Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

Holy fuck what a dumb thread. Obamas entire point was that our military has changed over the years and the methods we use in combat are different than they were in 1916.
TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times

Smarmy Obama doesn't know SQUAT about his own military.. ALONG with his liberal Zombie posse.. Old SeaWytch claimed otherwise, NUMEROUS times yesterday.


nobody you bottom feeders care about this issue.

I know you like to double down on stupid, but seriously nobody cares. Obamas point was about technology advancement has replaced most of those things for the better. Therefore we don't need so many.
The attack against Obama is an attack of his use of semantics in a presidential debate. If you're going to sneer at somebody and bring up the "fact" that we no longer need navy vessels because we have fewer bayonets, you'd better be sure that we have fewer bayonets.

He made an idiotic parallel, and he got called on it, as he should be. The man is an arrogant, and ignorant, piece of shit. And people realize it more more every time he opens his idiotic cock sucker.

The way that you present youself is obvious to me and many posters, you are an arrogant, and ignorant, piece of shit. And people realize it more more every time I open my idiotic cock sucker mouth.
and it's in your own words(most of it). You will never convince nor sway anyone with the way you act, you merely drive them farther away.
TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times

Smarmy Obama doesn't know SQUAT about his own military.. ALONG with his liberal Zombie posse.. Old SeaWytch claimed otherwise, NUMEROUS times yesterday.


nobody you bottom feeders care about this issue.

I know you like to double down on stupid, but seriously nobody cares. Obamas point was about technology advancement has replaced most of those things for the better. Therefore we don't need so many.

But these biotches be liven in the 20th century.
Holy fuck what a dumb thread. Obamas entire point was that our military has changed over the years and the methods we use in combat are different than they were in 1916.

according to the conservative rwer's were still using coal to power naval vessels.
TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times

Smarmy Obama doesn't know SQUAT about his own military.. ALONG with his liberal Zombie posse.. Old SeaWytch claimed otherwise, NUMEROUS times yesterday.


nobody you bottom feeders care about this issue.

I know you like to double down on stupid, but seriously nobody cares. Obamas point was about technology advancement has replaced most of those things for the better. Therefore we don't need so many.

But these biotches be liven in the 20th century.

i think most of these morons use typewriters.
according to the conservative rwer's were still using coal to power naval vessels.

Yeah...and we need a whole lot more Dreadnoughts to burn that coal. You know...coal. From West Virginia and Kentucky and Pennsylvania and Ohio where Obama has declared a "War on Coal."

See? This is the Romney plan reduced to it's vital element: Buy votes in coal producing states by promising to build more coal-fired Dreadnought's and blame Obama for being weak on defense when he points out the obvious.

And the Nutter's just lap it up like a drug!
TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times

Smarmy Obama doesn't know SQUAT about his own military.. ALONG with his liberal Zombie posse.. Old SeaWytch claimed otherwise, NUMEROUS times yesterday.


Some guy worked hard to find out how many bayonets we have and entirely missed the point.

Also, the guy counted how many soldiers we have, not bayonets. Bayonets are not standard issue.

But whatever, the bayonet point sailed over his head.

Strategy and tactics are about much more than sheer numbers.

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Again the Obama ass kissers are working overtime to explain why what he REALLY meant.
according to the conservative rwer's were still using coal to power naval vessels.

Yeah...and we need a whole lot more Dreadnoughts to burn that coal. You know...coal. From West Virginia and Kentucky and Pennsylvania and Ohio where Obama has declared a "War on Coal."

See? This is the Romney plan reduced to it's vital element: Buy votes in coal producing states by promising to build more coal-fired Dreadnought's and blame Obama for being weak on defense when he points out the obvious.

And the Nutter's just lap it up like a drug!

Actually we ordered and want to build more Flight III Burkes which burn jet fuel / gasoline.

TICOS and OHPerrys (LCS is to fill alot of that role) are coming offline.

No Zumwalt to replace them.

Burkes it is.

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President Obama said during Monday night's debate that the U.S. Army has fewer horses and bayonets than in the past.

That's true. Although Army Special Forces were on horseback in Afghanistan when they helped defeat the Taliban in 2001, the Army's horses are now used only for ceremonial occasions.

As for bayonets? The last bayonet charge was during the Korean War in 1951.

The bayonet has somewhat gone the way of the horse cavalry, as far as the Army is concerned (although Marines still use bayonets in training).

Two years ago, bayonet training stopped for new recruits, under orders from Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, then head of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Sergeants instead focused on more practical skills like hand-to-hand fighting.

"What's interesting," Hertling told The Christian Science Monitor at the time, "is if bayonet training is that important and it's the centerpiece of everything we do, why is it the only place it's taught is at basic training? If it's that important, you'd think all the operational units would have bayonet assault courses."

Horses, Bayonets And The Modern Military : It's All Politics : NPR

Oh look.. it's the so called Independent who runs to every thread about Obama to cover for him..

Your link showed and said NOTHING about the true number of bayonets today.. NOT ONE NUMBER. As usual , your blabber is just that.

every time i think you can't possibly be this stupid, you prove to be more stupid, sunshine.

Again the Obama ass kissers are working overtime to explain why what he REALLY meant.

Actually, no effort or work is needed since it's completely anyone with an ounce of intelligence or honesty. Neither of which you have any shred of apparently.
Strategy and tactics are about much more than sheer numbers.


No it is still numbers with 1 class intended to do the work of three.

Carrier battle group air / asw / surface cover.

+ Burke class destroyers have pinpoint cruise missle ability.

We used them throughout modern conflicts up to and including Libya.
Again the Obama ass kissers are working overtime to explain why what he REALLY meant.

Actually, no effort or work is needed since it's completely anyone with an ounce of intelligence or honesty. Neither of which you have any shred of apparently.
It is obvious. Which is why the leftards have posted about a dozen threads trying to dismiss it.
It’s clear to anyone that has the ability to just… think…. That Obama was talking about the evolution and use of military technology. Knives at the end of a weapon are less used today to actually kill an enemy than they were when you had a 1 pop pea shooter that then left you to rush to the other side of a fucking field and start stabbing people to death.

The navy’s “Boats” will shrink as its usefulness in war to actually kill the fucking enemy shrinks.

At 1 time we had 0 subs, 0 nukes, 0 attack you from mother fucking space weapons... Grow the fuck up you small minded peeons.

Hate to break it to you but in 1916 we did not equip our military with one shot rifles. they were bolt action and feed from an integral magazine.

excellent non sequitur
The attack against Obama is an attack of his use of semantics in a presidential debate. If you're going to sneer at somebody and bring up the "fact" that we no longer need navy vessels because we have fewer bayonets, you'd better be sure that we have fewer bayonets.

He made an idiotic parallel, and he got called on it, as he should be. The man is an arrogant, and ignorant, piece of shit. And people realize it more more every time he opens his idiotic cock sucker.

he never said we don't need a navy.

you people really are simpleminded. :lol:

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