MSNBC can’t be that dumb. Must be just their way of reluctantly admitting the obvious.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’

Jun. 28, 2016 11:29pm Tré Goins-Phillips

Following the deadly terror attack in Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport Tuesday, MSNBC took to Twitter to ask if there’s a “pattern” to recent terror attacks. The network was mostly mocked in response.

Between President Barack Obama, who refuses to use the phrase “radical Islam,” and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who is seeming to slowly shift toward saying “radical jihadism” after refusing to associate the attacks with Islam, many seem to be becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of clarity regarding the frequent assaults.

Regardless, many on Twitter tore into MSNBC for posing the question, “Is there a pattern to recent terror attacks?”

Moments later, the responses began to pour in. Here are a few of them:

Sleeping Giant @AmericanVoterUS
@MSNBC that headline says it all

Leeroy Jenkins @patoarch12
@MSNBC Yes:1.Radical Islamic Terrorism 2. Obama/Hillary fail to keep us safe and instead blame guns and the NRA. 3. Democrat failed policies

Josh Schulz ⚡ @Scurvydoggs
@MSNBC yeah, they happen and you and your cronies do everything possible to blame it on everything but radical Islamic terror.

Alejandro Tapia @vipscafe25
@MSNBC it's Global warming! It made the non-threatening vests "spontaneously "blow up and kill people.

Steve @Steve3449
@MSNBC Of course - radical Islam. Idiot question.

Dive Professional @nitroxnut
@MSNBC If when Muslims show up chanting Allah, have bombs, guns, people die, my guess is there is a pattern

Derek @DerekStang
@MSNBC Yes, the pattern is that the Obama administration still has no clue.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’
MSNBC is just the worst. I mean truly. They don't even pretend to be anything but partisan.

I get my news from Fox and CNN, i like to see both sides of any given issue, but MSNBC is just horrible.

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