Mrs. Clinton's Accomplishments


Yes, she is the presumptive heir to the Democratic nomination--and heir is certainly appropriate here, she didn't seem to have earned it like others do, like her husband did.

She just announced her candidacy; and this is a political board designed for political discussions. So, we talk about her. We find her character and ability deficeient. We ask for help in reviewing her accomplishments, and about all we can get is dodges and deflections, like yours here.

or the incomplete list some partisan mod fed you and you ate like candy ... spare me the crapola, your intent is and was obvious.

then give us a complete list.

we'll be waiting----------------zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I could care less about Clinton or what she has or hasn't done. Why bother giving one to idiots who do nothing but bash her anyway. Like Obama, Clinton is the object of your attention and soon to be downfall ... again.

You could care less what she's done?????

But, you are going to vote for her...just because she is a Democrat?

I'm not voting for anyone yet. I'm not a Democrat. I never voted for Obama. You're an idiot.

nonetheless ...

she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first, first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.
As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.
After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.
That was just in her first term. She was easily re-elected and accomplished much in her second term {LIKE WHAT} as well. And her run for the presidency, receiving more than 17 million votes during the nomination process?
As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

your turn, moron.

This is pretty much a regurgitation of the anemic list from the OP, but with a lot more words....they look like the kind of things a Woman's Civic Club works on...and they pale to insignificance when the real work of Secretary of State is dealing with the Russians (fail) dealing with Libya (fail) dealing with anyone else in the Middle-East which is now aflame (fail).

I have highlighted all the Weasel Words in your diatribe above...and also, what is the "much more" she accomplished in her second term as Senator? Stumped there?

She is just incompetent, except at Corruption, at which she does excel.
Thanks to a moderator of this board, from anther thread--we now have a complete list of Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments during her years in public life. They are:

1) "She was instrumental in developing the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and in creating the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act..." (Instrumental ????---As in Co-sponsoring a bill with 60 other Senators???)

2) "She also created an office of Violence Against Women under the Justice Department".

3) "She pushed to have the illness' of returning Gulf War veterans investigated, and also the health consequences of first responders, including drafting the first bill to finally compensate and offer the health services they deserve. Even though her attempt at Health Care reform ultimately failed..."

That's it. Three of which was not an accomplishment, but a failure...listed as an accomplishment--apparently because she tried. Anybody have any more?

That's three more than all Republicans in Congress have accomplished over the last six years

But, their spouse didn't get them a job as Secretary of State. They seem to think she was incompetent and corrupt in that job... She's trying to sell experience, but her experiences were a disaster. These young Republicans want to try Competency over Incompetent Experience.

Sound like a good idea from what we have seen out of Mrs. Clinton.

Seems Hillary was elected by the voters in NY
She was appointed Secretary of State by Obama who barely beat her in the 2008 primaries

Hillary has more experience than all the current Republicans combined.....must be why Republicans are Swiftboating her

Pay no attention to the fact Republicans lack experience

She has logged time in important jobs her husband got her....but nothing but failure as Secretary of State.

The Republicans don't have the time as Secretary of State, and don't have her failures in that job either.. They are promoting honesty and competence...of which we are in sore need after 4 years of Mrs. Clinton trying to deal with Russians and Muslims.
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

You must have been asleep during her entire tenure as Sec of State. It was a disaster...just like her pitiful life.

People like you make me agree with testing should be mandatory before being allowed to vote. All you do is look for the "D" next to the name and pull the lever. Sad
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

give us a list of the international issues that she "resolved". Or just give us one.
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence
Who cleaned up that horrible mess Miss Ignore the terrorist threats Rice left behind?
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence

true, but I am really afraid it is much worse than that. It is very possible that the mid east mess was intentional, not the result of incompetence. I really truly question where Obama's true loyalties lie.
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence

The Middle East has exploded because the "Bush Doctrine" created a power vacuum

They didn't treat us as liberators after all
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

What the Fuck are you talking about? You cannot be that stupid, or maybe you are.
You must have heard about those was in all the papers

still waiting for a list of wars prevented by hildebeast. while you are working on that, give us a list of the wars that were not authorized and funded by both parties.
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence

The Middle East has exploded because the "Bush Doctrine" created a power vacuum

They didn't treat us as liberators after all

do you have anything but dem/lib lying talking points? you are pathetic.
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence

The Middle East has exploded because the "Bush Doctrine" created a power vacuum

They didn't treat us as liberators after all

Nice MSNBC talking point, as soon as you go all "power vacuum" you out yourself. Try an original thought
Want accomplishments as Secretary of State?

Clinton avoided bringing our country to war......something her Republican predecessors couldn't accomplish

Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

You think the situations in the Middle East get "resolved"? Where have you been the last seventy years?
Good grief you are stupid

Imagine that

Hillary Clinton used something called "diplomacy" to resolve international issues

We did not have to invade after all

Were in the Hell is somehthing "resolved"


The Middle East"?


After her disastrous pass through as Secretary Of State--Nothing is Resolved!

The entire ME is blowing up and it's due to Obungles and Shillary's complete incompetence

The Middle East has exploded because the "Bush Doctrine" created a power vacuum

They didn't treat us as liberators after all

Nice MSNBC talking point, as soon as you go all "power vacuum" you out yourself. Try an original thought

Talking points?

How about...

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
They will treat us as liberators
No need to stabilize Iraq

The Republican talking points led us to war and destabilized an already unstable region

Worst foreign policy blunder since Vietnam

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