Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

Jimmy Carter was "Commander In Chief" too, assfucker. How'd that work out?

Did President Carter get the blame for Desert One or did we blame Delta Force for the disaster in the desert?
Mitt Romney is surrounded by former Bush parasites who accused John McCain of having a black child out of wedlock - which is actually his adopted daughter. So obviously, these vile creatures will say anything, true or false, to degrade Obama. Polls show that Obama is much better liked than Romney, so they'll try to tear Obama down to Romney's level.

Polls taken by liberals will always show that Obama is actually lily white to speak.

Obama is a Marxist...and does not deny it!

Obama hates America....and shows it!

Liberals are fools for believing that lying stealth Marxist son of a bitch.

Obama is a turd in a suit!
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ahh yes, the swiftboat attack

it was inevitable

scum, slime, filth

How did swift boating become synonymous with untrue?

[ame=]Swiftboat Veterans Ad on John Kerry - Sellout (2004) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Swift Vets ad of Kerry renouncing his medals - YouTube[/ame]
So how many of these seals were actually there doing shooting? It is somewhat implied this is the official view of the seals, but none of them are active. I just want to know how many of the new swift boat traitors were actually there to criticize the operation.

Can't discuss politics on active duty, asswipe.

Let the Swiftboating of this "Commander In Chump" begin....

Too late.

He's already gone.


[ame=]The Hunt For Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

You've gotta start payin' attention.......

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because it is a proven absolute fact the swiftboaters were lying, absolutely proven beyond any doubt whatsoever

so, you are going to lie about this president in a campaign, I would be disappointed if you filthy pieces of feces did anything less
Well, well. Guns a blazing with this new campaign. They are very unhappy individuals who feel that the President's bragging and all the leaks he's allowed are out of line.

Here's the first words spoken in the film:

Its opening attack on Obama is a 22-minute film. In it, Ben Smith, a former SEAL, says: 'Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not.

'As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy. It will get Americans killed.'

Here's a bit of the article and the link. Video at link as well.

Former SEALs and CIA operatives to launch campaign blasting Obama over leaks and bragging over bin Laden death

Ben Smith, former SEAL, says: 'As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy. It will get Americans killed.'

By Toby Harnden

A group of former US Navy SEALs, other Special Forces troops and CIA operatives is to launch a national campaign to tell Barack Obama: ‘Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did.’

The group, calling itself OPSEC, short for Operational Security, will also highlight the slew of national security leaks from the Obama administration, which Mitt Romney has also focused on.

And in May, former and serving SEALS told MailOnline of their dismay that Obama had begun to use the killing of the terror mastermind to his own political advantage

'Intelligence and Special Operations members are angry and frustrated at how our work has been used for political advantage by officials across government, including President Obama himself who bears special responsibility as Commander in Chief,' Scott Taylor, chairman of OPSEC and a former SEAL, told Reuters.

'We want the American people to understand the cost of these leaks and politicization both on those who serve and on our national security and to hold those in positions of leadership accountable if it doesn’t stop.'

Read more: Former SEALs and CIA operatives to slam Obama over leaks and bin Laden bragging | Mail Online

I dont suppose you could read the current running threads before posting?

Apologies Publius. I scrolled down but didn't see yours. I'll ask the mods to merge ours. A pet peeve of mine is when there are 40 threads on the same topic, so I genuinely do try never to be part of that pack.
Interesting point you ignore. Without the order to do so, they would never have been there. So without obama's go ahead the attack would have never happened.

however, feel free to keep reminding the american public Obama gave the order the last two president's failed to do and got the job done.
You are sick with Obama-itus. George Bush gave the order to hunt down and kill bin Laden.

Bush gave up the hunt for bin Laden - and even closed the unit that was looking for him.

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Whereas...Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden a top priority...

Bush administration officials: Obama 'clearly deserves credit' -

FLASHBACK: Bush On Bin Laden: 'I Really Just Don't Spend That Much Time On Him' | ThinkProgress
So the President claimed he killed bin Laden did he?

"..the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of alQaeda,.."

So it's another typical lying campaign from the GOP supporters and repeaters.

Quote his entire speech, candy-ass!

Fell free to post the exact quote where the President claims he killed bin Laden, tough-guy.
sometimes i underestimate how much racists hate the President

stupid bigots, i almost feel sorry for you
Interesting point you ignore. Without the order to do so, they would never have been there. So without obama's go ahead the attack would have never happened.

however, feel free to keep reminding the american public Obama gave the order the last two president's failed to do and got the job done.
You are sick with Obama-itus. George Bush gave the order to hunt down and kill bin Laden.

Bush gave up the hunt for bin Laden - and even closed the unit that was looking for him.

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Whereas...Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden a top priority...

Bush administration officials: Obama 'clearly deserves credit' -

FLASHBACK: Bush On Bin Laden: 'I Really Just Don't Spend That Much Time On Him' | ThinkProgress

He had to, Bin Laden was a close family friend, that is a fact.
So the President claimed he killed bin Laden did he?

"..the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of alQaeda,.."

So it's another typical lying campaign from the GOP supporters and repeaters.

Quote his entire speech, candy-ass!

Fell free to post the exact quote where the President claims he killed bin Laden, tough-guy.

You mean besides that "courageous decision ad?"
scene "exact same set of circumstances, but mccain is prez - parades daily for one solid year celebrating his courageous decision to kill bin laden"
From your link:

The Obama administration had a backup plan if the Osama bin Laden raid had failed and had drafted a ‘highly lawyered’ memo to protect President Obama from potential backlash, according to an official.

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey told Fox News’ Sean Hannity today that Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta drafted a note that would have put the blame instead on Navy Admiral William McRaven.

Read more: Revealed: How White House 'planned to shield Obama by blaming Navy chief if bin Laden raid went wrong' | Mail Online

They were prepared, weren't they?

Remember how much heat George Bush got when he lied to the American public that we had stopped the search for Bin Laden only to turn out that the unit was never abandoned? That’s how you lead!
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So the President claimed he killed bin Laden did he?

"..the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of alQaeda,.."

So it's another typical lying campaign from the GOP supporters and repeaters.


Kind of like "Mission Accomplished" was regurgitated by you Liberhoiid assfucks from the deck of the USS A Lincoln, as it sat offshore from homeport following deployment - it's mission indeed accomplished.

Assholes like you took the banner of that ship's success and media played it for months.

So, go fuck yourself.

After that - enlist. Maybe you'll grow an appreciation for the USA

Kinda like "Mission Accomplished" on that deck? Yah right, except we actually did accomplish killing that motherfucker.

Have you come out of the closet yet, big boy?

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