Moving Unemployment Map: This Will Scare The Crap Out Of You


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

This is an interactive map of the US that shows how unemployment has grown the last few years. It's not only amazing but downright frightening. Yet Obama and the Dems aren't really working on the job angle. AZ is just too damned important to them.


Seems it's gotten alot worse since Obama inherited this economy.
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What's really alarming is how much worse it's gotten since passage of the Stimulus.
This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7

The map shows how unemployment has spread like a cancer all over the US and the press is practically ignoring it.

Wonder how they'd be covering it if Bush was prez.
This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7

It's well more than 10.0 here in Georgia, above the national average. Especially in the metro Atlanta area. Good jobs here are pretty scarce, and if you find an opening, you're gonna be competing against 100-200 people.

I've lived in this area since 1968 and been in the job market since 78 as a teen. I've never seem our job market THIS bad. Not even when Jimmah Cahatah was Governor then Prez.

Which says the shit for brains sitting in the White House has even outdone JC in terms of jobs and putting Americans to work. At least here in Georgia. Impressive. :cuckoo::evil:
This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7

The map shows how unemployment has spread like a cancer all over the US and the press is practically ignoring it.

Wonder how they'd be covering it if Bush was prez.

24/7/365, Wall-to-Wall coverage if this were Bush.

"It's the economy, stupid". "AMERICAN CITIZENS NEED JOBS, stupid".

You listening dumbass in the White House?
This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7

The map shows how unemployment has spread like a cancer all over the US and the press is practically ignoring it.

Wonder how they'd be covering it if Bush was prez.

24/7/365, Wall-to-Wall coverage if this were Bush.

"It's the economy, stupid". "AMERICAN CITIZENS NEED JOBS, stupid".

You listening dumbass in the White House?


He's trying to accuse the GOP of standing in the way of all of his "Awareness" legislation.

Even though he still has a super-majority in both the House and the Senate the Dems are going around requiring a 2/3 vote. Wish they had required that in everything.....we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today if that were the case.
This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7
Well look on the bright side if we get the Democrats out of the Senate (so they lose the majority) we will have a higher unemployment rate than France (10.1%) by that time. Not a bright side really but at least it proves that socialism largely fails, in bad or good times. ;)
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This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7
Well look on the bright side if we get the Democrats out of the Senate (so they lose the majority) we will have a higher unemployment rate than France (10.1%) by that time. Not a bright side really but at least it proves that socialism largely fails, in bad or good times. ;)

Are you an American or a Kiwi, or an American Ex-pat in NZ? :eusa_think:
I suggest that they use bright blue and yellow, rather than purple and black...

...makes it much less scary!
And the Republican leadership is calling Americans "spoiled, lazy, hobos, bums, sober up and go get a job, bellyachers".

Carly Fiorina, as a CEO, fired 18,000 Americans and moved those jobs to China. The huge plant in China, which employs 300,000 and has been plagued by suicides, just had an enormous strike which resulted in their salaries being "doubled" to 73 dollars a week. Carly is a GOP candidate heavily favored for the US Senate where she hopes to bring her expertise in business and management.

Of course, Republicans want to blame the state of the economy on the Democrats because they held the majority in congress for the last two years of the Bush administration. Only, their majority in the senate was 49 to 49 with two independents. During those two years, they managed to pass not a single piece of meaningful legislation. Which of course, would mean they had no impact on the deteriorating economy.

The economy that was supposed to grow because of trillions in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

Unfortunately, it seems those Americans took that money and used it to move jobs overseas to China and India to make a "quick buck". Only now, no one here has a job and those people overseas aren't paid enough to buy the products they make. So everyone is kind of fucked.

And we can owe it all to the incredible business savvy of the "Conservative Confederate Right Wing Republican Party of Teabags".
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What's really alarming is how much worse it's gotten since passage of the Stimulus.
Which was entirely predictable and predicted.
I don't know why it is a difficult concept to realize that government cannot spend money. It simply redistributes money from one place to another, usually from the productive to unproductive. Henry Hazlett nailed this in 1946. Simple lesson, often forgotten. Japan has gone through 10 years of ultra low interest rates and stimulus programs and their economy is worse not better.
....Democrats held the majority in congress for the last two years of the Bush administration. Only, their majority in the senate was 49 to 49 with two independents. During those two years, they managed to pass not a single piece of meaningful legislation.
. .....So everyone is kind of fucked.

*Edited to Minimize Bullshit
What's really alarming is how much worse it's gotten since passage of the Stimulus.
Which was entirely predictable and predicted.
I don't know why it is a difficult concept to realize that government cannot spend money. It simply redistributes money from one place to another, usually from the productive to unproductive. Henry Hazlett nailed this in 1946. Simple lesson, often forgotten. Japan has gone through 10 years of ultra low interest rates and stimulus programs and their economy is worse not better.

And Bush and the Republicans gave trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy, we are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years and our economy has been devastated. So much for the "benefits" of tax cuts.

Why do you care anyway. You can't possibly be rich. You're much too stupid. I'm not trying to insult you, but come on, have you read what you write?
The reason tax receipts are the lowest in years as a percent of GDP is not because tax policy is favoring the rich - it's because 17% of the adult population is under or unemployed and not paying much or anything in taxes.

As to being too stupid to be rich, no wonder you love welfare and unemployment checks. They must look like Big Money to you.

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