MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry » All Your Kids Belong To Us

I guess he didtn say that.

It was Cain to god after he killed able

And what was God's response to Cane after he killed able (sic)?

Do you know why one brother was favored by God and one was jealous? This should be interesting.
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."
(Matthew 22.37-40 ESV)
I guess he didtn say that.

It was Cain to god after he killed able

Yeah and Cain got a psycologist to help "fix" him and was living in a weak ass prison and got to play all the Xbox he wanted.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?'

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"
(Matthew 25.35-40 ESV)
did Jesus say you are your brothers keeper?

what do you think he meant by that?

First off you shouldnt be quoting Jesus....He meant to help a brotha out when needed, but Jesus didnt mandate you atheists dont have to follow it, now do you?

You do not own the words of Jesus or anyone else.

Jesus was one of the great philosophers.
Ah the collective mindset we are the liberal.
Well.... actually only in 21 states. The majority of which are red states:

States with Corporal Punishment in School -

And your point is................? Oh wait, you don't have one.


The point would be: if you want to give your kid up to society and let the school smack them, you'll have better chances if you live in a red state.

So, no Democrats, teachers' unions or federal involvement in red state schools?

Only about 25% of eligible voters bothered to vote in the last election, so the election results and state colors hardly represent the majority in many places.
did Jesus say you are your brothers keeper?

what do you think he meant by that?

First off you shouldnt be quoting Jesus....He meant to help a brotha out when needed, but Jesus didnt mandate you atheists dont have to follow it, now do you?

You do not own the words of Jesus or anyone else.

Jesus was one of the great philosophers.

As a christian I do.....and I do get to call bs on your intepretation. The thing you miss with all of his quotes is that number one he had a few warnings for you...which you ignore. Second his ideas came from the heart and were not forced on to you by a governement

Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's

Seperating the two.....Jesus was no big fan of government....and never demanded a government enforce his rules...but since his rules were so valid and usefull, we used them as a basis for our govenment's rules, until libtards starting going crazy.
If the money changers were helping the poor through the government instead of abusing them Jesus would not have whipped them.

You dont own anyones words.
the collective public schools are already bypassing the parents in many ways....

schools will provide breakfast and lunch for kids instead of the parents...

morals are being taught from the public schools godless Secular viewpoint....

girls can get abortions without the school notifying the parents....

discipline is meted out by cops, not parents....grade school children are being arrested, handcuffed, and interrogated...
If the money changers were helping the poor through the government instead of abusing them Jesus would not have whipped them.

You dont own anyones words.

Who did Jesus whip? And what does Roman rule have to do with us....oh except a huge all powerful goverment can trample our rights.......TM is now a small government backer....who knew?
If the money changers were helping the poor through the government instead of abusing them Jesus would not have whipped them.

You dont own anyones words.

Who did Jesus whip? And what does Roman rule have to do with us....oh except a huge all powerful goverment can trample our rights.......TM is now a small government backer....who knew?

render unto ceaser that which is ceasers.

WHY was he whipping the money changers?
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all of them who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

—Matthew 21:12-13

he calls them thieves and oders them from the house of god.

Why have so many of the christains in this country made them welcome in their houses?

stop being the party of the monied interests.

They already have enough power
When I see shit like this, I just know where it will lead if liberals have their way. They want to raise our children, or at least mold their minds, to ensure every child is properly indoctrinated according to liberal views. Is it any wonder that there are so many government dependents when some liberal politicians convince people that society is responsible for everything in their lives? It's somehow society's fault that these people did so poorly in school, not the fault of teachers' unions and extensive government involvement in our public schools. It's somehow society's fault that some people are undesirable to employers or unwilling to work. It's society's fault that entire neighborhoods have turned to slums because the people living there don't take pride in their communities.

If the liberals truly believe children belong to society and not parents, then it's a matter of time before they claim they have the right to make all decisions regarding the child and might even punish parents if they don't follow the rules that the "real parents" make.

I know the adage that 'it takes a village to raise a child', but there are too damn many village idiots these days and they are the reason we lock our doors at night and do what we need in order to keep our children away from them.

It would also appear that many adults consider themselves property and responsibility of society. It's a heavy load that grows more burdensome by the day.

On March 23, my colleague Mark Finkelstein noted how MSNBC's Melissa
Harris-Perry considers the unborn child a "thing" which takes a "lot of money"
to "turn into a human," costing thousands of dollars to care for each year of
his/her life. Now it appears that Harris-Perry thinks that, after they're born,
children fundamentally belong to the state. Narrating a new MSNBC "Lean
Forward" spot, the Tulane professor laments that we in America "haven't had a
very collective notion that these are our children." "[W]e have to break through
our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to
their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities,"
Harris-Perry argued.

MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry » All Your Kids Belong To Us
[ame=]MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry » All Your Kids Belong To Us - YouTube[/ame]

This will send chills up your spine.

:eusa_angel:Apologies in advance for upsetting anyone because this story hit the category "to the moon Alice to the moon" for me.

I swear my head was spinning freaking faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist after I read this story.

Ontario education official says teachers are ‘co-parents’

by Thaddeus Baklinski

Fri Mar 02, 2012 17:56 EST

WATERLOO, Ontario, March 2, 2012 ( - The recent case where the father of a pre-kindergarten student was arrested, strip searched and told he was being charged with illegal possession of a firearm because his daughter had drawn a picture of a gun, was perfectly acceptable because educators are “co-parents,” a school official in Waterloo told an interviewer from Sun News.

Gregg Bereznick, Superintendent of Education at Waterloo Region District School Board, said, in answer to interviewer Kris Sims’ question whether he was personally satisfied or upset with what happened, “we do work hand in hand with these families because we co-parent …”

On being asked to explain the term “co-parent,” Bereznick said, “by co-parent I’m talking about teachers and parents working together to support children as they grow up. And so those relationships are important to us, and we value them.

But we also understand that within that context, it may be required for us to bring forward a disclosure because it is our legal requirement to do so.

Rest of story at link:

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Ontario education official says teachers are ?co-parents?
the collective public schools are already bypassing the parents in many ways....

schools will provide breakfast and lunch for kids instead of the parents...

morals are being taught from the public schools godless Secular viewpoint....

girls can get abortions without the school notifying the parents....

discipline is meted out by cops, not parents....grade school children are being arrested, handcuffed, and interrogated...

Much of that is the fault of the parent. Being a good parent is extremely difficult but very rewarding. Unfortunately, most people are terrible parents and the state is more than happy to take this from you so you can be lazy. Then, they can raise more terrible parents and get more robots in return.
You can reason with any child that is not brain damaged why they should cooperate with you as a parent.

You have obviously never been a parent.
One can only hope…

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