Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

Seems stupid to waste all that ad money to make a point everyone already knows...but then it's not meant to be informative anyway is it?

Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom will go with what the SEAL says.

They are a high honor group.
You are sick with Obama-itus. George Bush gave the order to hunt down and kill bin Laden.

Bush gave up the hunt for bin Laden - and even closed the unit that was looking for him.

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Whereas...Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden a top priority...

Bush administration officials: Obama 'clearly deserves credit' -

FLASHBACK: Bush On Bin Laden: 'I Really Just Don't Spend That Much Time On Him' | ThinkProgress

He had to, Bin Laden was a close family friend, that is a fact.

Yep. But don't expect this bunch of racists to admit to anything that even resembles a FACT.
Of course righties want to diminish the killing of Osama bin Laden on Obama's watch. It was a great achievment, and Obama was Commander-in-Chief.

Obama even said while campaigning in 2008 that he would go into Pakistan to get bin Laden if necessary.
Quote his entire speech, candy-ass!

Fell free to post the exact quote where the President claims he killed bin Laden, tough-guy.

You mean besides that "courageous decision ad?"

Is there a quote in that ad where the President claims he "killed bin Laden" like the sad ex special-opps guy said?

It's another in a long line of lies from the GOP and their supporters.
Is there a quote in that ad where the President claims he "killed bin Laden" like the sad ex special-opps guy said?

Obama went hands on ?

I am not certain that is the assertion.

Obama, if you listen to him, orchestrated and was the command structure for the ops.

In reality he was playing golf until they sprung it on him. Panetta pushed GO.
So the President claimed he killed bin Laden did he?

"..the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of alQaeda,.."

So it's another typical lying campaign from the GOP supporters and repeaters.


Kind of like "Mission Accomplished" was regurgitated by you Liberhoiid assfucks from the deck of the USS A Lincoln, as it sat offshore from homeport following deployment - it's mission indeed accomplished.

Assholes like you took the banner of that ship's success and media played it for months.

So, go fuck yourself.

After that - enlist. Maybe you'll grow an appreciation for the USA

Kinda like "Mission Accomplished" on that deck? Yah right, except we actually did accomplish killing that motherfucker.

Have you come out of the closet yet, big boy?

Well, you nailed that one.

I gotta tell ya. I am a bit freaked out by the way that nutters here celebrate dishonesty. If the lie will hurt Obama's re-election bid.....these people are more than willing to repeat it.
I gotta tell ya. I am a bit freaked out by the way that nutters here celebrate dishonesty. If the lie will hurt Obama's re-election bid.....these people are more than willing to repeat it.

Till the SEALS and SPECOPS community comes out otherwise.

The BTDT have spoken.
Reading the links (Thanks Lahkota, for posting the FACTS) -

Isn't this sad.

These ex-seals have a right to their opinion and some obviously believe in the rw dogma. What it says is not true. We've never seen the president try to take credit. Just the opposite. He has always given all the credit to the people who were there. Nonetheless, without him, it would not have happened.

‘Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did.’

What is that supposed to mean? Its a stupid thing to say. America was sitting in their easy chairs when the killing happened. Yeah, the right tried to take credit away from the Seals and say they did it but they did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What I find the most shocking is that these men would try so hard to cause their own country harm.

The right will not quit until they have caused a full out civil war. They've just about got it done ... just a little more work for them to do.

Shame on them. Shame on them for using this as their political football just to get rid of a black president so they can give more money to the 1%. Make no mistake, when you get right down to it, that's what all of this is about.
Shame on them. Shame on them for using this as their political football just to get rid of a black president so they can give more money to the 1%. Make no mistake, when you get right down to it, that's what all of this is about.

The SEALS are racist too. I know.
I gotta tell ya. I am a bit freaked out by the way that nutters here celebrate dishonesty. If the lie will hurt Obama's re-election bid.....these people are more than willing to repeat it.

I feel the same way. Lie after lie and they just pass them on without giving it one thought. They love the lies and add to them. They repeat them even when they know they are lying.

I feel the same way about the blatant racism. I grew up learning that racism is something we should work to rise above, that we should be better than the horrible racism of our past.

Not here. They celebrate racism on this board. They celebrate it and feed it like a hungry monster in the basement.

What happens here a lot is mob rule. These people are not this vile and nasty and foul mouthed out in the world. I'd bet on it. They talk big here because they know there are other ignorant and dishonest racists to back them up.

All the more reason why those who believe in facts and truth and leaving our world better for our having been here, all the more reason for us to fight against the ignorance and racism and hate. We simply cannot let the low lifes among us win.
Anyone want to try to prove that the GOP orchestrated this? I'd be willing to listen.

Otherwise I'm going to take the ex Seals and the CIA at their word that they are dismayed and angry at this President using Bin Laden's death as a political football.

And make no mistake about it, his campaign ran that ad "One Chance" where they question whether or not Romney would have made that call.

Yeah, I'll run with the ex Seals and the CIA on this. If they are pissed off, it's their right to be.

I've noticed no one really wanting to address their other key issue in this 22 minute film.

The purposeful leaks from the White House.
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