Mostly Peaceful Portland Riot Ends with 1 Dead ANTIFA, 3 Wounded


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Leftist fascism on display. ANTIFA shoots 18 times at an innocent old man, wounds him, kills one of his own and wounds two of his own.

Just a little more chlorine in the gene pool...
Leftist fascism on display. ANTIFA shoots 18 times at an innocent old man, wounds him, kills one of his own and wounds two of his own.

I despise amateurs. They perform in public, as I have seen them perform on the range, a danger to themself and everybody around them. Too bad about the Antifa assholes that were shot or died by their own people. One really needs to evaluate what kind of undisciplined assholes you run with, or it sucks to be you.
Frankly, compared to all the other Demafasicst brownshirts riots, this was mostly peaceful
Take a wrecking ball and a bulldozer to Portland and clean it up and start all over.....

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