Moving Unemployment Map: This Will Scare The Crap Out Of You

Long-winded, rambling, probably pointless, TOPIC-DRIFTED post alert!

Did the original 4.9% include underemployed workers?

No, I don't think it does.

I think that that number was the offical (smallest) unemployment number they posted. I think if you look back to that date you'd find a couple other unemployment numbers that were larger than the 4.9%. Those would include underemployment and discouraged workers, too. My guess (cause I'm too lazy to look it up) is that number was more like 7%

But the end point of this video does include those those classes of people, thus we start out with the rosier number and then include the less rosy numbers at the end of this video.

Basically they're moving the goalposts but for some reason they neglected to mention that.

Topic rip tides start here.
No lifeguard on duty.
Weak readers (or the easily bored) advised to stay out of the ASCII

The unemployment problem has been with us for a much longer period than since 2008.

In fact it was really the unemployment problem, the steady decline in purchasing power for those who were working, and the continued erosion of decent employment, that has been happening pretty much for the last 40 years that brought us to this unhappy state today.

Now, I'm certainly NOT apologising for how piss poorly I think this stimulus been structured.

But I'm not about to pretend that this state of economy doesn't have a much longer history than most partisans hereabouts seem willing to acknowledge, either.

There's plenty of blame to spread around, folks, cause that's the way economies work, ya know?

They are the combined outcome of everything that's happening --not just one or two foolish policies that we can identify -- but the combined outcome of everything that's happened already.

This depression took decades of stupid policies before it happened because this nation (thanks mostly to its strong middle class) was richer than hell in the 50s 60s and early 70s.

So let's remember that we've had shocks to the system, bubbles in the markets, massive corrections, huge unemployment,bailouts of banks and credit markets, and feeble recoveries long before this depression happened, too, right?

Thinking that one President or one Congress should get all the credit for making this mess happen demands that one forget everything that has happened before that president or congress was in charge.

It also presumes that every stupid policy in place the current regime is responsible for, too, doesn't it?

It's almost as though some of you think that the President and Congress can change every law in place when they take office.

I cannot believe that any of you really think that where we are today is entirely the result of the 2008 election or Obama's messes.

Neither, for that matter, can I believe that any of your really and truly believe that this mess is entirely because of Bush II's idiotic policies, either.

Economies are ONGOING EVENTS. Today we deal with the mistakes -- all the mistakes and all the sucesses, too -- we made in the past.

And those mistakes (and sucesses) that were made decades ago compound with mistakes that were made yesterday!

And inside each solution we find is the seed of some future disaster we neglect to predict because the whole economy is just too complex to fathom.

And here's a heads up for yas...neither party has the solution to this today's mess.

The economy will grind on to wherever it's going regardless of which party is in charge.

Their ability to really change the economy is rather limited. They can exacerbate or mitigate the problems only to a small degree.

Thinking that somehow we can control the worlds economy is equivalent to thinking that we can control history.

It just doesn't work that way, folks.

Things change that are entirely out of our control or our ability to predict, even if those changes are the partially the result of policies we put into place.

NOBODY has the crystal ball to know how exactly to make it work all the time for all of us.

There's just too much going on for anybody to really get handle on it.

How many times do we need to see macro-economic predictions fail us before we get that?

There's so many random variables effecting it that nobody can predict the future economy and certainly we cannot engineer a perfect economy, either.

The invisible hand of the market doesn't give a rat's ass one way or the other, it will dopeslap us or caress us in its own good time.

So stick this in your Keynsian or Hyeckian pipes and smoke it....nobody really knows nuttin'.

CAn we agree that macro economies are more complex than a chess game?


Okay, who wants to predict after the first move, what the chess board is going to look like 30 moves later?

Are ya getting my point?

That's ONLY trying to predict an outcome where there's ONLY two players, a fully understood set of rules, a very limited board and still we cannot come up with what the board will look like in just a few moves.

But we think we can predict the future state of a macro-economy?

Que sera sera,
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera sera
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This map comes up all the time. It is really appalling how bad it went from 4.6 to 9.7

The map shows how unemployment has spread like a cancer all over the US and the press is practically ignoring it.

Wonder how they'd be covering it if Bush was prez.

We already know how it would be covered. 6% unemployment was considered a catastrophe. 2005 and 2006 were called "recessions" then. 2003-2004 was called a "jobless recovery." The definition of recession was even changed to be able to pin it on Bush.
You'll be looking back on these as the good old days.

Funny, I said that in 2007. "Think things are bad right now? Just wait until government nationalizes private companies. We'll wish we could get back to 5% unemployment and modest GDP growth."

"Nobody serious in the Democratic Party wants to nationalize any company."
Did the original 4.9% include underemployed workers?

No, I don't think it does.

I think that that number was the offical (smallest) unemployment number they posted. I think if you look back to that date you'd find a couple other unemployment numbers that were larger than the 4.9%. Those would include underemployment and discouraged workers, too. My guess (cause I'm too lazy to look it up) is that number was more like 7%

But the end point of this video does include those those classes of people, thus we start out with the rosier number and then include the less rosy numbers at the end of this video.

That's not true. The under/unemployed number in May 2010 was 19%. This one tops out at 9.7% in May 2010.
Long-winded, rambling, probably pointless, TOPIC-DRIFTED post alert!

And here's a heads up for yas...neither party has the solution to this today's mess.

The economy will grind on to wherever it's going regardless of which party is in charge.

And the Republican leadership is calling Americans "spoiled, lazy, hobos, bums, sober up and go get a job, bellyachers".

Carly Fiorina, as a CEO, fired 18,000 Americans and moved those jobs to China. The huge plant in China, which employs 300,000 and has been plagued by suicides, just had an enormous strike which resulted in their salaries being "doubled" to 73 dollars a week. Carly is a GOP candidate heavily favored for the US Senate where she hopes to bring her expertise in business and management.

Of course, Republicans want to blame the state of the economy on the Democrats because they held the majority in congress for the last two years of the Bush administration. Only, their majority in the senate was 49 to 49 with two independents. During those two years, they managed to pass not a single piece of meaningful legislation. Which of course, would mean they had no impact on the deteriorating economy.

The economy that was supposed to grow because of trillions in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

Unfortunately, it seems those Americans took that money and used it to move jobs overseas to China and India to make a "quick buck". Only now, no one here has a job and those people overseas aren't paid enough to buy the products they make. So everyone is kind of fucked.

And we can owe it all to the incredible business savvy of the "Conservative Confederate Right Wing Republican Party of Teabags".

During the time the GOP held a idiots...they allowed themselves to be pressured into a power sharing agreement to usher in a bi-partisan Democrats have been sabotaging this country all along.
What that map looked like in 2009 was 100% unemployment for everything East of the Mississippi. Not 9.7%.

What that map looked like in 2009 was 100% unemployment for everything East of the Mississippi. Not 9.7%.


Nope...go by the color code in the legend. The max was 10% or it could have been more but doubtfully 100%.

Notice how quickly California, Oregon, and Washington State went bad. The rest of the Northeastern States and Southeastern states followed suit.
FYI.. from US Dept of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics?

June 2010 seasonably adjusted U-6 - (Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force)


That's about one out of every six workers, folks.
FYI.. from US Dept of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics?

June 2010 seasonably adjusted U-6 - (Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force)


That's about one out of every six workers, folks.

That's about what? Close to 45 MILLION or so of 300 MILLION Americans?

That's a shitload of people un/under employed. I'm one of them, I'm finishing my degree while I look for a new job. Let me tell you, I'd rather go back to 2007 when I had a great job, nice house, two cars, fat bank book and job "security". Yeah. I really would. Even though my boss was (and still is) one gigantic fat-ass jerk!

It amazes me he still has a job. I worked for a major telecom firm. He was on the committee that evaluated the iPhone before it's original release. It was offered to OUR company long BEFORE AT&T.

His opinion was that our customers would NOT pay $600-800 for a phone, and as leader of this group (aside from the dumabss CEO at the time) he said we should PASS on it. And so we did.

Then....Apple went to AT&T, and the rest is history.

What a fucking dumbass my old boss is.... the old CEO is gone, but he's still there since 1984. Nice going....stupid fucking I.DOTS that run the company keep the over paid, over fed tantrum throwing jackass around.

Yeah. Karma will get him one day. Yes indeedy.....all I have to do is sit back and watch. Whooo-hooooo. :D
FYI.. from US Dept of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics?

June 2010 seasonably adjusted U-6 - (Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force)


That's about one out of every six workers, folks.

That's about what? Close to 45 MILLION or so of 300 MILLION Americans?


I think I know why you're unemployed. Nobody with the ability to sign a paycheck would hire someone that stupid. Sorry, I know this is a very harsh criticism but really.

You honestly think that there are 300 MILLION Americans able to work?

My 7 year old doesn't have a job, neither does my newborn niece, nor my retired grandmother.




That's a shitload of people un/under employed. I'm one of them, I'm finishing my degree while I look for a new job. Let me tell you, I'd rather go back to 2007 when I had a great job, nice house, two cars, fat bank book and job "security". Yeah. I really would. Even though my boss was (and still is) one gigantic fat-ass jerk!

It amazes me he still has a job. I worked for a major telecom firm. He was on the committee that evaluated the iPhone before it's original release. It was offered to OUR company long BEFORE AT&T.

His opinion was that our customers would NOT pay $600-800 for a phone, and as leader of this group (aside from the dumabss CEO at the time) he said we should PASS on it. And so we did.

Then....Apple went to AT&T, and the rest is history.

What a fucking dumbass my old boss is.... the old CEO is gone, but he's still there since 1984. Nice going....stupid fucking I.DOTS that run the company keep the over paid, over fed tantrum throwing jackass around.

Yeah. Karma will get him one day. Yes indeedy.....all I have to do is sit back and watch. Whooo-hooooo. :D

While you may think that in hindsight it was a poor decision, how are the earnings at your former employer?

Maybe it's not the iPhone that got you fired, maybe it's the lack of analytical ability you demonstrated above.

45 MILLION underemployed? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

As of April 2009, the specific number was 154,731,000 in the civilian workforce. There are also approximately 1,500,000 in the military workforce. FYI, the current population of the US is 306,531,009, meaning that more than half of the US is working. Out of the whole population, 11.1 million are out of work, 43 million are elderly (65+), 48 million are stay-at-home moms/dads, and 73 million are children under 18.

Assuming the 16.5% number is correct then the rate of unemplyed or unwillingly underemployed is

Assuming an average household size of 3.17, and assuming that each worker represents one household then we're looking at about 8,481,000 households in financial trouble.
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As of April 2009, the specific number was 154,731,000 in the civilian workforce. There are also approximately 1,500,000 in the military workforce. FYI, the current population of the US is 306,531,009, meaning that more than half of the US is working. Out of the whole population, 11.1 million are out of work, 43 million are elderly (65+), 48 million are stay-at-home moms/dads, and 73 million are children under 18.

Assuming the 16.5% number is correct then the rate of unemplyed or unwillingly underemployed is

Assuming an average household size of 3.17, and assuming that each worker represents one household then we're looking at about 8,481,000 households in financial trouble.


= number of popular votes Obama received in 2008
Maybe it's not the iPhone that got you fired, maybe it's the lack of analytical ability you demonstrated above.

45 MILLION underemployed? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

1. I had nothing to do with my I.Dot boss' fucked up decision.

2. You counted 300 million AMERICANS, but what of the estimated 20 million or so ILLEGAL adults living here who are under/un employed? You know they've taken a hit in this economy too, dipshit. I included them in that 45 million figure, you didn't. Fuckwhit.

3. I think I know why YOU should be un-employed. Stupid ass! :rofl:
2. You counted 300 million AMERICANS, but what of the estimated 20 million or so ILLEGAL adults living here who are under/un employed? You know they've taken a hit in this economy too, dipshit. I included them in that 45 million figure, you didn't. Fuckwhit.

Yer backpedaling like a muthafucka there, and making up shit to cover your mistake.

So now all of a sudden you've counted 20 million illegals out of work into editec's 25 million, which magically makes it up to the 45 million you stated a while ago? Quick thinking to try and cover your gaffe, but just as stupid mathematically and logically. You know why?


You fucking dolt.

If you don't understand it, get someone to explain it to you.
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2. You counted 300 million AMERICANS, but what of the estimated 20 million or so ILLEGAL adults living here who are under/un employed? You know they've taken a hit in this economy too, dipshit. I included them in that 45 million figure, you didn't. Fuckwhit.

1. 300 million includes those not able to work and not able to change jobs...underage, prisoners, mental patients, military. To look at the labor market we use the adult civilian non-institutional population, currently at 237,690,000. THIS INCLUDES ILLEGAL ALIENS, and so do the employment and unemployment numbers. There might be some undercounting as illegals are less likely to answer surveys, but the survey does not ask about legal status or citizenship.

Current not seasonally adjusted breakdown is:
139,882,000 employed
114,168,000 full time
8,867,000 part time for economic reasons
16,847,000 part time for non-economic reasons.
14,885,000 unemployed (looking for work)
82,923,000 not working or looking for work
6,461,000 not working or looking for work but say they want a job
2,591,000 not working or looking for work but say they want a job and are available and have looked in the last year.
1,207,000 not working or looking for work but say they want a job and are available and have looked in the last year and not looking because they don't think they'll find a job.

In short, 14,885,000 trying to work and failing.
2,591,000 potential workers (have shown some interest and are available but not trying to work)
And 8,867,000 working part time due to the economy.
Total of 26,343,000 underutilized people.

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