MSNBC is true to their extreme leftist agenda

How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
Then they're fine. It's well established that tRump is a wife beater. He's also an extremely prolific liar.
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How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That is a typical Democrat reply. To quote Al Gore from a different context, I think that these presidential statements are "Inconvenient Truth(s)".

So you take everything he says as gospel truth, you are in for a rude awakening. But that is what a good cult member does.
Democrats know all about being good little cult members.
Your post has no legs. A cult to who? Lol! Do you even know what the word means?

The cult of socialism. The religion that has destroyed more country's, and murdered more people, than any other in history. That's who.
Oh, okay! The socialism we have enjoyed since the great depression. Got it. You don't even know wtf that means.
FDR's social programs were a total failure. It was WWII that ended the Great Depression.
FDR's social security and unemployment compensation programs saved millions from being six foot under. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. If those programs were a total failure, then what are we doing with them now? You really haven't a clue.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
With your best cultural marxist politically correct double talking hypocritical manner, explain this you pathetic loser.

More people need to be reminded of the hypocrisy of CNN & MSDNC.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.

Hiden biden pulled out of his first presidential run for president for plagiarism. What's the definition of plagiarism lil Miss P!

Biden pulled out of the race because his campaign was “overwhelmed” (in Biden’s words) by allegations that “he had used extensive quotes from other politicians without attributing them, had failed a law school course after failing to attribute a long quotation in a paper he wrote, and had inaccurately and angrily boasted about his academic record during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire,” the Tribune reported.

The announcement came 10 days after the New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd reported that Biden had “lifted” parts of a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, “with phrases, gestures and lyrical Welsh syntax intact,” for use in a 23 August 1987 debate at the Iowa State Fair. It wasn’t the first time Biden had used elements of Kinnock’s speech, Dowd noted, but on other occasions he had cited Kinnock as their source:

He has already been punished for the above, do you punish your kids over and over again for something they did in the 1988?

When has tramp been caught for Reagan plagiarism, Make America great again?

So, YOU are going to vote for a man with a clear history of lying. DERP! Seriously?

I didn't even click on your link because The Washington Post is the epitome of fake news.
You didn't click because you are a coward who cannot engage the truth. You are a loser.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Was the guy actually a wife beater? If so that was a legitimate question.
Before that question can be asked, they need to establish that he was a wife-beater.
A guy who steals millions from a charity going to children with cancer is capable of anything.
A liar lying about a liar. No surprises there. Your failure to carry on anything intelligent is for all to see. Take a hike. You have nothing of value to offer.
Your the one triggerd about so called lies.. but said nothing when Obama lied.. bias much?
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
Trump speechless after reporter asks if he regrets lying to Americans

Since when has MSNBC tried to treat President Trump's presidency as if it's normal? That remark alone would be funny if it were not such a blatant lie. They are the liars, not President Trump
It’s not a leftist agenda. It’s a corporate pro-statist pro-war agenda. The leftist spin is pure propaganda.
How many of OUR CORPORATIONS actually have AMERICA'S best interest at heart?

Let me give an example....

Commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt at a presser seems to offend no one and yet Nike, whose corporation's manufacturing facilities are in Vietnam and Pakistan, sees fit to pay the fake victim of American racism.


So, are American corporations more loyal and answerable to China or America?

The nba for some reason instructed their beloved poor multi millionaire players to not show any support for the oppressed in Hong Kong and yet all of those "BRAVE PLAYERS" love to attack Trump.

How brave.....

Let's take a look at one of poor oppressed blacks house here in America, shall we?

So are corporations really "loyal to America" or China?

Are cnn, nbc, cbs, abc, corporations?

Are they? They loyal to America?

You sure?

It is not a matter of loyalty. Many of the corporations that moved operations to China did so to avoid the confiscatory tax rates imposed on them here. It is a matter of survival!
A liar lying about a liar. No surprises there. Your failure to carry on anything intelligent is for all to see. Take a hike. You have nothing of value to offer.
Your the one triggerd about so called lies.. but said nothing when Obama lied.. bias much?
Ah yes, another coward going to the Obama card. When you're caught lying about a liar, you take another low road by going to someone else. Damn, what a fucking loser you are.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
A liar lying about a liar. No surprises there. Your failure to carry on anything intelligent is for all to see. Take a hike. You have nothing of value to offer.
Your the one triggerd about so called lies.. but said nothing when Obama lied.. bias much?
Ah yes, another coward going to the Obama card. When you're caught lying about a liar, you take another low road by going to someone else. Damn, what a fucking loser you are.
Trump doesn’t get softball questions like Obama did, what’s your favorite color..
Trump speechless after reporter asks if he regrets lying to Americans

Since when has MSNBC tried to treat President Trump's presidency as if it's normal? That remark alone would be funny if it were not such a blatant lie. They are the liars, not President Trump
It’s not a leftist agenda. It’s a corporate pro-statist pro-war agenda. The leftist spin is pure propaganda.
How many of OUR CORPORATIONS actually have AMERICA'S best interest at heart?

Let me give an example....

Commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt at a presser seems to offend no one and yet Nike, whose corporation's manufacturing facilities are in Vietnam and Pakistan, sees fit to pay the fake victim of American racism.


So, are American corporations more loyal and answerable to China or America?

The nba for some reason instructed their beloved poor multi millionaire players to not show any support for the oppressed in Hong Kong and yet all of those "BRAVE PLAYERS" love to attack Trump.

How brave.....

Let's take a look at one of poor oppressed blacks house here in America, shall we?

So are corporations really "loyal to America" or China?

Are cnn, nbc, cbs, abc, corporations?

Are they? They loyal to America?

You sure?

It is not a matter of loyalty. Many of the corporations that moved operations to China did so to avoid the confiscatory tax rates imposed on them here. It is a matter of survival!

They moved anyway to get cheap labor. They doubled their money. Reagan gave them tax cuts in 1980, destroyed the middle class with flat wages for forty years and we were left holding the bag. It was never a matter of survival. It was a matter of greed. In the fifties, sixties, and seventies, corporations were taxed 80 and 90 percent and the middle class enjoyed the best prosperity during that time period. But thanks to Reagan, wages have remained flat; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.

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