MSNBC is true to their extreme leftist agenda

A liar lying about a liar. No surprises there. Your failure to carry on anything intelligent is for all to see. Take a hike. You have nothing of value to offer.
Your the one triggerd about so called lies.. but said nothing when Obama lied.. bias much?
Ah yes, another coward going to the Obama card. When you're caught lying about a liar, you take another low road by going to someone else. Damn, what a fucking loser you are.
Trump doesn’t get softball questions like Obama did, what’s your favorite color..
You're right, and Trump ended up lying about most of them with his chronicled 20,000 plus lies that you cannot debunk. Too sad and pitiful. What a loser.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
A guy who steals millions from a charity going to children with cancer is capable of anything.

Oh, you talking about former Senator franken?
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.

Bullshit. I was not able to keep my doctor thanks to obummercare. My doctor would have loved to keep me, but she couldn't because of that fucked up law. As usual you twerps lie through your teeth.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
A guy who steals millions from a charity going to children with cancer is capable of anything.

Oh, you talking about former Senator franken?
No, I'm talking about Trump. The guy who paid fines for stealing from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer.And where is your moral spine? Have you no self respect or ounce of decency? My God man, he stole from children with cancer. WTF is wrong with you? What kind of evil follows a pos like Trump who steals from sick children? Fuck these people are the worst.
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It is not a matter of loyalty. Many of the corporations that moved operations to China did so to avoid the confiscatory tax rates imposed on them here. It is a matter of survival!
It wouldn't be impossible to make the case that US corporations were pushed out of the US as much as
they willingly left. It's a chicken or egg situation.
A decision was made at some point in the eighties to strip the US bare of manufacturing capability
in favor of China.

The unseen globalist hand moves slowly but surely.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.

Bullshit. I was not able to keep my doctor thanks to obummercare. My doctor would have loved to keep me, but she couldn't because of that fucked up law. As usual you twerps lie through your teeth.
She didn't participate. That's why you couldn't keep her. It was always about the participation. It's not Obamacare that keeps you out, it's greed. That's why we need universal health care.
It is not a matter of loyalty. Many of the corporations that moved operations to China did so to avoid the confiscatory tax rates imposed on them here. It is a matter of survival!
It wouldn't be impossible to make the case that US corporations were pushed out of the US as much as
they willingly left. It's a chicken or egg situation.
A decision was made at some point in the eighties to strip the US bare of manufacturing capability
in favor of China.

The unseen globalist hand moves slowly but surely.
The vulture chart proves your point.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
A guy who steals millions from a charity going to children with cancer is capable of anything.

Oh, you talking about former Senator franken?
No, I'm talking about Trump. The guy who paid fines for stealing from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer.And where is your moral spine? Have you no self respect or ounce of decency? My God man, he stole from children with cancer. WTF is wrong with you? What kind of evil follows a pos like Trump who steals from sick children? Fuck these people are the worst.

Oh fuck you and your mock outrage. The clinton foundation raked in hundreds of millions of dollars and they all lived high on the hog while doing nothing for the poor of Haiti.

Your hero al franken ripped off the Boys and Girls Club of New York and not a fucking peep from you pricks so take your fake moral outrage and shove it up your ass.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.

Yeah, no. Your hero's tried for two years to come up with something illegal and they couldn't even make a crime up, so once again you are exposed as a fucking moron.
We don't have much of a choice with the main two candidates. Severely disappointed with these sad choices.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
You are pathetic, you disgraceful moron to your own spoiled fat fucking race you deranged hypocritical pussy.
Last edited:
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That is a typical Democrat reply. To quote Al Gore from a different context, I think that these presidential statements are "Inconvenient Truth(s)".

So you take everything he says as gospel truth, you are in for a rude awakening. But that is what a good cult member does.
To the contrary, I think that enough Americans will see through the baloney of your statements. President Trump will win in a landslide.
And if he doesn't it was because the election was it.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That is a typical Democrat reply. To quote Al Gore from a different context, I think that these presidential statements are "Inconvenient Truth(s)".

So you take everything he says as gospel truth, you are in for a rude awakening. But that is what a good cult member does.
To the contrary, I think that enough Americans will see through the baloney of your statements. President Trump will win in a landslide.
And if he doesn't it was because the election was it.
Shut the fuck up if you are just going to avoid my question to your lame hypocritical pathetic moronic ass.

About time to toss your fucking race card out and run you pathetic fucking useful idiot for your fucking cultural marxist leaders.

Now, keep on embarrassing your ignorant dirty no good lilly white trust fund loser ass in your stupid college know it all arrogant manner.

It amuses me.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
You are pathetic, you disgraceful moron to your own spoiled fat fucking race you deranged hypocritical pussy.
What a pos loser. I go and prove something you can't dispute, and pout like a baby.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
Lol tds
A liar lying about a liar. No surprises there. Your failure to carry on anything intelligent is for all to see. Take a hike. You have nothing of value to offer.
Your the one triggerd about so called lies.. but said nothing when Obama lied.. bias much?
Ah yes, another coward going to the Obama card. When you're caught lying about a liar, you take another low road by going to someone else. Damn, what a fucking loser you are.
Trump doesn’t get softball questions like Obama did, what’s your favorite color..
You're right, and Trump ended up lying about most of them with his chronicled 20,000 plus lies that you cannot debunk. Too sad and pitiful. What a loser.
20,000 stupid questions lol
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
Another 4 years

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