Motive for Beheading of French Priest Remains a Mystery

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War Iand spread to other European countries. Fascism opposes liberalism, Marxism and anarchism and is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[3][4]

Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war.[5][6] The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.[5][6]

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[7] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictatorand a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[7] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.[8][9][10][11] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[12]

Keeping in mind that wiki is a conglomeration of various sources sometimes contradicting each other on the same page. You should read the entire page as well as other sources that clearly expose left wingers as the real fascists.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Anybody can be mentally ill and still be functional and completely harmless:

Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the way we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. They affect our thoughts, feelings, abilities and behaviours. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses.

Insane would indicate not having normal perception or down right delusional. They might not understand right from wrong.


  1. in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill:
    "certifying patients as clinically insane" ·

    synonyms: mentally ill · mentally

    criminally insane: Not guilty by reason of insanity is a plea by a criminal defendant who admits the criminal act, but claims he/she was so mentally disturbed at the time of the crime that he/she lacked the mental capacity necessary to commit a crime.

    Now Crazy carries a number of interpretations. While it can mean insane it can also mean passionate or enthusiastic which most radicals are; overly zealous.

    mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented ·
  2. extremely enthusiastic:
    "I'm crazy about Cindy" ·

    synonyms: passionate about · (very) keen on · enamored of · infatuated with ·
  3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position:
    "the monument leaned at a crazy angle"

    I used crazy because I do believe they understand and have the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong it's just someone has convinced them to be zealous in a murderous way. They are not criminally insane. They know it's wrong but they rationalize it as serving allah. An insane person wouldn't have any conscience about it at all and not need the rational. they just do it because it somehow benefits them IMHO.

It's the casual reference to mental illness I object to. Labelling people who blow themselves up, and chop heads off as sick. Putting them in the same category as a depressed person, who probably doesn't have the energy toget out of bed, let alone run around macheteing hapless victims on trains. Stigmatisising mental illness?

It's just another sloppy excuse for diverting away from real issues.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Anybody can be mentally ill and still be functional and completely harmless:

Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the way we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. They affect our thoughts, feelings, abilities and behaviours. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses.

Insane would indicate not having normal perception or down right delusional. They might not understand right from wrong.


  1. in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill:
    "certifying patients as clinically insane" ·

    synonyms: mentally ill · mentally

    criminally insane: Not guilty by reason of insanity is a plea by a criminal defendant who admits the criminal act, but claims he/she was so mentally disturbed at the time of the crime that he/she lacked the mental capacity necessary to commit a crime.

    Now Crazy carries a number of interpretations. While it can mean insane it can also mean passionate or enthusiastic which most radicals are; overly zealous.

    mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented ·
  2. extremely enthusiastic:
    "I'm crazy about Cindy" ·

    synonyms: passionate about · (very) keen on · enamored of · infatuated with ·
  3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position:
    "the monument leaned at a crazy angle"

    I used crazy because I do believe they understand and have the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong it's just someone has convinced them to be zealous in a murderous way. They are not criminally insane. They know it's wrong but they rationalize it as serving allah. An insane person wouldn't have any conscience about it at all and not need the rational. they just do it because it somehow benefits them IMHO.

It's the casual reference to mental illness I object to. Labelling people who blow themselves up, and chop heads off as sick. Putting them in the same category as a depressed person, who probably doesn't have the energy toget out of bed, let alone run around macheteing hapless victims on trains. Stigmatisising mental illness?

It's just another sloppy excuse for diverting away from real issues.

the term "mental illness" is utterly meaningless----and should always be ignored when the "diagnosis" is presented by a journalist
Mussolini acts a lot like Trump.
Yes Mussolini was bad but compared to Stalin (Hillary), he was a choir boy.

Mussolini would have felt at home in today's Democrat Fascist Party.
By definition, Fascist is Right Wing.
it's control of our lives by the government, which is the dnc dream.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

So now the excuse for islamic evil is they are insane.

fucking bullshit, you lying pile of dog vomit.

If that had even the slightest bit of truth to it, insane people would commit the most vile acts all over the world.
Who said the media doesn't spin for the Islamofascists? They even call Mohammed a prophet. Ever see them say Jesus the Messiah?

A priest was killed and another person was seriously injured following an attack at a church in Normandy, France, where officials said police killed two hostage takers … The motive is not yet known.” – US ABC News following an attack that left elderly priest Father Jacques Hamel dead and a parishioner in serious condition.

“The identities of the attackers and motive for the attack are unclear.” – The Associated Press.

“Officials said the two assailants, whose motives were not released, slit the throat of a priest before they were eventually shot and killed by police.” – Cox Media Group.

“The rapid intervention brigade of elite police units went into action to ‘neutralise’ the two men whose motives are so far unknown.” – The Kuwait News Agency.

“The men shouted ‘Daesh’ and cut the priest’s throat before being ‘neutralised,’ police said. Le Figaro newspaper reported that the priest died after his throat was cut. The men’s motives are still unknown.” – The UK Telegraph.


Father Jacques Hamel, who is now said to have been beheaded by Islamic terrorists.

“French President Francois Hollande said today’s attack and hostage situation at a church in Normandy was carried out by ‘terrorists who claimed allegiance to ISIS’ … the motive is not yet known. – Yahoo news.

“The nun – who did not want to be named – told Le Figaro newspaper: ‘They entered brusquely and took over. They spoke in Arabic. I saw a knife.’ … It is believed that the men were carrying knives. It is unclear at this stage what their motives were.” – The International Catholic News Weekly.

“I will not talk about the motives of these individuals.” – French Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet.

“Police said the men, armed with knives, shouted ‘Daesh’ before slicing the priest’s throat, using an alternate name for the Islamic State militant group. The motives for the slaying are unclear, and IS – also identified as ISIS and ISIL – has not taken responsibility for the attack.” – United Press International.

“Two attackers backing the Islamic State stormed a village church during Mass in northern France on Tuesday … The Islamic State’s Amaq news agency described the attackers as ‘soldiers’ of the militant group.” – Finally, from the Washington Post, we have a motive.

So the whole world is not seeing a pattern yet.

bet if they took a reporters head we would know the motive.
Nah, Charlie Hesbo should have woken them up, instead the cowards went into hypermode spinning for Islam thinking it will keep them safe. Muslims won that battle.

Don't you remember when they put a Fatwah on Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses, and he had to go into hiding?

Where did that come from? Was it Iran?

yes---it was Iran------Salman Rushdie was a CITIZEN OF INDIA and them migrated to merry old England-----he was born of muslim parents-----so IRAN decided it had a right -----granted by allah-----to sentence him to death for writing a book

Did anyone see the movie "Four Lions"? In which Chris Morris satirises and ridicules a homegrown Islamist terror cell in Britain.

I'm surprised he didn't get a Fatwa too for making such a film.
Who said the media doesn't spin for the Islamofascists? They even call Mohammed a prophet. Ever see them say Jesus the Messiah?

A priest was killed and another person was seriously injured following an attack at a church in Normandy, France, where officials said police killed two hostage takers … The motive is not yet known.” – US ABC News following an attack that left elderly priest Father Jacques Hamel dead and a parishioner in serious condition.

“The identities of the attackers and motive for the attack are unclear.” – The Associated Press.

“Officials said the two assailants, whose motives were not released, slit the throat of a priest before they were eventually shot and killed by police.” – Cox Media Group.

“The rapid intervention brigade of elite police units went into action to ‘neutralise’ the two men whose motives are so far unknown.” – The Kuwait News Agency.

“The men shouted ‘Daesh’ and cut the priest’s throat before being ‘neutralised,’ police said. Le Figaro newspaper reported that the priest died after his throat was cut. The men’s motives are still unknown.” – The UK Telegraph.


Father Jacques Hamel, who is now said to have been beheaded by Islamic terrorists.

“French President Francois Hollande said today’s attack and hostage situation at a church in Normandy was carried out by ‘terrorists who claimed allegiance to ISIS’ … the motive is not yet known. – Yahoo news.

“The nun – who did not want to be named – told Le Figaro newspaper: ‘They entered brusquely and took over. They spoke in Arabic. I saw a knife.’ … It is believed that the men were carrying knives. It is unclear at this stage what their motives were.” – The International Catholic News Weekly.

“I will not talk about the motives of these individuals.” – French Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet.

“Police said the men, armed with knives, shouted ‘Daesh’ before slicing the priest’s throat, using an alternate name for the Islamic State militant group. The motives for the slaying are unclear, and IS – also identified as ISIS and ISIL – has not taken responsibility for the attack.” – United Press International.

“Two attackers backing the Islamic State stormed a village church during Mass in northern France on Tuesday … The Islamic State’s Amaq news agency described the attackers as ‘soldiers’ of the militant group.” – Finally, from the Washington Post, we have a motive.

So the whole world is not seeing a pattern yet.

bet if they took a reporters head we would know the motive.
Nah, Charlie Hesbo should have woken them up, instead the cowards went into hypermode spinning for Islam thinking it will keep them safe. Muslims won that battle.

Don't you remember when they put a Fatwah on Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses, and he had to go into hiding?

Where did that come from? Was it Iran?

yes---it was Iran------Salman Rushdie was a CITIZEN OF INDIA and them migrated to merry old England-----he was born of muslim parents-----so IRAN decided it had a right -----granted by allah-----to sentence him to death for writing a book

Did anyone see the movie "Four Lions"? In which Chris Morris satirises and ridicules a homegrown Islamist terror cell in Britain.

I'm surprised he didn't get a Fatwa too for making such a film.
that was back when islamic filth wasn't a protected class of people.
Subscription is needed to continue. But the meat is here.

How is your Merkelsommer going? For now, Britain seems to be missing the worst. True, a couple of men of Middle Eastern appearance tried to abduct a soldier near his base in Norfolk for what was unlikely to have been an interfaith dialogue session. But Britain’s geographical good fortune, relative success in limiting weapons and our justified scepticism of the undiscriminating ‘open borders’ brigade mean that we have so far been spared the delights of what Angela Merkel’s growing army of critics refer to as her summer of terror.

It is now a fortnight since Mohammed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ploughed a truck along the Nice seafront, killing 84 people. The following Monday Mohammed Riyad, who said he was from Afghanistan but almost certainly came from Pakistan, screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while hacking with an axe at his fellow passengers on a Bavarian train. The next day another Mohammed, this time Mohamed Boufarkouch, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and stabbed a Frenchwoman and her three daughters (aged eight, 12 and 14) near Montpelier. Mixing things up a little, that Friday’s shooter in Munich was a child of Iranians called Ali David Sonboly. Skip forward a couple of days and a ‘-Syrian asylum seeker’ with a machete was hacking a pregnant woman to death in Stuttgart. The next day another ‘Syrian asylum seeker’, Mohammad Daleel, carried out a suicide bombing outside a bar in Ansbach, Bavaria. And a little over 24 hours later two men shouting the name of Isis entered a church in Rouen during Mass, took the nuns and congregation hostage and slaughtered the priest with a knife.

Although the public know what is going on, the media seems loath to find any connection between these events. Indeed, the same papers that blame an exaggerated spike in ‘hate crime’ on everyone who voted for Brexit seem unwilling to put the blame for these real and violent attacks on the individuals carrying them out. ‘Syrian man denied asylum killed in German blast’ was the Reuters headline on the Ansbach story, neatly turning the suicide bomber into the victim and the German asylum system into the perpetrator. As Reuters went on: ‘A 27-year-old Syrian man who had been denied asylum in Germany a year ago died on Sunday when a bomb he was carrying exploded outside a music festival.’

How terrible for him to lose his bomb in such a way.

When will our politicians accept the reality of Islamic terrorism?
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

So now the excuse for islamic evil is they are insane.

fucking bullshit, you lying pile of dog vomit.

If that had even the slightest bit of truth to it, insane people would commit the most vile acts all over the world.

Now for some actual reality. ----two main points:
1) The delusions and hallucinations and disordered thinking that characterize psychosis do not actually arise out of "thin air". They are screwed up versions of that stuff already stored in the mind of the "nut".
2) The term "mental illness" has no meaning in general and certainly NONE AT ALL---in forensic psychiatry.

there are real criteria for the determination of "criminal
responsibility" not fulfilled by simply----"well----the person
was being seen by a psychiatrist two years ago"----or
'his mama said he has been depressed"

addressing # 1. Nuts get the manifestations of their nuttiness
----not from thin air----but from that which has constituted
the poetry and imagery of their lives----it is CULTURAL ---learned at home, school, the playground and religious

# 2 A legal determination of criminal
responsibility is made not just on "presence or history
of """mental illness""" ----but specific LACK OF INSIGHT or

Not only is it true that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY
of persons who can be diagnosed as harboring a "mental '
illness by virtue of the DSM V ----do retain insight and
are not afflicted with irresistible compulsion, it is also true
that those so afflicted with psychosis that they lose insight---
OVERWHELMINGLY do not commit violent crimes---
Europeans have delegated to the State the exclusive right to use violence against criminals. But Europeans, especially in France and Germany, are discovering that some kind of "misunderstanding" seems actually to be at work. Their State, the one that is has the monopoly on violence, does not want to be at war with its Islamist citizens and residents. Worse, the State gives off the feeling that it is afraid of its Muslim citizens.

"The concept of the rule of law means that the citizen is protected from the arbitrariness of the State. ... Currently, the rule of law protects the attackers above all". — Yves Michaud, French author and philosopher.
Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War Iand spread to other European countries. Fascism opposes liberalism, Marxism and anarchism and is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[3][4]

Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war.[5][6] The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.[5][6]

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[7] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictatorand a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[7] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.[8][9][10][11] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[12]
One of the greatest myths of the 20th Century is that Fascism is the opposite of Socialism, when clearly both are blood brothers.

If you care to learn the truth, read Jonah Golberg's huge best seller Liberal Fascism...but something tells me you don't want the truth.

Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

No doubt that there is a lot of mental illness the world over, no doubt that a lot of those radicalized into jihad have personal problems as well as mental problems....too much time is spent or wasted actually trying to analyze the motives....just about everyone has some kind of personal problem....yet very few use their personal problems as an excuse to go out and kill people they do not know that in fact are complete strangers to them... very few of the even extremely mentally ill engage in violence ....yet the islamic jihadists do consistently and constantly....and when the liberals begin to analyze and discover oh he had a bad day, his girlfriend left him, he lost his job, he felt like a loser etc. then they immediatly leap to the conclusion on yeh that is what motived him.......muslim attacks one after the wide...documented case after documented case-- muslim attacks ....yet the apologists always want to blame it on something that has nothing to do with islam...why is that? Those are some motives that need explaining.

If all those folks who spend so much time trying to apologize for, make excuses for or negate the violent acts of muslims, spent half that time studying Islam and or actually reading the koran....they might find out some truth.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

I'm not talking about "personal problems". There is a big difference between "personal problems" and mental illness. The couple that shot up his workplace in San Diego likely had "personal problems" but there was no evidence of actual mental illness and I don't believe anyone made the case for it either...which kind of debunks the rightwing claim that the left always makes it about mental illness.

My question is this - why is it, with you guys, that it is always jihadism or religion as the motivation when it's a Muslim?

Take for example: Christian Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters as Husband Watched Had History of Mental Illness

Is it her religion? Or is it mental illness. She had a history of mental illness like Sonboly, but she gets a "free pass" because she isn't Muslim?

A surprising number of non-Muslim people with "personal problems" do indeed commit acts of violence - but their faith isn't typically blamed as the main motivator.

Dylan Roof - shot up the church in Charleston
Adam Lanza - Sandy Hook
Wade Michael Page - shot up the Sikh Temple
Jared Loughner - shot 18 people in Tucson at a Gabby Gifford political event
Jim David Adkisson - shot up a Unitarian Church in Knoxville during a children's play (because he hated liberals and hated homos)

That's barely a handful of the many people with "issues" or mental illness that have killed people in just the last 6 years.

Again: What makes Sonboly different from Lanza?

Why do you hold them to different standards? Some are mentally ill. Some have "issues" (obviously anyone who goes on a lethal rampage does). Some are radicalized and acting out of perverted sense of religious duty. There's all different reasons and denying that isn't going to help in finding solutions.
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

No doubt that there is a lot of mental illness the world over, no doubt that a lot of those radicalized into jihad have personal problems as well as mental problems....too much time is spent or wasted actually trying to analyze the motives....just about everyone has some kind of personal problem....yet very few use their personal problems as an excuse to go out and kill people they do not know that in fact are complete strangers to them... very few of the even extremely mentally ill engage in violence ....yet the islamic jihadists do consistently and constantly....and when the liberals begin to analyze and discover oh he had a bad day, his girlfriend left him, he lost his job, he felt like a loser etc. then they immediatly leap to the conclusion on yeh that is what motived him.......muslim attacks one after the wide...documented case after documented case-- muslim attacks ....yet the apologists always want to blame it on something that has nothing to do with islam...why is that? Those are some motives that need explaining.

If all those folks who spend so much time trying to apologize for, make excuses for or negate the violent acts of muslims, spent half that time studying Islam and or actually reading the koran....they might find out some truth.
Call it what you will, but people love evil. Athiest governments didn't butcher 160 million of their own people in the past century without human involvement.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

Liberals do not seemed concerned about the prospects of Shariah law being imposed....I wonder what their attitudes would be if they lived jus vor a lil while under Shariah Law>>>>

There is no prospect of Shariah Law in the US - that is one of the most ignorant fearmongering claims from the right.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Anybody can be mentally ill and still be functional and completely harmless:

Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the way we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. They affect our thoughts, feelings, abilities and behaviours. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses.

Insane would indicate not having normal perception or down right delusional. They might not understand right from wrong.


  1. in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill:
    "certifying patients as clinically insane" ·

    synonyms: mentally ill · mentally

    criminally insane: Not guilty by reason of insanity is a plea by a criminal defendant who admits the criminal act, but claims he/she was so mentally disturbed at the time of the crime that he/she lacked the mental capacity necessary to commit a crime.

    Now Crazy carries a number of interpretations. While it can mean insane it can also mean passionate or enthusiastic which most radicals are; overly zealous.

    mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented ·
  2. extremely enthusiastic:
    "I'm crazy about Cindy" ·

    synonyms: passionate about · (very) keen on · enamored of · infatuated with ·
  3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position:
    "the monument leaned at a crazy angle"

    I used crazy because I do believe they understand and have the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong it's just someone has convinced them to be zealous in a murderous way. They are not criminally insane. They know it's wrong but they rationalize it as serving allah. An insane person wouldn't have any conscience about it at all and not need the rational. they just do it because it somehow benefits them IMHO.

It's the casual reference to mental illness I object to. Labelling people who blow themselves up, and chop heads off as sick. Putting them in the same category as a depressed person, who probably doesn't have the energy toget out of bed, let alone run around macheteing hapless victims on trains. Stigmatisising mental illness?

It's just another sloppy excuse for diverting away from real issues.

You do realize that depression is not the only recognized mental illness? Recognizing mental illness as a contributing factor is "stigmatizing" it nor is pointing it out in certain instances (such as the Somali woman for example) "casually" referencing it.

Denying it, is stigmatizing it. Denying it makes it less likely that a person will seek treatment or that there will be the necessary community support. Referencing it is not "casual" but denying it because you favor "stigmatizing" a religion avoiding reality and that reality is that untreated mental illness is not "pretty" - there are no cute poster kids for schizophrenia for example. Recognizing it as a factor in SOME of these events means you might utilize different strategies to prevent them as opposed to saying they're all jihadists and then getting confused when there is no trail of radicalization to follow. Instead of seperating out Muslims from Non-Muslims in these violent events why don't you seperate out the mentally ill from the ones with "issues" as you would with any other situation and use that to increase awareness, treatment and prevention? Most people with mental illness are not violent, and indeed most end up being victims. However among the predictors of violence are drug/alcohol use, past history of violence and untreated psychosis (all of which were aluded to in the articles about some of these attackers). Mentally ill people, who are under treatment have a lower likelyhood of violence then the average "normal" population.
Most people with mental illness are not violent. In fact, people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of violence. Research on the relationship between mental illness and violence shows that there are certain factors that may increase risks of violence among a small number of individuals with mental illness. These factors include:

  • Co-occurring abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Past history of violence
  • Being young and male
  • Untreated psychosis

The best way to reduce this risk is through treatment. Yet fewer than one-third of adults and half of children with a diagnosed mental illness receive mental health services in a given year.

Where NAMI Stands

We recognize that acts of violence by people with mental illness are usually the result of lack of needed mental health services. Policies and programs must be available and accessible which provide access to:

  • Early identification and intervention
  • Appropriate treatment and support
  • Integrated treatment when there is co-occurring substance abuse
  • Family education and support
  • Crisis intervention
What it seems like is folks are more interested in blame then effective solutions - let's blame it ALL on the religion instead of recognizing the fact that there are multiple issues at play and not all of them can be solved by better surveillance, tracking, etc.
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

So now the excuse for islamic evil is they are insane.

fucking bullshit, you lying pile of dog vomit.

If that had even the slightest bit of truth to it, insane people would commit the most vile acts all over the world.

Now for some actual reality. ----two main points:
1) The delusions and hallucinations and disordered thinking that characterize psychosis do not actually arise out of "thin air". They are screwed up versions of that stuff already stored in the mind of the "nut".
2) The term "mental illness" has no meaning in general and certainly NONE AT ALL---in forensic psychiatry.

there are real criteria for the determination of "criminal
responsibility" not fulfilled by simply----"well----the person
was being seen by a psychiatrist two years ago"----or
'his mama said he has been depressed"

addressing # 1. Nuts get the manifestations of their nuttiness
----not from thin air----but from that which has constituted
the poetry and imagery of their lives----it is CULTURAL ---learned at home, school, the playground and religious

# 2 A legal determination of criminal
responsibility is made not just on "presence or history
of """mental illness""" ----but specific LACK OF INSIGHT or

Not only is it true that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY
of persons who can be diagnosed as harboring a "mental '
illness by virtue of the DSM V ----do retain insight and
are not afflicted with irresistible compulsion, it is also true
that those so afflicted with psychosis that they lose insight---
OVERWHELMINGLY do not commit violent crimes---

Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Anybody can be mentally ill and still be functional and completely harmless:

Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the way we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. They affect our thoughts, feelings, abilities and behaviours. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses.

Insane would indicate not having normal perception or down right delusional. They might not understand right from wrong.


  1. in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill:
    "certifying patients as clinically insane" ·

    synonyms: mentally ill · mentally

    criminally insane: Not guilty by reason of insanity is a plea by a criminal defendant who admits the criminal act, but claims he/she was so mentally disturbed at the time of the crime that he/she lacked the mental capacity necessary to commit a crime.

    Now Crazy carries a number of interpretations. While it can mean insane it can also mean passionate or enthusiastic which most radicals are; overly zealous.

    mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented ·
  2. extremely enthusiastic:
    "I'm crazy about Cindy" ·

    synonyms: passionate about · (very) keen on · enamored of · infatuated with ·
  3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position:
    "the monument leaned at a crazy angle"

    I used crazy because I do believe they understand and have the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong it's just someone has convinced them to be zealous in a murderous way. They are not criminally insane. They know it's wrong but they rationalize it as serving allah. An insane person wouldn't have any conscience about it at all and not need the rational. they just do it because it somehow benefits them IMHO.

It's the casual reference to mental illness I object to. Labelling people who blow themselves up, and chop heads off as sick. Putting them in the same category as a depressed person, who probably doesn't have the energy toget out of bed, let alone run around macheteing hapless victims on trains. Stigmatisising mental illness?

It's just another sloppy excuse for diverting away from real issues.

the term "mental illness" is utterly meaningless----and should always be ignored when the "diagnosis" is presented by a journalist

oh...well then, should a claim of religious motivation made by a journalist then also be ignored until a specialist weighs in?
Did you see this? I can't for the life of me work out the motive here either. Oh wait..... They must be mentally ill ... Like the man who stabbed a mother and her 3 girls for wearing shorts and T shirts .....oh wait.....the examining psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness despite his, the lefts and the media's claims. It's all so very confusing: :eusa_shifty:

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting "Allahu Akbar" threatening to "eradicate" women for insulting them with their bare bodies.
PUBLISHED: 11:25, Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:42, Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Islamic gang storm nudist pool shouting 'Allahu Akbar' vowing to 'eradicate' 'slut' women
they are crazy but far from insane, they understand what they are doing.
I agree they understand exactly what they are doing. But what is the difference between crazy and insane or mentally ill? That they are mentally ill appears to be the go to explanation now for practically every attack, usually with no evidence.

Mental illness and religiosity enjoy a close relationship. No one has ever claimed that all or even most jihadi attacks have mental illness as a component, but it's just as dishonest to across the board discount it. It seems when there is an article posted that mentions both the possibility of religoious motivation and mental illness, the mental illness is taken with a grain of salt, while the religious aspect flies unquestioned.

For some reason, people don't question the mental illness possibility if the attacker is non-Muslim: James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho etc. Why is it when the attacker is Muslim, the possibility of mental illness is roundly dismissed?

Leytonstone knife attack: man convicted of attempted murder

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?
This incident generated many the end, according to this article, she was determined to have mental health issues and not prosecuted for "hate crimes".

The man who drove his truck through a crowd in Nice was assessed by a psychiatrist in 2004 when his father became concerned about his behavior
Nice terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'

The recent shooter in Munich: Munich killer 'deliberately targeted teenagers for REVENGE'

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza? Not much.

So now the excuse for islamic evil is they are insane.

fucking bullshit, you lying pile of dog vomit.

If that had even the slightest bit of truth to it, insane people would commit the most vile acts all over the world.

Wow. That's pretty uncalled for, but whatever.

What is the difference between Sonboly and Lanza?

Was Sandy Hook a vile act?
Why do the rightwingnuts entirely discount mental illness when it's a Muslim?

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