Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

We don't need soldiers on the ground anymore?
Did I say that?

Why did we send people into Afghanistan and Iraq if technology has replaced the infantry grunt?
See... This is why you are an idiot. Nobody said they weren't needed. It was said that technology... *ponders* Pfft.

Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Good day to you.

The analogy Obama was trying to draw is that technological advances have changed the way we fight war. It really hasn't, other than making it easier for the grunts on our side to survive. Every single bit of technology you can name that is applied to war was imaginable in 1916, and most of it was supposed to make war impossible. Yet, no matter what, without a guy who is willing to get on the ground and use a knife, we would loose every time. In fact, the reason we are losing in Afghanistan is Obama isn't willing to send in enough troops to get the job done, they have more knives than we do.

You must be trying for the gold medal in stupid.
The election is not about bayonets. The military jsut discontinued bayonet training, as I understand it. But that is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that Obama's foreign policy is a record of failure unrivaled by any president in my lifetime.
Kennedy had the Berlin Wall. Johnson had Vietnam, Nixon went to China, Ford had lust for the Polish people, Carter had detente, Reagan had the implosion of the Soviet Union, HW Bush had the Gulf War, Clinton had Bosnia, W had the Iraq War. Obama has nothing but failure.
I know when my son was at Basic training in 2003 he had to learn to use the bayonet. I don't know how much he's used one since, but has been to Iraq 3 times. I'll have to ask him~
This thread proves a point.. Liberals will lie-- do anything- in order to cover for Obama.
President Obama said during Monday night's debate that the U.S. Army has fewer horses and bayonets than in the past.

That's true. Although Army Special Forces were on horseback in Afghanistan when they helped defeat the Taliban in 2001, the Army's horses are now used only for ceremonial occasions.

As for bayonets? The last bayonet charge was during the Korean War in 1951.

The bayonet has somewhat gone the way of the horse cavalry, as far as the Army is concerned (although Marines still use bayonets in training).

Two years ago, bayonet training stopped for new recruits, under orders from Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, then head of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Sergeants instead focused on more practical skills like hand-to-hand fighting.

"What's interesting," Hertling told The Christian Science Monitor at the time, "is if bayonet training is that important and it's the centerpiece of everything we do, why is it the only place it's taught is at basic training? If it's that important, you'd think all the operational units would have bayonet assault courses."

Horses, Bayonets And The Modern Military : It's All Politics : NPR
President Obama said during Monday night's debate that the U.S. Army has fewer horses and bayonets than in the past.

That's true. Although Army Special Forces were on horseback in Afghanistan when they helped defeat the Taliban in 2001, the Army's horses are now used only for ceremonial occasions.

As for bayonets? The last bayonet charge was during the Korean War in 1951.

The bayonet has somewhat gone the way of the horse cavalry, as far as the Army is concerned (although Marines still use bayonets in training).

Two years ago, bayonet training stopped for new recruits, under orders from Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, then head of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Sergeants instead focused on more practical skills like hand-to-hand fighting.

"What's interesting," Hertling told The Christian Science Monitor at the time, "is if bayonet training is that important and it's the centerpiece of everything we do, why is it the only place it's taught is at basic training? If it's that important, you'd think all the operational units would have bayonet assault courses."

Horses, Bayonets And The Modern Military : It's All Politics : NPR

Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.
President Obama said during Monday night's debate that the U.S. Army has fewer horses and bayonets than in the past.

That's true. Although Army Special Forces were on horseback in Afghanistan when they helped defeat the Taliban in 2001, the Army's horses are now used only for ceremonial occasions.

As for bayonets? The last bayonet charge was during the Korean War in 1951.

The bayonet has somewhat gone the way of the horse cavalry, as far as the Army is concerned (although Marines still use bayonets in training).

Two years ago, bayonet training stopped for new recruits, under orders from Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, then head of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Sergeants instead focused on more practical skills like hand-to-hand fighting.

"What's interesting," Hertling told The Christian Science Monitor at the time, "is if bayonet training is that important and it's the centerpiece of everything we do, why is it the only place it's taught is at basic training? If it's that important, you'd think all the operational units would have bayonet assault courses."

Horses, Bayonets And The Modern Military : It's All Politics : NPR

Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?
Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?

Do we wither?? No, I don't believe either of us wither. :eusa_shifty:

Lastly, who gives a rats behind?? Your boy Obama said there were less bayonets today in the military then in 1916.. He said it with CONTEMPT, DISRESPECT.. That's what he gets for being a jerk, UNPRESIDENTIAL.

Don't you as an Independent have better things to do than carry Obama's nuts around in your mouth all day?
Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?

Do you understand it doesn't make a fucking difference?

And please note your quotation is enshrined in my sig line. Even before the election you've been proven wrong.
So this is what bitter looks like over Mitt getting owned through an entire debate. Progressive liberal Republicans cry harder then Democratic liberal Republicans...

Nice thread, really important stuff… Maybe you focus on this crap because if you add up all the times Mitt agreed with Obama’s foreign policy then you would chit yourself.

Mitt Romney, only slightly bigger Government than Obama... LOLz~ A NeoconZ hero!
Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?

I do, but perhaps you'll explain why I should give a shit about the differences?
It’s clear to anyone that has the ability to just… think…. That Obama was talking about the evolution and use of military technology. Knives at the end of a weapon are less used today to actually kill an enemy than they were when you had a 1 pop pea shooter that then left you to rush to the other side of a fucking field and start stabbing people to death.

The navy’s “Boats” will shrink as its usefulness in war to actually kill the fucking enemy shrinks.

At 1 time we had 0 subs, 0 nukes, 0 attack you from mother fucking space weapons... Grow the fuck up you small minded peeons.
Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?

A bayonet in 1916 was a dull knife attached to the end of a rifle, Today... it is still a dull knife attached to the end of a rifle.
Perhaps a President is better served acting distinguished, with respect and honor that the title assumes.. Instead we had a SMARMY jerk who chose to hurl hate and mockery and in doing so, WAS WRONG on the facts..

Now who's laughing?
It’s clear to anyone that has the ability to just… think…. That Obama was talking about the evolution and use of military technology. Knives at the end of a weapon are less used today to actually kill an enemy than they were when you had a 1 pop pea shooter that then left you to rush to the other side of a fucking field and start stabbing people to death.

The navy’s “Boats” will shrink as its usefulness in war to actually kill the fucking enemy shrinks.

At 1 time we had 0 subs, 0 nukes, 0 attack you from mother fucking space weapons... Grow the fuck up you small minded peeons.

Hate to break it to you but in 1916 we did not equip our military with one shot rifles. they were bolt action and feed from an integral magazine.

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