Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

I am an independant. I support Romney and I have his back everytime I can. Yes, his shit was blabber

Do wither of you morans even know the difference between a bayonet used in 1916 versus one today?

A bayonet in 1916 was a dull knife attached to the end of a rifle, Today... it is still a dull knife attached to the end of a rifle.

WWI Bayonet.....


M9 Bayonet(what they use today)


Yeah...they're identically dull pieces of metal.

The stupid thing is.....that the cumslinger thinks this is all about bayonets....just like "you didn't build that", was about private enterprise and not about the infrastructure that businesses and private citizens use.....

Faux outrage over nothing.....just like truthers, birthers, and all the rest of the extremist bullshit...left or right.
The stupid thing is.....that the cumslinger thinks this is all about bayonets....just like "you didn't build that", was about private enterprise and not about the infrastructure that businesses and private citizens use.....

Faux outrage over nothing.....just like truthers, birthers, and all the rest of the extremist bullshit...left or right.

It is about Obama asserting bayonets are outdated due to technology much like a large Navy.

Both counts he is wrong.
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The racist is here. Let's all stop everything to hear his valued opinion. :eusa_clap:

Are you really going to trot out that shit? Again? You get your ass kicked every time. And yet you insist on doing it over and over whenever I've obviously out classed you. Which isn't hard.

Weird how one minute you're racist, the next minute you claim not to be, then you are again. Are you racist AND bipolar? Or just racist?

Weird how one minute you're stupid, the next, you're still stupid. OK, it isn't weird.
he never said we don't need a navy.

you people really are simpleminded. :lol:

He used horses and bayonets to try and prove the point we don't need a lot of navy ships. Which simply is not true. we have 11 carrier groups and need at least 16. We have a need for 2 carriers in the pacific, 1 in the atlantic , 1 in the med, 1 in the Indian ocean and 1 in the gulf with at least 2 more as back up. At least half our carriers are not available at any one time for deployment. You do the math.

More carriers means more cruisers, more destroyers and more support ships.

Terms like "more" and "fewer" are confusing to Del, who cannot post more than 2 sentences in any response. Try using "big" and "not big" instead.

the only thing close to confusing here is how you people manage to stumble through a day without doing yourselves grievous bodily injury.
Perhaps a President is better served acting distinguished, with respect and honor that the title assumes.. Instead we had a SMARMY jerk who chose to hurl hate and mockery and in doing so, WAS WRONG on the facts..

Now who's laughing?
While Obama was wrong on the facts I'd say he was right in the concept he presented, which is even though every soldier and Marine who has a rifle also has a bayonet, how often have bayonets actually been used in combat in recent history? The only time I can imagine having the need to use a bayonet in combat is if I were out of ammo. And unless the enemy was also out of ammo I would then become target practice for him. Me and my bayonet.

I believe the point Obama was making metaphorically is spending money on antiquated military apparatus is wasteful and unnecessary.

That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..

Are you making reference to our Commander in Chief?

Winner of the Iraq war
Using the timeline negotiated by the Bush Administration.

Did you know Obama wanted to leave troops in Iraq into this year?
Slayer of terrorists
Using drones -- the use of which you guys objected to during the Bush Administration.
Nobel Prize winner
For doing what, exactly?

Hint: Nothing.
Scourge of Somali Pirates
One of the few things he got right.
World renowned bin Laden slayer
After having to sleep on the decision...and there's a claim he cancelled three other missions.

Most of what you're applauding Obama for is bullshit.
Another bayonet thread...:confused:

Get's to the point where one begins to question what one actually heard during the debate. YouTube for sanity, I guess. Despite my feelings of ire for the President, he did not say the military no longer uses bayonets and I doubt his advisers had briefed him on the exact number in service prior to the debate. That said, it's getting to the point where I want to use one to cast my vote. Never imagined joining a political message board to discuss them either. While we're on the subject, let's talk about the pros and cons of the Hissatsu. Scuttlebutt is troops prefer them over bayonets.
Perhaps a President is better served acting distinguished, with respect and honor that the title assumes.. Instead we had a SMARMY jerk who chose to hurl hate and mockery and in doing so, WAS WRONG on the facts..

Now who's laughing?
While Obama was wrong on the facts I'd say he was right in the concept he presented, which is even though every soldier and Marine who has a rifle also has a bayonet, how often have bayonets actually been used in combat in recent history? The only time I can imagine having the need to use a bayonet in combat is if I were out of ammo. And unless the enemy was also out of ammo I would then become target practice for him. Me and my bayonet.

I believe the point Obama was making metaphorically is spending money on antiquated military apparatus is wasteful and unnecessary.

"The fire was so close and at such an angle (a close quartered, L-shaped ambush) that the only way to defeat it "was to put boots on the ground," said Falconer.

So he immediately ordered his men to dismount and fix bayonets"

Read more:

The Most Famous Bayonet Charge Of Modern Conflict - Business Insider
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He used horses and bayonets to try and prove the point we don't need a lot of navy ships. Which simply is not true. we have 11 carrier groups and need at least 16. We have a need for 2 carriers in the pacific, 1 in the atlantic , 1 in the med, 1 in the Indian ocean and 1 in the gulf with at least 2 more as back up. At least half our carriers are not available at any one time for deployment. You do the math.

More carriers means more cruisers, more destroyers and more support ships.

Terms like "more" and "fewer" are confusing to Del, who cannot post more than 2 sentences in any response. Try using "big" and "not big" instead.

the only thing close to confusing here is how you people manage to stumble through a day without doing yourselves grievous bodily injury.

You can PM me and I'll give you lessons.
Terms like "more" and "fewer" are confusing to Del, who cannot post more than 2 sentences in any response. Try using "big" and "not big" instead.

the only thing close to confusing here is how you people manage to stumble through a day without doing yourselves grievous bodily injury.

You can PM me and I'll give you lessons.

i'm all set thanks, but i'm sure ladypooflinger could use a hand.

thanks, anyway
The best part is, the Right WOULD bring back the Cavalry, on horses, if they thought it was a way they could waste a few hundred more billions of tax dollars on anything military.
Yeah! How unfair! That would take tax dollars away from items desperately needed by society like giving failing solar power companies a half-billion dollars, spending $125 million on a PR campaign for Obamacare, and another solar power company whose products work great as long as you don't put them in the sun.
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From the Fox News Insider: At the final presidential debate Monday night, President Obama criticized Mitt Romney for not understanding the needs of the current-day U.S. military.

In one of the most talked-about statements from the debate, Obama said, “You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed.”

In case you were wondering, Fox and Friends pointed out this morning that the Army actually still has 419,155 bayonets and 176 horses, while the Navy has 195,334 bayonets in use. Brian Kilmeade talked to national radio host Mark Levin about the president’s remarks.

Levin said the remark was ignorant, and accused Obama of “hollowing out the military more than Jimmy Carter did.”

“He’s slashing maintenance, he’s slashing R&D, he’s slashing replacement units, and it’s not just the Navy, it’s the Air Force and the Army,” said Levin.


Levin: Pres. Obama Is a 'Serial Liar' - Mark Levin - Fox Nation
The stupid thing is.....that the cumslinger thinks this is all about bayonets....just like "you didn't build that", was about private enterprise and not about the infrastructure that businesses and private citizens use.....

Faux outrage over nothing.....just like truthers, birthers, and all the rest of the extremist bullshit...left or right.

It is about Obama asserting bayonets are outdated due to technology much like a large Navy.

Both counts he is wrong.

They are outdated...the US Marines are the only branch that trains with them...and that's being phased out. The will still be issued, as they are an effective the picture shows.

The last US bayonet charge was in 1951. I have no doubt they've been used to saw branches away for snipers, survival uses, and occasionally as a hand to hand combat weapon....but in the traditional in "fix bayonets!", they aren't really used.

As far as the ships? Romney lied. in 1917...there were 345(IIRC) ships in America's Fleet. He said that we are at the lowest level since then....He was wrong and the information is easy to that probably means he was being purposely deceptive to get a "wow" moment... The truth is, that in 2005...there were 282, in 2006...281 2007, there were 2008...there were, there are 285.

US Ship Force Levels

It was also well established yesterday that two years ago, there were 20 ships commissioned to be built and are still in the process...the contractor was a company in Wisconsin. Already established in the 2013 budget, there are 10 ships that have already been approved funding....including a new, state of the art super carrier...The John F. Kennedy. Here's the link for the 10...
10 Ships for U.S. Navy in New Budget | Defense News |

Link to the 20....

Navy Seeks To Build More Littoral Combat Ships Sooner

So.....285+20+10=315.....two more than the 313 that Romney was blabbering about.

But do go on, and don't let facts get in the way.
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