Most racist member of USMB?

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Who is Bass and where can I read some of his posts to form an opinion?

you will find him in any thread on homosexuality or anal sex.


can I get some honorable mention now?

Nah, you're just starved for attention :lol:

Besides, you forgot a few

for arguments sake you might want to wait for our zionist buddies to offer some input before closing the book on this one. just sayin.
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William Joyce

I disagree. Unlike Charlie, at least Will is honest with himself and others about how he views people of different races.

Honesty doesn't preclude someone from being a vile racist.

I've known WJ for a few years, and never known him to be vile. While I don't adhere to his arguments, he's always been pretty polite and well-spoken, and as far as I know, has not advocated any violence.
I disagree. Unlike Charlie, at least Will is honest with himself and others about how he views people of different races.

Honesty doesn't preclude someone from being a vile racist.

I've known WJ for a few years, and never known him to be vile. While I don't adhere to his arguments, he's always been pretty polite and well-spoken, and as far as I know, has not advocated any violence.

I agree completely. He is one of the politest members here. Far politer than I am.
I disagree. Unlike Charlie, at least Will is honest with himself and others about how he views people of different races.

Honesty doesn't preclude someone from being a vile racist.

I've known WJ for a few years, and never known him to be vile. While I don't adhere to his arguments, he's always been pretty polite and well-spoken, and as far as I know, has not advocated any violence.

My use of the word "vile" is not an abbreviation for "violent".

I used "vile" with the more traditional definition: "morally despicable or abhorrent".

He is a polite, well-spoken, honest, non-violent, morally despicable, abhorrent racist.
Honesty doesn't preclude someone from being a vile racist.

I've known WJ for a few years, and never known him to be vile. While I don't adhere to his arguments, he's always been pretty polite and well-spoken, and as far as I know, has not advocated any violence.

My use of the word "vile" is not an abbreviation for "violent".

I used "vile" with the more traditional definition: "morally despicable or abhorrent".

He is a polite, well-spoken, honest, non-violent, morally despicable, abhorrent racist.

Explain how one can be morally despicable if that person does not display such behavior, nor espouse it .... only believes there is scientific evidence which backs his claims which you do not agree with.

Abhorrent is a matter of opinion, nothing more.

I will submit that this one reason racism doesn't die. Appeal to emotion. I don't see any logic to your argument.
This thread should be rename the Charlie Bass appreciation/fear/respect thread. After repeatedly smacking people up in USMB the Bass has finally gotten his respect. The Bass would like to give a splash shot-out to Shogun, because the Bass made a name for himself in USMB by intellectually laying the smackdown on Shogun and has whipped the hell out of JBeukema so badly that he's resorted to quoting Dr. King[out of context of course] and stopped spamming those ridiculous Race and IQ links. The paradox is that he thinks blacks are low IQ yet quotes a black man as some kind of defense.

The rest of you worthless, Bass-hating monkeys have no value whatsoever, but you do all know that when t comes to the Bass you respect and fear him, whether you admit it or not, until then, here's a gift for you all

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Is that why you ran away when i asked you why you can't see past skin color and recognize a woman's accomplishments as a person? :lol:

Sissified monkey, America is a racialized country because your forefathers made it that way, so before you tell the Bass anything about skin color tell the media and police and justice system the same thing. When you do that then come and talk to the Bass, otherwise step the hell off, the race problem in America is not the black man's problem, its the white man's problem because he created it and unfortunately whites that had nothing to do with it sometimes get caught up.

Is that why you ran away when i asked you why you can't see past skin color and recognize a woman's accomplishments as a person? :lol:

Sissified monkey, America is a racialized country because your forefathers made it that way

My forefathers weren't around for that, you dolt. :lol:

the race problem in America is not the black man's problem, its the white man's problem

Really? We were pretty happy with the way things were. It was you people who had a problem with it :lol: Are you saying you don't have a problem? then Why the fuck won't you shutup about it? :confused:

You're one of those damned ******* that make black people look bad...
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