of concepts you just don't grasp..

You think 21 weeks is the cutoff?

So 21 weeks then.

Science is a process, not a god.

21 weeks is the outer point of viability. The majority of babies born at this point won't survive but I'm fine with doctors determining viability.
So one set of rules for killing offspring, a different set for killing spouse..

More hypocrisy.
Let's add hypocrisy to the list of concepts you don't understand. 😄
So, unborn babies are dictators and rapists?

Talk about a Straw Man...
That was an aside.
Bummer you're not better at it... :eusa_whistle:
We (collectively) did just fine. How was that Red Wave? 😄
I've found that ghouls generally hate science, so rather than debate fact, which let's face it, is a loser for ghouls, you tend to attack religion.
Nothing wrong with attacking religion when you use it in a debate. Stop being a pussy. 😄
Wow, startling honesty....
And abject cowardice from you.
If it even looks like a human life, it should be protected, esp since "it" hasn't done anything criminal

If it looks like a human
came from humans
has all the DNA of a human

quack quack, morons..
21 weeks is the outer point of viability. The majority of babies born at this point won't survive but I'm fine with doctors determining viability.

Let's add hypocrisy to the list of concepts you don't understand. 😄

That was an aside.

We (collectively) did just fine. How was that Red Wave? 😄

Nothing wrong with attacking religion when you use it in a debate. Stop being a pussy. 😄

And abject cowardice from you.

How is you acknowledging that you like to attack those who can't fight back "cowardice" on my part?

Do you push over wheelchairs too?
How is you acknowledging that you like to attack those who can't fight back "cowardice" on my part?

Do you push over wheelchairs too?
Because our standard of who we are prevented from killing as a society isn't limited to humans who can't fight back. They strap prisoners down before we give them the lethal injection don't we?
Because our standard of who we are prevented from killing as a society isn't limited to humans who can't fight back. They strap prisoners down before we give them the lethal injection don't we?

So you would agree that a baby should only be killed if convicted by a jury of their peers and after dozens of appeals are exhausted?

I could go with that.

Just as I said to some pro-abort poster some time ago: Most Americans are against late term abortion. You can hear a baby's heartbeat on ultrasound at something like 6 weeks.

The libtard lies are mentioned at point 3.00 in the video

I support people realizing that if you can get an abortion, heart beat or no, you're killing a child. You can't perform an abortion if there is no baby. That's literally what it is for.

Once a sperm implants the egg and it drops down and starts to gestate, even if it's just a blob, it's still a baby. If you leave it alone it will become a baby barring any unforeseen circumstances of course. Once the egg fertilized the egg it will spend the next 17 to 20 years growing into an adult. It's no less a person at 1 week after the egg is fertilized than it is 9 months after or 10 years after.

I'm not arguing right or wrong for abortion. All I'm saying is people seem to not want to acknowledge that if you have an abortion at any stage you're killing a baby.

Too many people argue abortion as a way to avoid responsibility. They don't want to responsible for a baby regardless of it being a choice they made, they don't want to have sex or avoid sex. They want a get out of jail free card is all it is.
No... I think your argument that as a society we can't kill the defenseless is horseshit since you're clearly okay with certain exceptions.

Thus proving yourself the hypocrite.

Retreating from your own claims now.

See, the convict isn't defenseless at all. They are protected by a jury trial, a defense attorney, and dozens of appeals.

So if we take your false equivalency, then the same defenses should accrue to the condemned unborn before you slaughter them.

Remember, this is your fallacy, I'm just agreeing to the terms.
Retreating from your own claims now.

See, the convict isn't defenseless at all. They are protected by a jury trial, a defense attorney, and dozens of appeals.

So if we take your false equivalency, then the same defenses should accrue to the condemned unborn before you slaughter them.
Oh so you didn't mean they were physically defenseless, you meant they were legally defenseless. In that case where in the Constitution do fetuses have legal rights?
Remember, this is your fallacy, I'm just agreeing to the terms.

Remember, you're the one who tried to make it about fetuses being defenseless.
Oh so you didn't mean they were physically defenseless, you meant they were legally defenseless. In that case where in the Constitution do fetuses have legal rights?


Remember, you're the one who tried to make it about fetuses being defenseless.

Defenseless in every way.

The murderers you love are not physically defenseless, they just lost the fight.

But you ducked your own red herring - would you agree that the unborn should get the same legal protection that convicted murderers get?
Defenseless in every way.

The murderers you love are not physically defenseless, they just lost the fight.
Do we give them a fighting chance in the execution room or are they strapped down? 😄
But you ducked your own red herring - would you agree that the unborn should get the same legal protection that convicted murderers get?
It's not my red herring when you introduced "defenseless" as a standard.
Too many people argue abortion as a way to avoid responsibility. They don't want to responsible for a baby regardless of it being a choice they made, they don't want to have sex or avoid sex. They want a get out of jail free card is all it is.
I've been saying this for a long time

They couldn't care less if it is alive or human which they know through common sense, it is

They just CLAIM to "not believe" it is those things.. so, as u say, they can get rid of it legally and voila' go on with their lives as though nothing happened.

When people who abort their children get old, though.. they remember.. They often beat up on themselves over it. A lot of women cannot forgive themselves, cannot believe God does..

We destroy more than one life w/ abortion
I've been saying this for a long time

They couldn't care less if it is alive or human which they know through common sense, it is

They just CLAIM to "not believe" it is those things.. so, as u say, they can get rid of it legally and voila' go on with their lives as though nothing happened.

When people who abort their children get old, though.. they remember.. They often beat up on themselves over it. A lot of women cannot forgive themselves, cannot believe God does..

We destroy more than one life w/ abortion

I'd like to believe that but I think as time goes by less and less women actually feel guilty. Especially ghetto trash, to them it's just a pain in the ass and to be gotten rid of.

American values, morals and decency have been on the down hill slide for a while now. Especially in the past 2 years it has gone way down hill.

I mean I'm only 48 but I remember telling kids don't do drugs, criminals were treated like criminals, flaming gay fags (not the kind of gay that never made it an issue and acted like a "normal" person) and trannies kept their business to themselves in their own homes, singing the pledge of allegiance wasn't a negative, Americans had American pride, a parent wouldn't go to prison if they let a 8 year old play dildo ring toss with a drag queen, people rose to the level of their own ambition and had to work for what they had, and so on are things I remember our country having.

I don't want to go back to the 1800s but I wish our society would rewind 40 or 50 years.


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