most democrats in polled blame Trump for the virus not China !

You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

Every country in the world had problems with China and WHO's misinformation. Just because you "know nothing about this.", just means
you weren't informed. That's on you, dude. I really could care less with Germany and Merkel. You have bigger fish to fry than worry about
our country. I would be concerned with your Chancellor and your country, if I were you.
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

Every country in the world had problems with China and WHO's misinformation.

No. A not existing misinformation is no problem. And no one expects from anyone in the world to be allknowing. All processes around Corona were (and are) very fast and follow a complex logic of time in partially more and less intransparent situations. But Trump ignored - better to say "denied" - for weeks, what the rest of the world knew during the start of this pandemic.

By the way: A German scientist (R. Hilgenfeld) found a substance, which blocks the reproduction of the Corona-2 virus (in a cooperation of the universities of Lübeck and Marburg). But it will need years to make a medicament out of it. Perhaps we will be able to use it in case of a Corona-3 pandemic - before it starts. Or with other viruses. One problem in this context: It needs research from states. The private economy is not able to waste a lot of money so in the end we will need only some hundred relativelly cheap pills to stop a pandemic before it becomes a pandemic and will cost again billions or trillions and will bring the world economy into a recession.

Just because you "know nothing about this.", just means
you weren't informed. That's on you, dude.

What a nonsense.

I really could care less with Germany and Merkel.

:lol: Sure you do not. Trumperica is in war on Germany - but Germany is not in war with anyone in the world.

You have bigger fish to fry than worry about our country. I would be concerned with your Chancellor and your country, if I were you.

Keeps the problem why an anti-German is using the German word "Meister" as his avatar name. What do you say why you do so? Because of the poem "Todesfuge" from Paul Celan and the sentence "Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland" = "The death is a master from Germany"? ... In this case you misinterpret the word "Meister" because it has in the German language absolutelly nothing to with domination, slavery, rassism or violence. In context of this poem it has more to do with this what Hannah Ahrendt later had called "the banality of the evil". And let me say: You seem to be banal and you seem to be an evil liar under the brainwashing influence of a mad president of the USA. Let me ask you directly: Are you a Nazi and what are your violent and destructive plans for the USA? Civil war? Why try people like you to bring the USA into a situation of total isolation? Corona needs cooperation worldwide. And the current US-government is not able to cooperate with anyone.

Last edited:
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

yep you are a far left chicom shill .
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

Every country in the world had problems with China and WHO's misinformation.

No. A not existing misinformation is no problem. And no one expects from anyone in the world to be allknowing. All processes around Corona were (and are) very fast and follow a complex logic of time in partially more and less intransparent situations. But Trump ignored - better to say "denied" - for weeks, what the rest of the world knew during the start of this pandemic.

By the way: A German scientist (R. Hilgenfeld) found a substance, which blocks the reproduction of the Corona-2 virus (in a cooperation of the universities of Lübeck and Marburg). But it will need years to make a medicament out of it. Perhaps we will be able to use it in case of a Corona-3 pandemic - before it starts. Or with other viruses. One problem in this context: It needs research from states. The private economy is not able to waste a lot of money so in the end we will need only some hundred relativelly cheap pills to stop a pandemic before it becomes a pandemic and will cost again billions or trillions and will bring the world economy into a recession.

Just because you "know nothing about this.", just means
you weren't informed. That's on you, dude.

What a nonsense.

I really could care less with Germany and Merkel.

:lol: Sure you do not. Trumperica is in war on Germany - but Germany is not in war with anyone in the world.

You have bigger fish to fry than worry about our country. I would be concerned with your Chancellor and your country, if I were you.

Keeps the problem why an anti-German is using the German word "Meister" as his avatar name. What do you say why you do so? Because of the poem "Todesfuge" from Paul Celan and the sentence "Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland" = "The death is a master from Germany"? ... In this case you misinterpret the word "Meister" because it has in the German language absolutelly nothing to with domination, slavery, rassism or violence. In context of this poem it has more to do with this what Hannah Ahrendt later had called "the banality of the evil". And let me say: You seem to be banal and you seem to be an evil liar under the brainwashing influence of a mad president of the USA. Let me ask you directly: Are you a Nazi and what are your violent and destructive plans for the USA? Civil war? Why try people like you to bring the USA into a situation of total isolation? Corona needs cooperation worldwide. And the current US-government is not able to cooperate with anyone.

You are hung up on the word meister.....such a goof ball. You are so one dimensional.
The word meister can actually be a name, last name to be specific.
As far as being anti Germany....perhaps, but have lots of family in Stuttgart.

I was only using your own words to show that you aren't near as smart as you think.
Now you're backtracking and still getting it wrong. After the China and WHO lies, it was a catch up
for the rest of the world. They weren't allowed to get ahead of the virus because of the lies.
Just looking, your country hasn't been so good at dealing with the virus, and you're hammering on Trump?:auiqs.jpg:
You sure are transparent when deflecting, can't even be honest about your Chancellor.
You have to go on the attack that I'm a nazi and violent and have destructive plans against the US? (might want to quit smoking that wacky tabacky, kid)

I'm sure you are one of those never ever Trumpers for whatever reason you need to push your way into our politics.
I am also sure that you will accept lies and half truths to fit your mantra. You're just a generic garden variety liberal
minion. Now go get your talking points from your masters, son.
Last edited:
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

yep you are a far left chicom shill .

"Chicom shill"? What is this?
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions
You have me confused with somebody else, not surprising.
What I said was that Trump was being fed misinformation from the Chinese and WHO...which is factual. ...

Wrong! ... which is factually wrong ... . Trump always makes others responsible for the bullshit he thinks or he is doing on his own - he is never responsible. The question is perhaps why intelligent people don't see stupidity in case the stupidity is rich.
Honesty goes a long way on this board, too bad you don't have it.
Yes, the Chinese and WHO were giving misinformation.
Sad that you're one of their good little minions

Every information Trump gets is a misinformation after Trumps repeats it. And by the way - why do you use the German word "Meister" for your avatar? Are you a master craftsman?

You're not being truthful....China and WHO gave misinformation..

I know nothing about this. Germany had no problem with information from China and no problem with information from the WHO. It is in the opposite: As well China and the WHO gave important information. In general are all information from the WHO important and China for example informed us, when they found out that a citizen of China had Corona, who had visited Germany. In this way we were able to block infection lines.

or, what could be called lies to the world.
Why do you deflect away from those facts, tool?

I guess nearly every German will agree when I say: "Trump" and "facts" are two words which seem to exclude each other.

Every country in the world had problems with China and WHO's misinformation.

No. A not existing misinformation is no problem. And no one expects from anyone in the world to be allknowing. All processes around Corona were (and are) very fast and follow a complex logic of time in partially more and less intransparent situations. But Trump ignored - better to say "denied" - for weeks, what the rest of the world knew during the start of this pandemic.

By the way: A German scientist (R. Hilgenfeld) found a substance, which blocks the reproduction of the Corona-2 virus (in a cooperation of the universities of Lübeck and Marburg). But it will need years to make a medicament out of it. Perhaps we will be able to use it in case of a Corona-3 pandemic - before it starts. Or with other viruses. One problem in this context: It needs research from states. The private economy is not able to waste a lot of money so in the end we will need only some hundred relativelly cheap pills to stop a pandemic before it becomes a pandemic and will cost again billions or trillions and will bring the world economy into a recession.

Just because you "know nothing about this.", just means
you weren't informed. That's on you, dude.

What a nonsense.

I really could care less with Germany and Merkel.

:lol: Sure you do not. Trumperica is in war on Germany - but Germany is not in war with anyone in the world.

You have bigger fish to fry than worry about our country. I would be concerned with your Chancellor and your country, if I were you.

Keeps the problem why an anti-German is using the German word "Meister" as his avatar name. What do you say why you do so? Because of the poem "Todesfuge" from Paul Celan and the sentence "Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland" = "The death is a master from Germany"? ... In this case you misinterpret the word "Meister" because it has in the German language absolutelly nothing to with domination, slavery, rassism or violence. In context of this poem it has more to do with this what Hannah Ahrendt later had called "the banality of the evil". And let me say: You seem to be banal and you seem to be an evil liar under the brainwashing influence of a mad president of the USA. Let me ask you directly: Are you a Nazi and what are your violent and destructive plans for the USA? Civil war? Why try people like you to bring the USA into a situation of total isolation? Corona needs cooperation worldwide. And the current US-government is not able to cooperate with anyone.

You are hung up on the word meister.....such a goof ball. You are so one dimensional.

I asked you why you use this word. You gave no answer. There must be reasons for. I spoke about a possible reason in this context.

The word meister can actually be a name, last name to be specific.
As far as being anti Germany....perhaps, but have lots of family in Stuttgart.

You are without any doubt an anti-German and the people in Stuttgart are Germans.

I was only using your own words to show that you aren't near as smart as you think.

I don't think I am smart. If I would be smart then I would not care about the USA. To speak with a Nazi like you is able to end deadly.

Now you're backtracking and still getting it wrong. After the China and WHO lies, it was a catch up
for the rest of the world.

You use here just simple a Nazi-propaganda strategy. You repeat what's wrong as long until someone will think "if he is so convinced then something must be true". But nothing is true, what you say. You are not convinced from any truth. You try to brainwash, that's all.

They weren't allowed to get ahead of the virus because of the lies.
Just looking, your country hasn't been so good at dealing with the virus, and you're hammering on Trump?:auiqs.jpg:

You have absolutelly not any light idea, what you try to speak about, isn't it? You know nothing about Germany.

You sure are transparent when deflecting, can't even be honest about your Chancellor.
You have to go on the attack that I'm a nazi and violent and have destructive plans against the US? (might want to quit smoking that wacky tabacky, kid)

I'm sure you are one of those never ever Trumpers for whatever reason you need to push your way into our politics.
I am also sure that you will accept lies and half truths to fit your mantra. You're just a generic garden variety liberal
minion. Now go get your talking points from your masters, son.

After a successless trying of brainwash follows defamation.

Last edited:
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

Here is the question that was asked:

1* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - "The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the [World Health Organization] did. It's because of what [President Trump] did."

They blame the blob for the crisis; for calling it a hoax, for downplaying the severity, for the slow roll out of PPE to healthcare workers, for the repeated botch-jobs of the response legislation (publicly traded companies getting small business loans), etc....

They do not blame the blob for causing the pandemic, but for causing the resulting crisis.

You should read your own link dorkwad.

According to Dr. Fauci Trump did everything the scientists recommended when they asked for it. Fauci said in many cases Trump took action before recommendations.

So maybe you Dims should blame the scientists.
Throughout January, February, and March of this year, Trump downplayed the outbreak in the US, saying, "we have it totally under control," "it will disappear," and, "America will again and soon be open for business." However, Fauci and other top government officials — including health secretary Alex Azar and trade adviser Peter Navarro — have painted a more sobering picture.

In congressional hearings and public press briefings, Fauci has repeatedly contradicted Trump's positive narrative, which has at times seemed to frustrate the president. Trump recently retweeted a call from a Republican congresswoman to fire Fauci after he said the US's slow response to COVID-19 has cost lives.

Pussygrabber is 100% responsible for allowing america to have the worst outbreak in world and worst economy since great depression...


  • 1587882902629.png
    15.6 KB · Views: 10
the majority of dems blame the POTUS not china for covid 19 ! that is very telling indeed ! it tells us that the majority of dem voters are communist far left chicom sympathizers ! now thats just the dem base ! the dem leadership has basically no so called moderates left ! they are all chicom shills ! anyone with a fair and balanced view knows that china is at fault for the worldwide spread of covid 19. !60% of Democrats Blame Trump More Than China for Coronavirus - Rasmussen Reports®

“You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”
– Y. Bezmen

There’s gonna be a fight.domestic team red wants you on your knees... at the least..


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