Mr. Yiannapolous opens Conversion Center

Do you have evidence from a valid source you could link to this.

It sounds like demonizing reparative therapy to me.

It sounds barbaric.

Which means often times it's just hype.

Any person with half a brain would understand that what you describe would never work for anyone.

I don't believe what you describe is what is really going on in these therapy clinics.
Do you own damned homework. I did mine. No matter what I give you,, you will just ignore and call bullshit. But you are right about one thing. What I describe would not work. I damagesand destroys people

You might want to have a look at pot 40 though
You disagree ?? Is that all that you can come up with? No defese of your position? Pathetic!
You sound as convincing as the conversion therapists you are crying about.

I don’t care if a person is gay, thinks they are gay or whatever else they may want to be, not my business and they can go in peace. I do think there are mental issues but it is not my business and I treat them like any other person, because we are all human.
Homosexuality is not a “lifestyle”. It can’t be picked up or abandoned on whims. There is absolutely no evidence that gay conversion therapy has ever worked on anyone. Strikes me that Milos is just trying to make a buck again.
Do you have any of this "evidence" that gay conversion therapy doesn't work?

Do you have any evidence of exactly what gay conversion therapy is?
Do you own damned homework. I did mine. No matter what I give you,, you will just ignore and call bullshit. But you are right about one thing. What I describe would not work. I damagesand destroys people

You might want to have a look at pot 40 though
I read #40 as well.

I am going to have to come to the conclusion that you guys have a prejudice against this so called "conversion therapy" but, really cannot provide evidence why.

We can agree what you describe would never work for anyone.

However, I am not convince it is what you say it is.
You sound as convincing as the conversion therapists you are crying about.

I don’t care if a person is gay, thinks they are gay or whatever else they may want to be, not my business and they can go in peace. I do think there are mental issues but it is not my business and I treat them like any other person, because we are all human.
I don't give a rats ass whether or not you think that I'm convincing. But thank you for admitting that it is not your business in which case I have to wonder what the fuck you're doing here
The gentleman decided to move from Gay to Normative, and has now dedicated his life to helping others who WANT to make the same trip to do so.

Why do libs get upset with people helping people to change when they want to?

Don't they believe that people have a right to change, and pursue the life that they want?

"Be all you can be", and there is nothing wrong with seeking a life of heterosexuality IMHO.

Such is the hateful, bigoted right.

And such is the fearful right; conservatives’ fear of dissent, diversity, and expressions of individua liberty.
I read #40 as well.

I am going to have to come to the conclusion that you guys have a prejudice against this so called "conversion therapy" but, really cannot provide evidence why.

We can agree what you describe would never work for anyone.

However, I am not convince it is what you say it is.
I will come down to your grade level and be as blunt and as plain as I can be . Real therapy respects the client and helps them to find their own answers. Conversion therapy starts with a preconcieved idea of what the outcome should be, accepts no other answer and shoves it down the throught of the client. If you can't get that., it is because you don't want to or you are not capeable of getting it.
I don't give a rats ass whether or not you think that I'm convincing. But thank you for admitting that it is not your business in which case I have to wonder what the fuck you're doing here
More of your conversion therapy I see. I asked a question of what was wrong with it, that was it, then you started insulting and trying to shame me, it is the very thing you claim to hate, I guess you like conversion therapy if you are the one applying it. Your turn to now make a disparaging, insulting comment about me. You’d be good at conversion therapy, if it is really what you are claiming but I doubt it because of your actions.
I will come down to your grade level and be as blunt and as plain as I can be . Real therapy respects the client and helps them to find their own answers. Conversion therapy starts with a preconcieved idea of what the outcome should be, accepts no other answer and shoves it down the throught of the client. If you can't get that., it is because you don't want to or you are not capeable of getting it.
Another example of conversion therapy! You need to open up shop dude!
Such is the hateful, bigoted right.

And such is the fearful right; conservatives’ fear of dissent, diversity, and expressions of individua liberty.
Why don’t you attack left wingers that hateful or bigoted? Oh wait because you are the same. That is why you know so well, got it.
I will come down to your grade level and be as blunt and as plain as I can be . Real therapy respects the client and helps them to find their own answers. Conversion therapy starts with a preconcieved idea of what the outcome should be, accepts no other answer and shoves it down the throught of the client. If you can't get that., it is because you don't want to or you are not capeable of getting it.
I understand exactly what you are saying.

So try moving up to my grade level.

When I search "conversion therapy" I get your definition of it.

When I search "reparative therapy" I get your definition of legit therapy.

My conclusion is that this kind of therapy IS NOT what you claim it to be.
He had better stay the hell out of New Jersey

They should be glad you're not stoning them to death

Your mentors murder those who turn away.

I know, it's only because you can't get away with it yet. Atrocities a will come from you soon enough.

Uber Alles Democrat
One of "you people" ? What t. he fuck does that mean/ Who? Liberals, gays ?.....

Yes, liberals. I know I call a lot of you people "fags", but I do not mean it in the literal sense but more in the traditional sense of "weak" and "stupid" and just "bad".
What point was that, That I could not refute? You do not make a lot of sense.

I make plenty of sense.

Prog, you claim a therapy background. So, what percentage of fags, would you say, had as their first sexual experience, being molested as children by an older fag?
I understand exactly what you are saying.

So try moving up to my grade level.

When I search "conversion therapy" I get your definition of it.

When I search "reparative therapy" I get your definition of legit therapy.

My conclusion is that this kind of therapy IS NOT what you claim it to be.
I don't know where you're getting you information from but this "repairitve " therapy is the same abusive bullshit as conversion therapy
They should be glad you're not stoning them to death

Your mentors murder those who turn away.

I know, it's only because you can't get away with it yet. Atrocities a will come from you soon enough.

Uber Alles Democrat
Red herring and Appeal to Hypocrisy logical fallacies . Try dealing with the actual topic
I make plenty of sense.

Prog, you claim a therapy background. So, what percentage of fags, would you say, had as their first sexual experience, being molested as children by an older fag?
Very few and those who do become gay, do not do so as a result of the molestation. A child who is sexually abuse is far more likely to become and abuser, and no most homosexuals are not child molesters
I don't know where you're getting you information from but this "repairitve " therapy is the same abusive bullshit as conversion therapy

IMHO, therapy to cure people of the desire to take it in the caboose has to be pretty damned successful.

Otherwise, libs wouldn't be interested in outlawing it.

Homoamericans are a very loyal voting bloc for the D's, encouraging people to adopt the orientation is part of the Party's strategery for growth.
More of your conversion therapy I see. I asked a question of what was wrong with it, that was it, then you started insulting and trying to shame me, it is the very thing you claim to hate, I guess you like conversion therapy if you are the one applying it. Your turn to now make a disparaging, insulting comment about me. You’d be good at conversion therapy, if it is really what you are claiming but I doubt it because of your actions.
You got me. You need conversion because your primitive ideas advocate an abusive practice. A practice that is perpetrated by bigots against people who are just trying to find their way in life.

A real therapist will explore the source of the feeling that a person might have about being gey, hand help them to decide who andwhat they are, and what works for them

A conversion therapist starts with the premise the the person can and will change and employs abusive brainwashing techniques

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