Most murderous states for 2021 are Blood Red

Certainly wouldn't live in the country you think we have -where elections are stolen and there are conspiracies about vaccines and global warming, everything but the actual GOP conspiracy to rob the country For the greedy idiot GOP mega Rich with their tax rates.

I live in America and love it ... :thup:

I am not worried about Elections, Therapeutics pretending to be Vaccines, Global Warming ...
Marxist Progressives, Democrats or feckless Republicans either.

I enjoy the Liberty, Opportunity and Prosperity available in this Nation ...
And laugh at fools like you that lack the wherewithal necessary to capture any of that for yourselves.


I live in America and love it ... :thup:

I am not worried about Elections, Therapeutics pretending to be Vaccines, Global Warming ...
Marxist Progressives, Democrats or feckless Republicans either.

I enjoy the Liberty, Opportunity and Prosperity available in this Nation ...
And laugh at fools like you that lack the wherewithal necessary to capture any of that for yourselves.

Well well actually we are worried about the state of the nation just not ourselves. The inequality and upward mobility here has never been worse and keeps getting worse under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates and policies. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more like their fair share so we can have cheap college and training health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country. We are falling apart. Only GOP propaganda brainwashed makes this possible. Not paying attention is the Republican way and your way. A disaster.

I live in America and love it ... :thup:

I am not worried about Elections, Therapeutics pretending to be Vaccines, Global Warming ...
Marxist Progressives, Democrats or feckless Republicans either.

I enjoy the Liberty, Opportunity and Prosperity available in this Nation ...
And laugh at fools like you that lack the wherewithal necessary to capture any of that for yourselves.

This this is a message board about politics, not a lifestyle for crying out loud. We enjoy life just as much as brainwashed functional morons like you.
Well well actually we are worried about the state of the nation just not ourselves. The inequality and upward mobility here has never been worse and keeps getting worse under GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates and policies. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more like their fair share so we can have cheap college and training health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country. We are falling apart. Only GOP propaganda brainwashed makes this possible. Not paying attention is the Republican way and your way. A disaster.

I don't care about the GOP, DNC, the rich or poor, your pathetic desires ... Nor do I give a rat's ass if you can take a vacation.
There is nothing disastrous about Liberty, Opportunity and Prosperity.
If you cannot achieve that for yourself and loved ones ... You just suck and are wasting space and time.

There is no rebuttal your pathetic ass can make ... You're not even smart enough to take care of yourself ... :thup:

This this is a message board about politics, not a lifestyle for crying out loud. We enjoy life just as much as brainwashed functional morons like you.

That is politics ... And I keep telling you that you are too stupid to figure out the government cannot save you from yourself.
All they can do is use you to enrich themselves ... :thup:

It is the same as it has always been ...
You either stand on your feet and seize the opportunities available,
or bend your knee to the Beltway and become a tool.


The Cities in Louisiana with the highest murder rates are all run by African American Democrats ... :thup:

Wrong. The whole state is a death trap. Bottom right is New Orleans. About the same as the state.

Wrong. The whole state is a death trap. Bottom right is New Orleans. About the same as the state.

View attachment 578894

You cannot say I am wrong by posting a link and graphic that proves I am correct you fucking imbecile ... :auiqs.jpg:
Personally ... I live in one of the areas your graphic identifies as the safest, that is right next to one identified as one of the worst.
The differences ... We don't have Democrat Leadership or Law Enforcement, we have quality schools, and just about every house has guns in it.

There is a reason we call the neighboring metro area New Detroit.
We really don't care what they do there ... They voted for the Democrats that continue to fail them.
They are also smart enough not to wander into our neck of the woods.

Thanks for proving my point with an EXCLAMATION POINT!!!!! 13 of the top 14 cities listed are in red states controlled by red state legislatures. Those states are shitholes and it bleeds into these cities. Only Baltimore is in a state controlled by democrat state legislatures. 13 of the other top 14….. red mother fucking state legislatures.

Face it. It’s so clear. It’s so statistically evident. Red states have a murder problem.
View attachment 578624
All those cities ar run by Dimtards, Moron. State legislatures have nothing to do with local law enforcement.

Man, you really are dumb.

I don't care about the GOP, DNC, the rich or poor, your pathetic desires ... Nor do I give a rat's ass if you can take a vacation.
There is nothing disastrous about Liberty, Opportunity and Prosperity.
If you cannot achieve that for yourself and loved ones ... You just suck and are wasting space and time.

There is no rebuttal your pathetic ass can make ... You're not even smart enough to take care of yourself ... :thup:

I continue to be 70 years old and happily retired thank you, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. Lol. Change the channel and rejoin reality dumbass....

That is politics ... And I keep telling you that you are too stupid to figure out the government cannot save you from yourself.
All they can do is use you to enrich themselves ... :thup:

It is the same as it has always been ...
You either stand on your feet and seize the opportunities available,
or bend your knee to the Beltway and become a tool.

Too bad you can't see past the end of your nose in the mirror dumbass. If you don't care about politics go somewhere else. You have made a total mess of the greatest country in the world Great job!
Yes yes It is all the blacks fault. Has nothing to do with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere and the worst benefits of citizenship of any country in the modern world by far..... Keep voting for the lying brainwashing greedy idiot GOP mega ridge assholes, brainwashed functional moron.
I never said a thing about race.

Why do you racist pricks make everything about skin color?
I never said a thing about race.

Why do you racist pricks make everything about skin color?
No you just brought up the urban criminal element lol. You know the blacks killing each other to see who will sell drugs to whitey from the suburbs.... Change all this bologna.... We have the richest country in the world and it is an unequal gop mess. No sacrifice is two great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich brainwashers from paying their fair share....

You cannot say I am wrong by posting a link and graphic that proves I am correct you fucking imbecile ... :auiqs.jpg:
Personally ... I live in one of the areas your graphic identifies as the safest, that is right next to one identified as one of the worst.
The differences ... We don't have Democrat Leadership or Law Enforcement, we have quality schools, and just about every house has guns in it.

There is a reason we call the neighboring metro area New Detroit.
We really don't care what they do there ... They voted for the Democrats that continue to fail them.
They are also smart enough not to wander into our neck of the woods.

What we have is a GOP run country the last 40 years with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere, and of course the blacks doing the worst of anyone. These murder rates are blacks killing blacks to see who sells drugs to whitey from the suburbs. But thanks for the racist arguments...
No you just brought up the urban criminal element lol. You know the blacks killing each other to see who will sell drugs to whitey from the suburbs.... Change all this bologna.... We have the richest country in the world and it is an unequal gop mess. No sacrifice is two great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich brainwashers from paying their fair share....
I provided a list of the 15 cities with the highest murder rates. YOU made it about race, you racist POS.
What we have is a GOP run country the last 40 years with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere, and of course the blacks doing the worst of anyone. These murder rates are blacks killing blacks to see who sells drugs to whitey from the suburbs. But thanks for the racist arguments...
Blacks are that gullible?
I provided a list of the 15 cities with the highest murder rates. YOU made it about race, you racist POS.
You still haven’t explained why after you take all cities into account the red states are death traps. There are more urban areas in blue states. More blue cities In Blue states. Only the red states are murder capitals. Your picking random cities is a red herring. The red states are murder central. The top red states are as dangerous as some South American countries.

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