Mother Jones has exclusively learned that Joe Manchin is considering leaving the Democratic Party to become Independent

I can only imagine him getting ripped to shreds in a primary for being a big ol' huge Communist Democrat who voted to impeach Trump twice.

Gotta' remember most Republicans in his state are used to not voting for him.
Another State that doesn't vote anyways.
If manchin leaves the party chuck schumer could lose his job as majority leader
I can only imagine him getting ripped to shreds in a primary for being a big ol' huge Communist Democrat who voted to impeach Trump twice.

Gotta' remember most Republicans in his state are used to not voting for him.
If he stays a dem, he has no chance at the election---republicans are looking for lots of dem blood next election. Indies and even other dems are pist and only going to get more pist at the communist dems.
"In the face of Republican opposition, there’s no evidence the Freedom to Vote Act stands any better chance of advancing."

Nor should it. The federal gov't has no business dictating to the states what their election laws should be.
If he stays a dem, he has no chance at the election---republicans are looking for lots of dem blood next election. Indies and even other dems are pist and only going to get more pist at the communist dems.

West Virginia is red and getting redder. There is no room for a former Democrat in that state.
The democrat party is far a dozen Dems are retiring...this number will grow....
The democrat party is far a dozen Dems are retiring...this number will grow....
Meh. Probably more Democrats are going to retire however right now 5 Republican senators are vs. 0 Democrats.

In the house it's 13 Democrats retiring vs. 9 Republicans.

I'm actually surprised about the senate and that the ratio overall isn't as bad as I thought for Democrats.

"You need ME more than I need YOU! TRY ME!"

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is reportedly planning his exit from the Democratic Party if he doesn’t get what he wants on the Biden Build Back Better agenda.

Joe Manchin has a plan to leave the Democratic Party

"In recent days, Senator Joe Manchin (DW. Va.) Has told his associates that he is considering leaving the Democratic Party if President Joe Biden and the Democrats on Capitol Hill disagree with his demand to reduce the size of the $ 3.5 trillion to $ 1.75 trillion social infrastructure bill, according to people who have heard Manchin argue this. Manchin has said that if this happened, he would declare himself an “American Independent.” And he has devised a detailed exit strategy for his departure.

He told associates that he has a two-step plan for getting out of the party. First, he would send a letter to Senator Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, stepping off the Senate Democratic leadership. (He is vice chairman of the Senate Democrats’ communications and policy committee.) Manchin hopes that sends a signal. Then he would wait and see if that move had any impact on the negotiations. After about a week, he said, he would change his voter registration from Democratic to Independent."

Despite the Democratic Party having the numbers in the House and Senate to pass any legislation they want, the dysfunctional Democrats have waged civil war within their party. Although the propaganda / dis-information arm of the DNC has publicly blamed the Republicans 24 / 7, it has been DEMOCRATS who have prevented the DEMOCRATS from successfully accomplishing its tyrannical, Marxist, massive debt-adding agenda.

Biden has been 1/2 of the Democrat Duo responsible.


Manchin has held off the Marxist, tyrannical Democrats' $5.5 TRILLION 'Reconciliation' 'Deficit Bomb' Democrats claim will cost ZERO. While doing so he has been subjected to intimidation, insults, and attacks. but Joe 'the Man Of Steel' Manchin has endured it, dealt with it, shrugged it off, and stood his ground.

He's had enough, though. He has made clear what his demands are, that he is not going to concede, and that the Democrat Party needs him more than he needs them.

Go, Joe, Go - Don't Look Back!


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