Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

Like I said, You have no idea what you are talking about. CPS does not just take kids for no reason and there is always judicial over site. We must go into court and get an order, if not before the fact immediately afterwards. There are also child placement review boards that are overseen by a judge. Case manages must present their case for removal and a plan to reunite the child with the family which is always the first plan. I also sat on a board as the agency's liaison and had to defend our actions in the case of removal. I'm here to tell you that these boards are touch sons of bitches and do not approve placements easily.

No tell us about your experience in the field and how you know so fucking much. You can't just make these accusations without being able to back it up.

Out and out lie. Children are taken for reasons as simple as a parent not licking the caseworker's boots, and we BOTH know it! Hell, in Massachusetts, they kidnapped a teenage girl from her parents, held her against her will, and basically ruined her health. (Not to mention bankrupting her parents.) She went from a figure skater to someone that will probably never walk again.
Do you have a link:link:Or do you just expect people to believe the :lame2:crap that you post

Sure: here is one. There are plenty more where that came from.
This was a difficult and unusual case where medical professionals were at odds as to what to do for this child. I'm not sure that the CPS agency did the right and necessary thing in taking custody of her, but it is apparent that they felt that it was in her best interest as" did the parents. The agency was not acting like thugs and bullies and the court approved the action.

I was not there and you were not either. Your "plenty more" link is all about the same case so where is your proof of endemic child medical kidnapping? You'll have to do better than that, bitch

She was sick when CPS , with court approval took custody . They did what they believed was in her best interest. It was an unfortunate and confusing case involving conflicting medical opinions. There is NOTHING to indicate that there was any nefarious ( do you know that word) intent on the part of CPS. NOTHING. You are dishonestly and desperately trying to make this into something that it is not because you have nothing else. Very shameful

BULLSHIT! When Justina was kidnapped, she was figure skating! Now, she is a wheelchair-bound cripple who may never walk again.
I don't know what the hell that bizarre story is. If someone was charged with a crime, there had to be more to it than injuries that resulted from playing. If the DA was in fact overly zealous or inappropriate, that is not a reflection on CPS. Two separate things so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about here. I don't believe for a minute that it was all based on a tip with no additional evidence.

His only "crime" was not kissing the boots of the CPS thug that showed up.
Horseshit! Why should anyone believe that anymore than believe that everyone in prison is innocent ?
It's hot blooded murder. If you're not going to be honest, I'm not going to engage with you.
it didn't happen in the heat of the moment. it was after, and it was calculated. cold blooded murder.

Yes it did happen in the heat of the moment. The kind of rage a parent experiences when government thugs perform a sanctioned kidnapping on their children does not wane quickly.
i don't think many people would argue that showing up at a government building and waiting for a cps agent would constitute a crime of passion.

also you don't sound sane. cps shows up at your door so you kill someone's cat? you are fucked up.

You wouldn't know, you're not a parent and you've never felt the rage when somebody threatens to have your children removed. You have never walked in my moccasins. She's lucky she just lost a cat.

You should have your children taken from you, and anyone related to you, no matter how distantly, should be sterilized for the benefit of the human race.
So are you still coming to the Christmas party this year?
Like I said, You have no idea what you are talking about. CPS does not just take kids for no reason and there is always judicial over site. We must go into court and get an order, if not before the fact immediately afterwards. There are also child placement review boards that are overseen by a judge. Case manages must present their case for removal and a plan to reunite the child with the family which is always the first plan. I also sat on a board as the agency's liaison and had to defend our actions in the case of removal. I'm here to tell you that these boards are touch sons of bitches and do not approve placements easily.

No tell us about your experience in the field and how you know so fucking much. You can't just make these accusations without being able to back it up.

Out and out lie. Children are taken for reasons as simple as a parent not licking the caseworker's boots, and we BOTH know it! Hell, in Massachusetts, they kidnapped a teenage girl from her parents, held her against her will, and basically ruined her health. (Not to mention bankrupting her parents.) She went from a figure skater to someone that will probably never walk again.
Do you have a link:link:Or do you just expect people to believe the :lame2:crap that you post

Sure: here is one. There are plenty more where that came from.
This was a difficult and unusual case where medical professionals were at odds as to what to do for this child. I'm not sure that the CPS agency did the right and necessary thing in taking custody of her, but it is apparent that they felt that it was in her best interest as" did the parents. The agency was not acting like thugs and bullies and the court approved the action.

I was not there and you were not either. Your "plenty more" link is all about the same case so where is your proof of endemic child medical kidnapping? You'll have to do better than that, bitch

BULLSHIT! When Justina was kidnapped, she was figure skating! Now, she is a wheelchair-bound cripple who may never walk again.

She was sick when CPS , with court approval took custody . They did what they believed was in her best interest. It was an unfortunate and confusing case involving conflicting medical opinions. There is NOTHING to indicate that there was any nefarious ( do you know that word) intent on the part of CPS. NOTHING. You are dishonestly and desperately trying to make this into something that it is not because you have nothing else. Very shameful
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
what the fuck is wrong with you that you would cheer on a murderer?

Shit happens when power is abused. These domestic terrorists must learn to think twice before ripping a family apart. Refusing to place a high value on human feelings towards their own can have serious consequences. Yes the woman must pay for the stand she took. Still she will be a hero for having taken that stand.

So you think the murderer of her aunt- her two cousins- and a mother of two kids- is a hero?

What an asshole you are.
Beginning to see a pattern. Everyone who disagrees with you is not only wrong, but an "asshole". Bitter, intolerant of other viewpoints, hate filled, irrational posts, all these pages and you still can't discuss the issue like a mature human being. How sad.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.
it absolutely wasn't. it was revenge. she didn't shoot the agents that took her kids while they were doing it. she didn't try to run off with the kids away from cps. she waited outside a state office building and gunned down an agent in cold blood. it's fucking sick and should never be cheered. i thought you respected life?

A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

You are a psychopath and should be locked up for the rest of your life.
Will you settle for community service?
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
Apparently there was good reason to take the kids. And it's a shame that you would root for cold-blooded murder, but, oh well. It ain't a race-war, but it'll do for now?

Most CPS caseworkers are thugs, bullies, and tyrants...I'd guess that probably half could be killed and the result would be a net gain for the human race. They care little for the welfare of children, but plenty for their own power.
I'm willing to bet that you had a run in with CPS and didn't like how it went and now your pissed. Why don't you tell us about it. What did you do to your kids?:ahole-1:

They threatened to take my wife from her father (because she, an athletic tomboy incapable of fear, regularly had bruises)...I don't know what she said to the CPS thug (she will not tell me even now), but he never came back. They came close to ruining my friend's life...he ended up pleading guilty to a felony because if he hadn't, the DA flatly told him that his then-11-year-old son would be called as a witness and torn apart on the stand. The cause of this? An anonymous tip.

How many children have you kidnapped and sold, bitch? What's the going rate on a 6-year-old?

I don't know what the hell that bizarre story is. If someone was charged with a crime, there had to be more to it than injuries that resulted from playing. If the DA was in fact overly zealous or inappropriate, that is not a reflection on CPS. Two separate things so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about here. I don't believe for a minute that it was all based on a tip with no additional evidence.

Kidnapped and sold? That is just fucking stupid ....Bitch
No, it's how you evil fucks are seen from our side. You're getting a chorus of opinion on how terrified people are when you thugs show up at our doors. It's probably the first time you deigned to countenance public feedback on your reign of terror. Don't like it? Tough shit!
Out and out lie. Children are taken for reasons as simple as a parent not licking the caseworker's boots, and we BOTH know it! Hell, in Massachusetts, they kidnapped a teenage girl from her parents, held her against her will, and basically ruined her health. (Not to mention bankrupting her parents.) She went from a figure skater to someone that will probably never walk again.
Do you have a link:link:Or do you just expect people to believe the :lame2:crap that you post

Sure: here is one. There are plenty more where that came from.
This was a difficult and unusual case where medical professionals were at odds as to what to do for this child. I'm not sure that the CPS agency did the right and necessary thing in taking custody of her, but it is apparent that they felt that it was in her best interest as" did the parents. The agency was not acting like thugs and bullies and the court approved the action.

I was not there and you were not either. Your "plenty more" link is all about the same case so where is your proof of endemic child medical kidnapping? You'll have to do better than that, bitch

BULLSHIT! When Justina was kidnapped, she was figure skating! Now, she is a wheelchair-bound cripple who may never walk again.

She was sick when CPS , with court approval took custody . They did what they believed was in her best interest. It was an unfortunate and confusing case involving conflicting medical opinions. There is NOTHING to indicate that there was any nefarious ( do you know that word) intent on the part of CPS. NOTHING. You are dishonestly and desperately trying to make this into something that it is not because you have nothing else. Very shameful
Your line of work is shameful.
Last edited:
it didn't happen in the heat of the moment. it was after, and it was calculated. cold blooded murder.

Yes it did happen in the heat of the moment. The kind of rage a parent experiences when government thugs perform a sanctioned kidnapping on their children does not wane quickly.
i don't think many people would argue that showing up at a government building and waiting for a cps agent would constitute a crime of passion.

also you don't sound sane. cps shows up at your door so you kill someone's cat? you are fucked up.

You wouldn't know, you're not a parent and you've never felt the rage when somebody threatens to have your children removed. You have never walked in my moccasins. She's lucky she just lost a cat.

You should have your children taken from you, and anyone related to you, no matter how distantly, should be sterilized for the benefit of the human race.
So are you still coming to the Christmas party this year?

Considering I despise Christmas with a white-hot passion...fuck no.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

About time someone does this.

She should get a medal for mom of the year. Maybe those bastards will think twice.
^^^^ this

I was talking to a 25 year old coworker last night and told her about this story...

Her eyes lit up...her daughter got taken away from her to...she is like good for her, that's how she feels deep inside also, but I told her the only thing that happens, the DCFS worker is dead and you are in jail for life.

But with this story maybe it will wake up the DCFS
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
what the fuck is wrong with you that you would cheer on a murderer?

Shit happens when power is abused. These domestic terrorists must learn to think twice before ripping a family apart. Refusing to place a high value on human feelings towards their own can have serious consequences. Yes the woman must pay for the stand she took. Still she will be a hero for having taken that stand.

So you think the murderer of her aunt- her two cousins- and a mother of two kids- is a hero?

What an asshole you are.
Beginning to see a pattern. Everyone who disagrees with you is not only wrong, but an "asshole". Bitter, intolerant of other viewpoints, hate filled, irrational posts, all these pages and you still can't discuss the issue like a mature human being. How sad.
And you kill cats.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

About time someone does this.

She should get a medal for mom of the year. Maybe those bastards will think twice.
^^^^ this

I was talking to a 25 year old coworker last night and told her about this story...

Her eyes lit up...her daughter got taken away from her to...she is like good for her, that's how she feels deep inside also, but I told her the only thing that happens, the DCFS worker is dead and you are in jail for life.

But with this story maybe it will wake up the DCFS
They do not need to be waken to the fact that there are lousy parents who lose custody because they endanger their kids who then blame the system. Child welfare workers are attacked regularly by the violent losers who endanger their kids.
Last edited:
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

About time someone does this.

She should get a medal for mom of the year. Maybe those bastards will think twice.
^^^^ this

I was talking to a 25 year old coworker last night and told her about this story...

Her eyes lit up...her daughter got taken away from her to...she is like good for her, that's how she feels deep inside also, but I told her the only thing that happens, the DCFS worker is dead and you are in jail for life.

But with this story maybe it will wake up the DCFS
They do not to be waken to the fact that there are lousy parents who lose custody because they endanger their kids who blame the system

Well, the truth is that Bad Parents happen. That doesn't provide a right for some semi-literate, minimum wage dink bureaucrat to be empowered with police authority to determine designate someone as a Bad Parent and take their children.

The worm is turning Karl... and you idiots are about to be packed away with the rest of the trash. America is what's on the rise now and you folks aren't going to like it much, from here on out.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

About time someone does this.

She should get a medal for mom of the year. Maybe those bastards will think twice.
^^^^ this

I was talking to a 25 year old coworker last night and told her about this story...

Her eyes lit up...her daughter got taken away from her to...she is like good for her, that's how she feels deep inside also, but I told her the only thing that happens, the DCFS worker is dead and you are in jail for life.

But with this story maybe it will wake up the DCFS
They do not to be waken to the fact that there are lousy parents who lose custody because they endanger their kids who blame the system

Well, the truth is that Bad Parents happen. That doesn't provide a right for some semi-literate, minimum wage dink bureaucrat to be empowered with police authority to determine designate someone as a Bad Parent and take their children.

The worm is turning Karl... and you idiots are about to be packed away with the rest of the trash. America is what's on the rise now and you folks aren't going to like it much, from here on out.
"That doesn't provide a right for some semi-literate, minimum wage dink bureaucrat to be empowered with police authority to determine designate someone as a Bad Parent and take their children." No law allows this. Children cannot be removed from a home without a Judge ordering it. Even in an emergency, when a removal has to happen to prevent imminent harm, there is hearing before a judge where the parents are represented by an attorney and where they can fight for the return of their kids.

Your version of America is, thankfully, dead and buried.
"That doesn't provide a right for some semi-literate, minimum wage dink bureaucrat to be empowered with police authority to designate someone as a Bad Parent and take their children." No law allows this.

And THAT Reader, is what IGNORANCE looks like.

Those of us who have experienced DCF and the Idiocracy it represents and preys upon dam' well know better.
I'm glad to see so many that see CPS as I do, incompetent semi retards with the ungodly power to tear families apart. In the 1930's, when a government agent knocked on your door to bring terror into a home, they were called Nazis. Today we call them social workers. But the effect is the same.
Do you have a link:link:Or do you just expect people to believe the :lame2:crap that you post

Sure: here is one. There are plenty more where that came from.
This was a difficult and unusual case where medical professionals were at odds as to what to do for this child. I'm not sure that the CPS agency did the right and necessary thing in taking custody of her, but it is apparent that they felt that it was in her best interest as" did the parents. The agency was not acting like thugs and bullies and the court approved the action.

I was not there and you were not either. Your "plenty more" link is all about the same case so where is your proof of endemic child medical kidnapping? You'll have to do better than that, bitch

BULLSHIT! When Justina was kidnapped, she was figure skating! Now, she is a wheelchair-bound cripple who may never walk again.

She was sick when CPS , with court approval took custody . They did what they believed was in her best interest. It was an unfortunate and confusing case involving conflicting medical opinions. There is NOTHING to indicate that there was any nefarious ( do you know that word) intent on the part of CPS. NOTHING. You are dishonestly and desperately trying to make this into something that it is not because you have nothing else. Very shameful
Your line of work is shameful.

Because you think there should be no agency to protect children from their parents.

And that attitude is shameful.

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