MSNBC: If You’re Into Physical Fitness, You’re Probably a NAZI

More from the fat Leftists. They can’t get off their mommy’s couch on their own power so attack those who can.
Can Democrats get any more pathetic?


Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In "Mein Kampf," Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with "fanatical love of the fatherland," would do more for the German nation than any "mediocre" tactical weapons training.

In more modern times, far-right groups have launched mixed martial arts and boxing gyms in Ukraine, Canada and France, among other places, focused on training far-right nationalists in violent hand-to-hand combat and street-fighting techniques.

Isn't your thread title misleading.

I started into the article and realized they were talking about martial arts.

You say physical fitness.

That seems a bit of a stretch.
It’s 100% the way that many of the weak racist far lefties think. They support blm type organizations. They hate themselves. They represent a tiny tiny portion of America thankfully but still something to look at.

Just go to any space where there’s a bunch of LGBT flags, Ukraine flags, or BLM flags. Youre talking about Latte sipping feminine type men who have LGBT T-shirts. And they’re female Ally’s, who have gay friends, and go out to lunch with her male platonic friend, who is gay. These are also the types of people who celebrate abortion and hate the sight of a woman who is a stay at home mom.

They’re always overweight, they’re rude people they despise America. They also hate the working Man. They treat waiters and waitresses like slaves. They lack religion. They have no Christian or religious values. You see almost always when you’re talking about these type of extremist BLM or LGBT folks or somebody who listens to everything the main stream media tells them… many of them are hard-core atheists.
You have it bad. Seen any contrails lately ?
You have it bad. Seen any contrails lately ?
Nothing constructive to say.^

Our economy is awful right now. People can’t afford homes. New homes are not being built, gas prices are still high. Food prices are so high. It’s not a joke don’t make jokes about it.

I’m a Democrat, I’m a Liberal. Now you can lie to yourself all you want man doesn’t bother me one bit. You should understand that there’s tons of Democrats that support RFK Junior and Donald Trump.

was expecting an actual response from you. You know what I know. Everybody knows that there’s a portion of the left that thinks working out is racist. What more do you need to see?
Our economy is awful right now.
Really ? It was so much better when we are in a recession and millions more people are out of work collecting Govt unemployment ? At least liberals pass infrastructure programs, promote equal rights and think fearing stock market crashes under the debt ridden conservative polices which affect the poor more than any other time inour history is better. You’re amazing.
Seen any contrails lately ? You have it bad.
Really ? It was so much better when we are in a recession and millions more people are out of work collecting Govt unemployment ? At least liberals pass infrastructure programs, promote equal rights and think fearing stock market crashes under the debt ridden conservative polices which affect the poor more than any other time inour history is better. You’re amazing.
Seen any contrails lately ? You have it bad.
Yes, the economy is bad right now. Gas prices are higher, home prices are very high, not enough. Homes are being built, the interest rates on loans are 6 1/2% compared to 2 1/2% under Trump.

Today’s Democrats are racist and promote BLM, which is a racist organization. They’re all the type of people who wanted to see somebody get into college or get a job not based on merit but based on skin color. This is plainly obvious. And it is disgraceful that there are Democrats who are in their 60s , 70s and 80s who support this nonsense. They would have never supported this if Democrats back then were like they are today.

The white middle class and black middle class was much much stronger in the middle of the 20th century compared to today. Back then the Democratic Party stood up for the workingman. Now today it’s anti American… democrats support the destruction of historical statues and are supporting racism via “cancel culture”. It’s truly an astonishing thing.

Again, with your personal attacks just relax It’s all good have a conversation.

This is the point of the thread. Also, your side or the people you support and vote for believing these outrageous offensive ideas, such as the idea that exercising is a form of white supremacy.

Yes, the economy is bad right now. Gas prices are higher, home prices are very high, not enough. Homes are being built, the interest rates on loans are 6 1/2% compared to 2 1/2% under Trump.

Today’s Democrats are racist and promote BLM, which is a racist organization. They’re all the type of people who wanted to see somebody get into college or get a job not based on merit but based on skin color. This is plainly obvious. And it is disgraceful that there are Democrats who are in their 60s , 70s and 80s who support this nonsense. They would have never supported this if Democrats back then were like they are today.

The white middle class and black middle class was much much stronger in the middle of the 20th century compared to today. Back then the Democratic Party stood up for the workingman. Now today it’s anti American… democrats support the destruction of historical statues and are supporting racism via “cancel culture”. It’s truly an astonishing thing.

Again, with your personal attacks just relax It’s all good have a conversation.

This is the point of the thread. Also, your side or the people you support and vote for believing these outrageous offensive ideas, such as the idea that exercising is a form of white supremacy.

It was so low under Trump cause we were in a recession with millions not working they couldn’t even float loans. You bozos are hysterical
It was so low under Trump cause we were in a recession with millions not working they couldn’t even float loans. You bozos are hysterical
Yes, the economy is bad right now. Gas prices are higher, home prices are very high, not enough. Homes are being built, the interest rates on loans are 6 1/2% compared to 2 1/2% under Trump.

Today’s Democrats are racist and promote BLM, which is a racist organization. They’re all the type of people who wanted to see somebody get into college or get a job not based on merit but based on skin color. This is plainly obvious. And it is disgraceful that there are Democrats who are in their 60s , 70s and 80s who support this nonsense. They would have never supported this if Democrats back then were like they are today.

The white middle class and black middle class was much much stronger in the middle of the 20th century compared to today. Back then the Democratic Party stood up for the workingman. Now today it’s anti American… democrats support the destruction of historical statues and are supporting racism via “cancel culture”. It’s truly an astonishing thing.

Again, with your personal attacks just relax It’s all good have a conversation.

This is the point of the thread. Also, your side or the people you support and vote for believing these outrageous offensive ideas, such as the idea that exercising is a form of white supremacy.

Go ahead, name one terrorist attack that BLM has been prosecuted for. There’s a whole list of white supremest groups who have. Bull shit liar
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Really ? It was so much better when we are in a recession and millions more people are out of work collecting Govt unemployment ? At least liberals pass infrastructure programs, promote equal rights and think fearing stock market crashes under the debt ridden conservative polices which affect the poor more than any other time inour history is better. You’re amazing.
Seen any contrails lately ? You have it bad.
The 1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure legislation had 110 billion for roads and bridges. It needed 600 billion dollars easily.
The 1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure legislation had 110 billion for roads and bridges. It needed 600 billion dollars easily.
Exactly. Even when the gop promotes infrastructure on their own, they almost NEVER PROPOSE IT when in power nor support it when in the minority. Hilarious frauds. It was nearly a party line vote and any help from the gop could have increased that amount or more.
More from the fat Leftists. They can’t get off their mommy’s couch on their own power so attack those who can.
Can Democrats get any more pathetic?


Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In "Mein Kampf," Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with "fanatical love of the fatherland," would do more for the German nation than any "mediocre" tactical weapons training.

In more modern times, far-right groups have launched mixed martial arts and boxing gyms in Ukraine, Canada and France, among other places, focused on training far-right nationalists in violent hand-to-hand combat and street-fighting techniques.
I wouldn't let other people's opinion pieces get you too triggered.
More from the fat Leftists. They can’t get off their mommy’s couch on their own power so attack those who can.
Can Democrats get any more pathetic?


Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In "Mein Kampf," Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with "fanatical love of the fatherland," would do more for the German nation than any "mediocre" tactical weapons training.

In more modern times, far-right groups have launched mixed martial arts and boxing gyms in Ukraine, Canada and France, among other places, focused on training far-right nationalists in violent hand-to-hand combat and street-fighting techniques.
Although I will agree with Hitler on boxing and jujitsu, I disagree with the right trying to turn the United States into Germany of the 30's!

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