Mr. Sandman has turned into a fine young gentleman. Very humble for a Mega-lotto winner.

Once he gets of age and has to sue his parents to get the money he will piss it away on living the high life and will expire broke and homeless. If God has anything to say he will say: "Give it to the poor".....
Wow, just wow. Give up the hate, it's turning you into a bitter, hateful person who attacks kids anonymously on the internet. Or just grow up, whichever needs to happen.
Don't worry his fifteen minutes of fame are about over, better hurry and buy a poster of Nick to hang on your wall..
Don't you already have one you use for daily darts practice? The kid was smart, handled the situation well, and now is wealthy. Good for him. Now you'll need to find another child to rant about.
This thread is here so it will work. Nick now has the capability to finally get that attorney bill payed off, they only collected 65% of the award.
It's money they didn't have before. It's really kind of enjoyable watching you desperately search for anything you possibly can to spin this as a negative thing. Kind of like a guy's friends who focus on how much in taxes he'll have to pay after winning the lottery. For once, decency and respect worked out for the best, and this family will enjoy the fruits of that happening.
All he had to do was politely smile and hear some drunken Injun fake Vet bang his tom tom while smelling his foul breath.

This fine young man will be President one day. For now he'll have to worry about chicks chasing him around.

What a lucky kid this. God Bless him and may God Bless America.

Do you right wingers think he is great?

Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
Once he gets of age and has to sue his parents to get the money he will piss it away on living the high life and will expire broke and homeless. If God has anything to say he will say: "Give it to the poor".....
I am waiting for all the rich Progs to donate their wealth to the Prog causes. Can you imagine what the direct injection of those resources would do? That is why they are frauds.
The majority of all people I have met are frauds what is new. People that claim to be of a religion following the leader hardly do as the leader says, same with any group.
Money in overabundance can be a blessing or a curse depends on the individual. If I was him I'd get a nose job.
He did nothing wrong. Not even to be noticeable to anyone. No matter what your view is, no one wants that. Then the 95% entertainment/media agendists went into hyperdrive. Absence of malice with the destruction of individuals is a profitable endeavour with no penalties for them. Perhaps..... one day.

they’re going to make this kid a billionaire

handsome young man! i like his hat too!

"New CNN Policy: Hosts Must Have Mouths Duct-Taped Shut So They Won't Slander Any More High School Students" - The Babylon Bee satire headline
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they’re going to make this kid a billionaire

handsome young man! i like his hat too!

"New CNN Policy: Hosts Must Have Mouths Duct-Taped Shut So They Won't Slander Any More High School Students" - The Babylon Bee satire headline

He should sue Lockhart. Make him prove the "snot-nosed" and "entitled" remarks.

they’re going to make this kid a billionaire

handsome young man! i like his hat too!

"New CNN Policy: Hosts Must Have Mouths Duct-Taped Shut So They Won't Slander Any More High School Students" - The Babylon Bee satire headline

He should sue Lockhart. Make him prove the "snot-nosed" and "entitled" remarks.
i personally prefer that everyone's free speech be protected, even though what they did to Nick was beyond free speech

they’re going to make this kid a billionaire

handsome young man! i like his hat too!

"New CNN Policy: Hosts Must Have Mouths Duct-Taped Shut So They Won't Slander Any More High School Students" - The Babylon Bee satire headline

He should sue Lockhart. Make him prove the "snot-nosed" and "entitled" remarks.
i personally prefer that everyone's free speech be protected, even though what they did to Nick was beyond free speech

Me too, but I also believe in fighting fire with fire.

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