Most Well Behaved Super Power



America has been the most well behaved super power in the history of this planet!

I get so tired of hearing about how horrible we are.

If we were so horrible we would own over half the planet by now.
Right On, Diana!

Name another super power that helped defeated enemies rebuild their countries - and then left, enabling them to have their own sovereign governments.
Never before in history has a country gained so much power, so quickly, and used it so wisely !

Do we make mistakes, sure do ?

Are we selfish and self-serving, sure are ?

But we are still the greatest, most compassionate, and generous nation on this planet !
Right on! We give help to our enemies, (The Iranians after the earthquake couldn't thank the US volunteers enough). We support our friends, (Israel), while trying to protect their enemies and help them recognize a chance for their children, (Palestinians).

We have no desire for empire, but yes, we do have our interests and we will protect them, (oil).
You got some KEY WORDS there, Diana, but I'm afraid your meaning is lost amongst many that post here. Now I'm not in any way disagreeing that we, the United States of America, has been the most well behaved superpower in the history of this planet. But that was then. Now, as the ONLY superpower, I think our principles are somewhat diminished by our unilateralism and outright arrogance. But what the heck do I know?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You got some KEY WORDS there, Diana, but I'm afraid your meaning is lost amongst many that post here.

Do you ever stop with your condescending bullshit?
I mean no condescension, jimnyc, how do you discern anything like that from my most openly opinionated post?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I mean no condescension, jimnyc, how do you discern anything like that from my most openly opinionated post?

Because that's about the 20th time I've seen you write something almost exactly like this, that peoples words are mostly lost amongst those who participate on this board. Just because you have a differing opinion that doesn't mean anything is "lost" on those with an opposing view. I think some of the brightest guys on this board are those that I disagree with (Isaac, Bry, DK, Bully, Spillmind).
I've not taken any polls here, jimnyc, but I've read many. I don't think I'm wrong in my suggestion and I don't think I was being "condescending" at all. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, I'm only trying to advance the conversation, don't you know?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I've not taken any polls here, jimnyc, but I've read many. I don't think I'm wrong in my suggestion and I don't think I was being "condescending" at all. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, I'm only trying to advance the conversation, don't you know?

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree then. I do think you're wrong. You seem to think you have a better grasp on what's going on with our country and what's best for our country. That somehow you can read more into an article than those that are more conservative. Starting off your post with such ridiculous words only takes away from the topic at hand and serves to throw a jab at the other members with opposing views. I'd imagine you would get better responses without that first sentence. Can you dig it?
I certainly can dig it, jimnyc. But I stand by my original statement. Someone in this thread, or maybe it was another, named about 5 or 6 that tend to go leftie but I submit that that's about all that are here. This IS a conservative site, not especially a US site, and yet we continue to debate and maintain reasonble, most of the times, dialogue. For that one attribute I am proud to participate, can you dig it?
Yes, at this time I would say it's clear that there are more conservative members here than liberals. The board has no advertising and relies solely on word of mouth and search engines. This IS NOT a conservative site, but rather a site where ANYONE is free to discuss issues that pertain to the USA.

I still don't see how that has any bearing whatsoever as to whether someone "get's it" when reading an article or is "lost" when reading someone elses words. I didn't realize that being liberal or conservative played a part in someones level of intelligence.

And yes, I dig your last sentence. :)
Considering that it's late, I prefer Nascar on Speed Channel, and that I don't want to compare mathematics at this time I'll just have to say :clap: and guarantee that the subject isn't over yet.

Can you dig that?
Sure, what the hell, I'll dig it for now. I'm too damn tired tonight to fight over retarded issues. :)
posted by PsychoBlues, aka PsychoSuperior
You got some KEY WORDS there, Diana, but I'm afraid your meaning is lost amongst many that post here. Now I'm not in any way disagreeing that we, the United States of America, has been the most well behaved superpower in the history of this planet. But that was then. Now, as the ONLY superpower, I think our principles are somewhat diminished by our unilateralism and outright arrogance. But what the heck do I know?

Sorry Psycho,
JimmyC is right. Condescension could easily be your middle name. Most of us do not deserve your derision, with that said, why not just come out and make your case?

But what the heck do I know?

Not much of current events. You are right about the US being the only Superpower today, actually for over a decade now. Have we wiped out Palestinian resistance? Have we withdrawn from the UN, (albeit I think we should have/should), have we really 'cracked down' on countries like France? We could you know.

The US government/administration have said nothing that I know of regarding the citizen response to the French. As a political body, the worst that was done is sending lower echelon business people to an air show, witholding US technology. We threatened to give them less access in Iraq, but have backed off on that, if they participate in ways consistent with our objectives, but not in conflict with their stated goals.

Gee, that's really high handed. Get a life. Vote for Nader, Kerry, Edwards, or whomever. Just be fair about what the hell is going on.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
There you go, jimnyc. Your ignorance belies your intellect. "Retarded". Indeed.

You claim others on this board are lost when reading the original post. You offer zilch to explain why. She wrote 3 simple sentences that couldn't be misenterpreted for their meaning. And you have the audacity to refer to me as ignorant?

Yes, your posts are retarded.
Re-read the entire thread, jimnyc. I think you missed something earlier and I think you are missing it even now.

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