movie Midway and the remake of Midway


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
The Midway remake told the story of the skill of the intelligence network to identify Midway in the Japanese code better than the original and it didn't have the lame sub-plot of the love affair between the Chuck Heston's son character and the internment girl. Maybe kids that grew up with video games like the graphics but I found the buzzing look-alike graphics annoying. I didn't much care for Woody Harrilson as Nimitz either.
I like the orginal better even with the pointless romance subplot you have a true all star cast in it that the remake doesn't have. Suffice it to say the battle scenes in the remake are far superior to the orginal especially the dive bombing scenes overall the remake was not terrible but not anything that will be a classic either.
The Midway remake told the story of the skill of the intelligence network to identify Midway in the Japanese code better than the original and it didn't have the lame sub-plot of the love affair between the Chuck Heston's son character and the internment girl. Maybe kids that grew up with video games like the graphics but I found the buzzing look-alike graphics annoying. I didn't much care for Woody Harrilson as Nimitz either.

Neither one has been good, too many flaws and weaknesses.

Desperate for a really good production, but Hollyweird isn't up to par these days.
I dug through my DVDs and watched Midway....Battle of the Bulge....and Kelly's heroes yesterday....and got good and snockered for the predictable illegal firework display in my town....had a blast just sitting on my deck....oh and zoomed with the kids too....
The Midway remake told the story of the skill of the intelligence network to identify Midway in the Japanese code better than the original and it didn't have the lame sub-plot of the love affair between the Chuck Heston's son character and the internment girl. Maybe kids that grew up with video games like the graphics but I found the buzzing look-alike graphics annoying. I didn't much care for Woody Harrilson as Nimitz either.
I liked the movie a lot but like you I wasn't all that crazy about Woody playing Nimitz. Not because I don't like him as an actor I just think he wasn't the right man for that role. As for the graphics, I like good graphics and think they did a pretty fair job so no complaints here.
The Midway remake told the story of the skill of the intelligence network to identify Midway in the Japanese code better than the original and it didn't have the lame sub-plot of the love affair between the Chuck Heston's son character and the internment girl. Maybe kids that grew up with video games like the graphics but I found the buzzing look-alike graphics annoying. I didn't much care for Woody Harrilson as Nimitz either.

Neither one has been good, too many flaws and weaknesses.

Desperate for a really good production, but Hollyweird isn't up to par these days.
Hollywood is about entertainment not history.
I saw it in the theaters and liked it. Faithful story telling of events but not much drama. CGI gets distracting

Watched again last night on HBO and didn’t think it carried that well. OK but not a classic war movie
The movie isn't a classic......but it did show a different presentation of the battle....which is cool. Good for popcorn sales....if you're ever going to go to a movie theater again that is.
Midway was arguably the most important naval battle in American history that turned the tide of the Pacific war. It's a shame that the post Vietnam history teachers would rather teach kids about the homosexual revolution than great Military heroes but that's the era we have to live in. Not to go off the subject though, somehow the smirking zombie hunter and natural born killer didn't rise to the level of Hank Fonda's Nimitz and the Dennis Quaid's "Halsey" was just plain weird.
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There is a difference between a historical movie and a fairy tale...

A fairy tale starts out with "Once upon a time ..."

While the historical movie proudly proclaims, "Based on true events ..."

History, unfortunately, doesn't lend itself easily to cinema. Events don't happen in the correct order or close enough together to make for exciting drama.

One of the most accurate "war" movies I've ever seen is "Remains of the Day". In it, a completely fictitious British Lord naively collaborates with Nazis in pre-World War II England.

While none of the events in the movie actually happened, it did, very accurately, reflect the way many in the British aristocracy, including King Edward VIII, felt very strongly that Britain should be supporting Germany under Hitler rather than fighting him.
The movie honored the American and Japanese sailors that died at Midway? Is there a reason we are honoring the killers of Americans?
The original was an epic movie. One of the greats.
This one was a decent movie, enjoyable, but nowhere near the quality of the original.

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