Most Trusted & Popular Democrat ?

Michael Avenatti is one of those personalities who bursts onto the scene getting headlines every day because he is saying things that, while they make no actual sense, are what a lot of people want to hear.

Avenatti's client signed a Non Disclosure Agreement and accepted $130 thousand dollars IN EXCHANGE FOR keeping. her fucking mouth shut about a brief "fling" with the Man Who Would be President. The previous lawyer for this client told her that the NDA was legal and binding and she should, therefore STFU.

Avenatti convinced her to go public with her "story" - such as it was - and she has done so, in violation of the said NDA.

His advice to her was so egregiously bad, from a legal standpoint, that when the dust settles she will be much worse off than she is now, and he will be looking at disciplinary action by the New York Bar Association.

And as you all know, he has expanded his scope of legal services to include a whole mountain of issues about which he holds an interest, though they have NOTHING to do with the "work" he is doing for the aforesaid client.

Furthermore, his own personal activities are coming under a great deal of scrutiny and although I don't know any details, I can guarantee-fucking-tee that within a few weeks he will be looking at some sort of criminal action against him for fraud, breach of confidentiality, or some such thing.

And one wonders who is paying him for what he is doing now. It's certainly not "Daniels," and he can't be betting on the cum (play on words intended), because even HE knows that any money Daniels makes out of her encounter will be quickly confiscated by Trump and his legal team - damages for breach of the NDA, don't you know. Is he simply a Leftist plant, using the Daniels affair as a means of hogging the spotlight, and keeping CNN on the air?

Is he a popular democrat? Popular among whom, exactly? Those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Most trusted & popular Democrat among the brainwashed liberal masses?

Whoever is serving the most Kool-Aid of course. :lol:

Most trusted? Got to be Waters or can always trust one of them to say something stupid.

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