MSNBC: Booming Economy & Wages Are ‘Late Christmas Present,’ ‘Concerning For Dems’

An artificial economy w/one foot in the Fed, and the other on a banana peel is good?

The Fed is on hold until inflation shows up over 2%.
What is the "banana peel"?
I'm not seeing any sign of a "bubble" at 2% growth.

The Fed is not really on hold, they are still pumping money into the economy every week

U.S. Fed buys $825 million of mortgage bonds, sells none

The money supply has been relatively stable since Trump took office. They are buying existing assets. Nothing like Obama's explosion of helicopter money.

The economy is still much better than you would expect. If it was Hillary we would have been in the dumpster long time ago...
Not really. After aggressively cutting taxes, after aggressively increasing spending, and after the Fed aggressively pumping hundreds of billions into markets, we're still only at a 2.1% growth rate.

And there is zero evidence that the economy "would have been in the dumpster long ago" if we had pursued a more responsible long term fiscal approach.

The jury on this Trumpian Hyper-Keynesian fiscal policy is still out. This is a massive sugar rush, not smart fiscal policy. We won't know for a few years what he has done.
An artificial economy w/one foot in the Fed, and the other on a banana peel is good?

The Fed is on hold until inflation shows up over 2%.
What is the "banana peel"?
I'm not seeing any sign of a "bubble" at 2% growth.

The Fed is not really on hold, they are still pumping money into the economy every week

U.S. Fed buys $825 million of mortgage bonds, sells none

The money supply has been relatively stable since Trump took office. They are buying existing assets. Nothing like Obama's explosion of helicopter money.


True, but as I said, they are not really "on hold" other than the interest rates which they already lowered.
The economy is still much better than you would expect. If it was Hillary we would have been in the dumpster long time ago...
Not really. After aggressively cutting taxes, after aggressively increasing spending, and after the Fed aggressively pumping hundreds of billions into markets, we're still only at a 2.1% growth rate.

And there is zero evidence that the economy "would have been in the dumpster long ago" if we had pursued a more responsible long term fiscal approach.

The jury on this Trumpian Hyper-Keynesian fiscal policy is still out. This is a massive sugar rush, not smart fiscal policy. We won't know for a few years what he has done.

There was no such pumping. This is a LIE, please look up the actual balance sheet before making up shit.
Here is the fed asset sheet up to the recent moment.

Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

The money supply has been dipping severely. Is Yellen trying to crash the economy in order to "get Trump"? Crazy... President Trump was right to call on her.

A booming, greatest economy ever, really should not need the Fed propping it up.

All you are doing is highlighting the underlying weakness of the economy.
Here is the size of fed asset sheet up to the recent moment.

Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

The money supply has been dipping severely. Is Yellen trying to crash the economy in order to "get Trump"? Crazy... President Trump was right to call on her.

Yellen has been gone as the head of the Fed since the start of try and keep up.

Gamma undermining with obvious shit AGAIN?

Dude, it says when her term started right on the chart I posted. You don't need to "correct" and undermine with obvious shit all the time, beta. No such thing as smart boy points being awarded.
Here is the size of fed asset sheet up to the recent moment.

Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

The money supply has been dipping severely. Is Yellen trying to crash the economy in order to "get Trump"? Crazy... President Trump was right to call on her.

Yellen has been gone as the head of the Fed since the start of try and keep up.

Gamma undermining with obvious shit AGAIN?

Dude, it says when her term started right on the chart I posted. You don't need to "correct" and undermine with obvious shit all the time, beta. No such thing as smart boy points being awarded.

And the chart you posted ends when her term ends, yet you still choose to blame her for the actions that came later...why is that?

Why not blame the man Trump put there who was over the Fed for most of the drop that you are whining about?
There was no such pumping. This is a LIE, please look up the actual balance sheet before making up shit.

I know this stuff isn't covered in the alternate universe, but the fact that you don't know about it doesn't make it true.

Holy shit


Yes to compensate for the huge dip. Do you YOURSELF live in an alternative universe?
So now the Fed IS doing it. And the monthly change is clearly larger than the unwinding period.

This is my fault. I broke my own rule about trying to discuss economics with a Trumpster.

Never mind.
There was no such pumping. This is a LIE, please look up the actual balance sheet before making up shit.

I know this stuff isn't covered in the alternate universe, but the fact that you don't know about it doesn't make it true.

Holy shit


Yes to compensate for the huge dip. Do you YOURSELF live in an alternative universe?

What huge dip?
Here is the size of fed asset sheet up to the recent moment.

Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

The money supply has been dipping severely. Is Yellen trying to crash the economy in order to "get Trump"? Crazy... President Trump was right to call on her.

Yellen has been gone as the head of the Fed since the start of try and keep up.

Gamma undermining with obvious shit AGAIN?

Dude, it says when her term started right on the chart I posted. You don't need to "correct" and undermine with obvious shit all the time, beta. No such thing as smart boy points being awarded.

And the chart you posted ends when her term ends, yet you still choose to blame her for the actions that came later...why is that?

Why not blame the man Trump put there who was over the Fed for most of the drop that you are whining about?

Because the money supply started to contract under her, and Trump called her on it? Perhaps that's why?

What is it with these gamma tangents anyway? The thread is about booming economy... then you come in and lie about huge expansions of money supply that never happened... and I am sure you are already on making up your next tangent of undermining.

The economy is pretty damn decent considering the situation. Those are the facts. No helicopter Ben in sight, just a TINY irrelevant blip to counteract the contraction.
There was no such pumping. This is a LIE, please look up the actual balance sheet before making up shit.

I know this stuff isn't covered in the alternate universe, but the fact that you don't know about it doesn't make it true.

Holy shit


Yes to compensate for the huge dip. Do you YOURSELF live in an alternative universe?

What huge dip?

The thread is about booming economy

And QE4 is being pointed out to you

So correct me if i'm wrong but, the Fed (private banker consortium) is handing out billions of Treasury funds (our tax $$$'s) to banks across the nation

How, in a forum full of posters howling about welfare queens and socialism being the downfall of America does this not rate economic doom?

The thread is about booming economy

And QE4 is being pointed out to you

So correct me if i'm wrong but, the Fed (private banker consortium) is handing out billions of Treasury funds (our tax $$$'s) to banks across the nation

How, in a forum full of posters howling about welfare queens and socialism being the downfall of America does this not rate economic doom?


You would be a welfare queer at best, know the pronouns...

I am not a fan of the banking cartel, but at least I have the common sense to know that the whole economy will deflate in a deflationary cycle of epic proportions if the money supply is not held relatively constant.
Yes, party over country. Hoping for the worst when the other tribe is in power. Downplay and/or ignore and/or spin away all good news.

We've been like this for a long time now.

It’s an indication of how broken DC is. Those in power don’t truly care about the general welfare of the nation, they want more power and more money.
I’d like to believe that partisans of both parties agree with your statement. If so, we only need to unite to overthrow the oligarchy.

This is why the oligarchy works so hard via their MSM outlets and government agencies, to keep us divided and hating the other side.

You are absolutely correct.

They want the electorate to be at each other.

They want discord. They exploit it. It’s about money and power. That’s why the Dimms lie about the economy and marginalize the low unemployment for blacks. They want BAD THINGS to happen when the other side is in power so they can take over and get power and money.

If the welfare of America was the true concern, we would have 2 term limits for all elected officials.
It’s clear to us the game they’re playing. I wonder why all in the electorate can’t see it.

They are either stupid or disingenuous. There is no other answer.
I will add they are duped by the establishment. They believe the propaganda being feed to them. I suppose you could lump them into the stupid category.

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