Motrin and Tylenol don’t work on back

You'll lose that as time goes by if it isnt fixed.
I've experienced muscle atrophy in my left leg,started wearing ankle weights and thats helped a lot.
I think you are right
I need to accept it and have honor rather than acting like a “bitch azz MF snowflake “
What about steroid shots ??

I read that plasma injection don’t work

Never tried them and if they worked my pain Doc would have used them.
You should go see a pain Doc but find one thats going to try and figure out whats causing it and fixing it rather than just prescribing drugs.
Same here…

I walk with a limp and can not play any sports but I still enjoy life even with the pain…

You learn to live with it…

I have to use a cane and it sucks!!
If something requires two hands to move I'm fucked.
Cant stay standing for more than 20 minutes and 100 yards is about my limit on distance.
I have to use a cane and it sucks!!
If something requires two hands to move I'm fucked.
Cant stay standing for more than 20 minutes and 100 yards is about my limit on distance.
I am reading stories on internet about folks having their body destroyed by car accidents
Omg omg

Do you carry a concealed gun
Dude, let's get real. There are people here with way bigger problems than you've ever seen who don't ask for 1/10th the attention you do if any at all. They deal with it.
I also have mental illness !!
Why can’t you show any compassion and be nice
I ain’t so bad and I am a child of Moses
I also have mental illness !!
Irrelevant. Quit using that as your crutch.

Why can’t you show any compassion and be nice
I've shown you more compassion than anyone else on this board and you were too stupid everytime to even notice much less appreciate and take advantage of my generosity. You've probably been doing that your whole life with people passing over generosity after generosity unnoticed which is the reason why you are now in the boat you are in.

There I go being generous again giving you the benefit of my insight and honesty.
Irrelevant. Quit using that as your crutch.

I've shown you more compassion than anyone else on this board and you were too stupid everytime to even notice much less appreciate and take advantage of my generosity. You've probably been doing that your whole life with people passing over generosity after generosity unnoticed which is the reason why you are now in the boat you are in.

There I go being generous again giving you the benefit of my insight and honesty.
Maybe I just need to stop being a whiny Az bitch azz MF
And work with what works
This is a new concept for me but I am going to try it but I need time

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