Moving Goalposts From Not Overwhelming System to No Spike in Cases Means Permanent Lockdown


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The political argument for lockdown was that it was necessary to avoid overwhelming the health care system, in particular, running out of ventilators. Now we are sending ventilators overseas. No shortage, I guess.

Now the media spin is to watch for "rise in new cases" as freedom is granted to the frightened subjects, which is inevitable because that is how herd immunity works. People catch the virus, and unless you are elderly or vulnerable either don't show it and get immune, or get sick then get immune.

Herr Governor Cuomo reveals how disingenuous a thug he is, by saying yesterday:

"We want to reopen, but we want to do it without infecting more people or overwhelming the hospital system," "MSM: No state has met 14-day drop in cases for reopening"

Remember Herr Governor Cuomo's brother is the CNN newsman who bravely documented his own quarantine in his basement, until a New Yorker taking a bike-ride caught him on a stroll in the park.

But people will be infected at a rising rate until herd immunity is reached. That does not mean the hospital system will be overwhelmed. Cuomo is slickly conflating the two like the greasiest kind of used car salesman.

If the fear is overwhelming the hospital system, why are ventilators being shipped abroad? Why not hold onto every last one until we know we are completely out of the woods?

Moving the goalposts from not overwhelming system to no spike in new cases (and there will be) is a set up. When cases spike, and they must because the prison lockdown has slowed herd immunity, the panic will be refreshed and the cycle will continue. In other words, how to kill a free society with permanent lockdown.

Is it just possible that this is a difficult decision ?
They need to balance a lot of issues and if they get it wrong then many more people will dies.
Is it just possible ?
Got to make sure things are safe before you open the gates.

Not a hard concept
Worldwide COVID deaths to date 247,000

Flu season deaths annually: 650,000


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