most democrats in polled blame Trump for the virus not China !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®
Not too surprised by this. The Dim Dems really ARE DIM, most likely a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. And, of course, this brainwashing often causes EXTREME TDS among those who get their news only from the lamestream media. This is QUITE sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.

According to Dr. Fauci Trump did everything the scientists recommended when they asked for it. Fauci said in many cases Trump took action before recommendations.

So maybe you Dims should blame the scientists.
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.
the chicoms lied and withheld valuable info on the virus from every country on earth ! they restricted domestic travel and flights to and from wuhan ! but they allowed international flights from wuhan ! millions ! is it Spains and Italy's fault that they have a huge problem also ? what about France ? if the left thinks thats something to run on in Nov go right ahead ! the majority of independent voters disagree with them ! the left is lending a massive amount of credence to slogan vote dem vote china !
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.

According to Dr. Fauci Trump did everything the scientists recommended when they asked for it. Fauci said in many cases Trump took action before recommendations.

So maybe you Dims should blame the scientists.

It is unlikely the scientists told him to call it a hoax.
It is unlikely the scientists told him to downplay the severity of the virus.
It is unlikely the scientists told him to have a slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers from the SNS
It is unlikely the scientists told him to fire the IG who was going to fairly disperse the small business loans.

Show me where the scientists advised him to do any of that and I'll be happy to blame them. There is plenty of blame to go around but the leader is the one who does (and should) get the blame.
The only thing fascinating about the cartoon on the other end of the link is the fact that some fools like you believe it.
Some of the links, due to their date, have had some of their content altered.

I recommend using and looking at the links on that page, from the link gave you, and do your OWN research. Read those links back in time. . .

. . . but the connections are all there.

OTH, if you just want to believe what the corporate media, the billionaires and the government tell you. . . meh, that is your right.

The only thing fascinating about the cartoon on the other end of the link is the fact that some fools like you believe it.
Some of the links, due to their date, have had some of their content altered.

I recommend using and looking at the links on that page, from the link gave you, and do your OWN research. Read those links back in time. . .

. . . but the connections are all there.

OTH, if you just want to believe what the corporate media, the billionaires and the government tell you. . . meh, that is your right.



Meanwhile back in reality, you linked to some moron who used a bunch of facebook posts as her sources. Seldom has there been a more worthless citation. Good job.
... the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! ...

Every head of any country in the word has to know that at any time a pandemic is able to start. From the USA came once the so called "spanish influenca" from China comes now covid-19. Both is unimportant - except that we will have to discuss in the end - after the victory over Corona - how to avoid the start of pandemics in the future in all countries all over the world. The problem now: The USA was not ready to fight this pandemic. And Donald Trump started additionally not only late - he is in many ways counterproductive to fight Corona and the results of this pandemic. Fire him. If not find a way to kill Corona, although Donald Trump is president of the USA.
Last edited:
The only thing fascinating about the cartoon on the other end of the link is the fact that some fools like you believe it.
Some of the links, due to their date, have had some of their content altered.

I recommend using and looking at the links on that page, from the link gave you, and do your OWN research. Read those links back in time. . .

. . . but the connections are all there.

OTH, if you just want to believe what the corporate media, the billionaires and the government tell you. . . meh, that is your right.



Meanwhile back in reality, you linked to some moron who used a bunch of facebook posts as her sources. Seldom has there been a more worthless citation. Good job.
I will agree with you there, that is just lazy. She should have taken her FB post and written them directly onto her site. That is being lazy. I get annoyed at corporate sites that just link to other pages on their own sites. Those links are just linking back to her own work.

She should just create another page on her site that is not part of FB. I will give you that.

OTH, it has nothing to do with the content. Launching an ad hominem attack on organizational style doesn't necessarily prove you are right.
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter to them that the virus has done the exact same thing to every other nation or that the DNC held the same beliefs or views. In their mind, every person claimed dead of Corona was killed because Trump didn't act by shutting down the entire country in January. Can you imagine if this country was shut down these past FOUR months? The senate hearings were going on then; they would have been screaming another Trump Abuse of Power needing impeached for! It was a diversion to take our minds from the hearings! Meantime, it is very likely we have SAVED tens of thousands of lives by doing what we've done.
If we could take the crisis we are in and keep all the parameters the same (number infect, number dead, etc.) but change the president from Trump to Obama, the democrats and the MSM would be singing praises about the great job Obama has done in such a difficult crisis. After all, the number dead is much lower than what was predicted in the models. On the other hand, the republicans and the conservative media (Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh types) would be bitching about what a poor job he has done.
The only thing fascinating about the cartoon on the other end of the link is the fact that some fools like you believe it.
Some of the links, due to their date, have had some of their content altered.

I recommend using and looking at the links on that page, from the link gave you, and do your OWN research. Read those links back in time. . .

. . . but the connections are all there.

OTH, if you just want to believe what the corporate media, the billionaires and the government tell you. . . meh, that is your right.



Meanwhile back in reality, you linked to some moron who used a bunch of facebook posts as her sources. Seldom has there been a more worthless citation. Good job.
I will agree with you there, that is just lazy. She should have taken her FB post and written them directly onto her site. That is being lazy. I get annoyed at corporate sites that just link to other pages on their own sites. Those links are just linking back to her own work.

She should just create another page on her site that is not part of FB. I will give you that.

OTH, it has nothing to do with the content. Launching an ad hominem attack on organizational style doesn't necessarily prove you are right.

Sure it has something to do with the content....

Look at this passage:

All those videos out of Communist China of people dying on the streets and thrashing bodies on gurnies from the virus - what did they really die from? Is Huawei's 5G network delivering something nefarious to accelerate a coronavirus' ability to suffocate people?

A pretty serious accusation about the idiotic 5G network spreading a virus among humans...backed up by a facebook post.
Dopey Donald Trump is patient zero. He is probably infected and is infecting others.

Mar a Lago was an infection hotspot.

Lock him up. Lock him up.
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.
Thats a leading question designed to bring out the hate that most libs feel toward trump
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

It's not an either/or situation, dumb ass. China withheld information, and made the virus worse for the entire world than it had to be. Trump refused to acknowledge the information we had, and made the virus worse on the US than it had to be. One ass hole doesn't justify another.

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