MSNBC Co-Host Rails on Harry Reid’s ‘Koch Addiction’, Calls Reid a Liar More Than 12

the Democrat party is filled with slimy people like Reid

He's the UnAmerican corrupted pos in my book

how people can belong to a party that has him as a leader is beyond me...He's now taking to attacking YOU THE AMERCIAN CITIZENS not just politicians

people need to wake up to this party

and I think I'm going to faint PMSnbc actually criticized a Democrat

I think its disgraceful to use the Senate floor to do politicking and even worse to attack private citizens there. It's scum baggery to do that.
Fucking Republican politicians have called Obama EVERYTHING but a white man. And morning Joe (who is wanting to get in line to suck a Koch) is thinking about a Presidential run. And he's hammering on Harry Reid. Oh I am so surprised the ole Joe would want some of that Koch money.

But when a party like the Republican party, who uses lies and out of context remarks to slam any Democrat politician or Dem supporter, when that party gets all upset because a dem is slamming a Repub money god, I say good.

What goes 'round comes 'round. Right?

Hey all you gotta do is go after George Soros. Piece of cake for you Repubs to present Soros as the big boogeyman and all those Dems will support the Koch suckers.
the Democrat party is filled with slimy people like Reid

He's the UnAmerican corrupted pos in my book

how people can belong to a party that has him as a leader is beyond me...He's now taking to attacking YOU THE AMERCIAN CITIZENS not just politicians

people need to wake up to this party

and I think I'm going to faint PMSnbc actually criticized a Democrat

I think its disgraceful to use the Senate floor to do politicking and even worse to attack private citizens there.
It's scum baggery to do that.

Of course you mean if EITHER party does what you described. Right? You just made it seem that it applied only to Dems. You meant Repubs as well. Didn't you?
Harry Reid does not deserve to be leader of anything, much less the leader of the Senate majority.

The truth is, though, that even if he were replaced as Democrat leader, whoever might replace him would be just as despicable.
It's well past time for some repub senator to ignore senate rules and call out Harry on the senate floor. Call out Obabble also. Latest example is Obabble calling Ryan's budget a "stinkwich". Third grade humor from a moron. Ryan responds by trying to explain his proposals which go over the head of the average libtard. Ryan should have just called the president an immature moron and left it at that.
Harry Reid does not deserve to be leader of anything, much less the leader of the Senate majority.

The truth is, though, that even if he were replaced as Democrat leader, whoever might replace him would be just as despicable.

Not possible. There has never been a Senate leader that as sullied the Senate as has the scum bag Harry Reid. But then again you maybe right, he is setting the bar so low others may follow.
the Democrat party is filled with slimy people like Reid

He's the UnAmerican corrupted pos in my book

how people can belong to a party that has him as a leader is beyond me...He's now taking to attacking YOU THE AMERCIAN CITIZENS not just politicians

people need to wake up to this party

and I think I'm going to faint PMSnbc actually criticized a Democrat

I think its disgraceful to use the Senate floor to do politicking and even worse to attack private citizens there.
It's scum baggery to do that.

Of course you mean if EITHER party does what you described. Right? You just made it seem that it applied only to Dems. You meant Repubs as well. Didn't you?

NO, Democrat or Republican leader of the Senate has done what scum bag harry has done, NONE, NADA Zilch so put your lying talking points at the door or STFU.

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