Mountain Lion Stalks Utah Man For 6 Minutes

Venture into THEIR space....their babies nearby.....then shoot them if they don't like it.....

FUCKERS sucks...I'd feel bad about it...but if it's her or's going to be me.

Glad I watched this video though. Now I know it's not necessarily a them or me situation...
Years back, my teen daughter and I had an experience of our own with a mountain lion.

I know you're not supposed to run. My daughter knew you're not supposed to run..

But we went into a panic induced frenzy that included leaping 12 feet straight up into the air, turning about in mid-air and taking off like a couple of fighter jets. We both made sounds kinda like one too.
There is a funny story of 4 GI’s going up a mountain road in a Jeep in Korea during the war

Chinese artillery began pelting to road above the Jeep and getting closer with every shell

the 4 men jumped out of the Jeep one on each corner and lifted it off the ground a
No self-respecting Brit explorer would allow a pussycat to stalk. - We discovered Africa!

It would have at least got a few rocks in its mush!
you would have to go to a zoo in dreary old england to find big cat like the mountain lion

but I agree

our soyboy could have avoided soiling his panties with a few well chosen rocks
Venture into THEIR space....their babies nearby.....then shoot them if they don't like it.....

FUCKERS sucks...I'd feel bad about it...but if it's her or's going to be me.

Glad I watched this video though. Now I know it's not necessarily a them or me situation...

I'll admit..I probably would have opened fire on those fake charges.
Although I would have put one in the dirt early on in the altercation to try and scare it off.
Years back, my teen daughter and I had an experience of our own with a mountain lion.

I know you're not supposed to run. My daughter knew you're not supposed to run..

But we went into a panic induced frenzy that included leaping 12 feet straight up into the air, turning about in mid-air and taking off like a couple of fighter jets. We both made sounds kinda like one too.
There is a funny story of 4 GI’s going up a mountain road in a Jeep in Korea during the war

Chinese artillery began pelting to road above the Jeep and getting closer with every shell

the 4 men jumped out of the Jeep one on each corner and lifted it off the ground and turned facing the bottom of the hill and raced away to safety

later they tried to recreate the feat and couldnt lift a single tire off the ground
Venture into THEIR space....their babies nearby.....then shoot them if they don't like it.....

FUCKERS sucks...I'd feel bad about it...but if it's her or's going to be me.

Glad I watched this video though. Now I know it's not necessarily a them or me situation...

I'll admit..I probably would have opened fire on those fake charges.
Although I would have put one in the dirt early on in the altercation to try and scare it off.
That's exactly what I was thinking.

I sure wasn't thinking that.

My thoughts were somewhere along the lines of... I wonder if I would piddle my britches or stroke out...

Maybe both.
I found it amazing that the guy took the time to photograph the predator while he ran for his life. I guess the15 minutes of fame is predominant in gen X lifestyle.
Scary as fuck, but probably not as threatening as you might think.

When a big cat runs the way this one was, with its front paws almost slapping at the ground two or three times, the cat's not interested in attacking. It's warning him off; telling him to relocate himself.

He kept saying "go get your babies" and, at one point in the video, you can see a smaller cat on the trail. Odds are that, since the guy wasn't actually threatening whatever cubs may have been there, the larger cat just wanted the perceived threat to leave without engaging in a fight to make it happen...
It's a good thing they came across each other like that because it might not have turned out too well if he had walked right up on cub and Momma...
Thanks for the info regarding momma cats behavior (her coming forward and slapping the ground..etc...). Learn something new everyday! ...gotta have respect for nature and all our buddies out there...
There are three different accounts that I follow on Instagram, each one by a different Russian who has a mountain lion as a pet. There's another Russian, that I follow, who s a leopard, and another that has a bobcat.

It's very interesting seeing these big cats (well, the bobcat's not really that big) behaving like common domesticated cats.

At some point, I realized that all these Russians with wild cats as pets, all their cats are native to the Americas, and not to the Europe/Asia/Africa mass. I think the leopard is native to somewhere in South America, but the bobcat and the mountain lions are native to the United States. Makes me wonder how it is that guys in Russia can get these American wild cats as pets, while here in America, we cannot. You'd think that Russians getting wild cats as pets might get something from closer to home. I understand that cheetahs are actually very domesticatable, and can make very good pets. I wish I could have one.
Mountain lions can even kill a wolf
You are no match for a wolf , let alone a mountain Lion
Venture into THEIR space....their babies nearby.....then shoot them if they don't like it.....

It probably would be wise to carry some kind of mace.

I watch Mountain Men. The two guys who chase off big cats who eat rancher's livestock don't kill them. They chase them with their dogs and tree them. Then they tap the tree and make the cat nervous and jump out of the tree, then they chase them again even higher into the mountains. Hopefully they don't come back. It's funny the cat could kill all 4 dogs and the guy if it wanted to but they almost always run. Occasionally they go at it with one or a couple of the dogs but then they skiddatle.

It's probably good for their business to not kill them. If they kill them all then they'll be out of a job. Because let's face it, they'll be back. LOL.

I love these animals but it's funny how things change when you own land. My brother has 65 acres and we have 2 little dogs. If I see a coyote on the property I will shoot it. I hate to do it but if they aren't afraid they will eventually get my dogs. Even shooting at them but not hitting them will run them off but the best thing to do is kill one of them then the pack will move on. Or stay at the back of the property and not come close to the house. Plus they kill a lot of baby deer which hurts our hunting. Look at it this way. If I kill 2 coyote I probably saved 10 deer. And don't worry about the coyote they aren't going extinct.
Wild animals don't like is noise.

There's a Scout ranch in Cimmarron, New Mexico called "Philmont" (also happens to be the home of the only documented Tyrannosaurus Rex track in the world). I went camping there in 1976, and every tent had to have cooking utensils in it, so that if a bear came along we could scare it away. Think about it: The sound of a metal spoon being rattled around in a metal pot is a sound completely unknown to a bear. The odds of the bear sticking around to investigate it are practically nil. It's different and, well, fuck that. He'll go be a bear and do bear stuff somewhere else.

In later years I always carried a signal horn and/or a whistle to ward off wild animals...
Venture into THEIR space....their babies nearby.....then shoot them if they don't like it.....


Not being prepared to defend yourself is stupid but, by all means, go for a hike and let one kill you.

Nothin' more than a little chlorine in the gene pool...

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