MSNBC: Martin Bashir euro/liberal


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Martin should have his own thread, don't cha think...


Grayson Compares Tea Party/KKK for Third Time This Week

"The home of discrimination and bigotry in our country and our political system is the Tea Party."

10.25.2013 |Paul Bois

Martin Bashir, only slightly improved from his previous report on this subject, went head-to-head with Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) Friday afternoon over the Congressman's controversial fundraising ad, equating tea partiers with the KKK.

Martin Bashir:

“We have some sympathy for your analysis, given that over the last five years, we have witnessed plenty of instances of racial hatred toward the President, whether it's the revolting Rush Limbaugh, the imbecile Sarah Palin, or Tea Party supporters spewing their hate at various rallies, but I have to ask you, how can you possibly compare racist epithets with racist actions of the KKK, which actually led to racist murders?

Rep. Alan Grayson:

“Well, today Martin the home of discrimination and bigotry in our country and our political system is the Tea Party. In the same way that the home of bigotry and discrimination generations ago was the Ku Klux Klan. I'm pleased that we haven't gone so far as to see those murders, but the analogy holds to that degree. In fact, we saw it on your show last week when Larry Klayman exhibited gross racism. We saw it last week when a Confederate Flag was waived in front of the White House by Tea Party fanatics.

The conversation heated up when Bashir later asked Grayson if it "may have been an inappropriate analogy".

Rep. Alan Grayson:

“No, and I'll tell you why, because the modern-day torch bearers for the Civil-Rights movement -- the NAACP -- three years ago, implored the Tea Party to remove the racists from their midst and they failed to do so and two years ago, another African-American Congressman said specifically, you and me, they would like us hanged from a tree, and yet still, even after that, the racism continues. I think the point is valid, and what needs to be done is for the tea party to expunge the racists from their midst.

Martin Bashir:

“The GOP civil war is due in large part because it cannot prevent and often will not condemn some of its most hateful members from making the most incendiary and discriminatory comments. Don't you yourself thereby debase your own party by arguing on their level?


Grayson Compares Tea Party/KKK for Third Time This Week | Truth Revolt

Congressman Alan Grayson Accuses Martin Bashir of 'Collaborating' With the Tea Party | MRCTV

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Disgusting: Martin Bashir suggests someone should defecate in Palin’s mouth and urinate in her eyes

Posted by The Right Scoop on November 15th, 2013 in Politics

Sarah Palin said our children and their children will be enslaved to US debt when it finally comes due…in fact the word she used was ‘slavery’. Now we all know that slavery has more than one meaning and definitely and is completely understandable when used in that context.

But Martin Bashir decided that her use of the term slavery was so out of bounds that he read how a certain slave owner forced his other slaves to defecate in one slave’s mouth and piss in his eyes for something he had done, and said Sarah Palin deserved the same treatment. Really, I’m not kidding:

Martin Bashir Suggests Someone Should Defecate in Palin's Mouth and Urinate in Her Eyes - YouTube

I just have no words to effectively communicate what I think about Bashir because every time I think of one it just doesn’t go far enough. He’s just, quite frankly, the must repulsive broadcaster that MSNBC has and he doesn’t even deserve a job as a pundit of any kind after this kind of attack.

But I’m sure MSNBC will turn the other cheek, because you know, it’s Sarah Palin.

(h/t: Newsbusters)

Disgusting: Martin Bashir suggests someone should defecate in Palin?s mouth and urinate in her eyes » The Right Scoop -
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This is exemplary behavior for liberal numbnuts. Bashir should be a guest on Bill (THE idiot) Maher's show. They can compete to see who comes up with the most adolescent statement by the end of the broadcast. Alec Baldwin could moderate.
One reason this has not gotten much media attention could be that no one watches Martin's show.
What an asshole.
He's a Euro and a Liberal?

You mean like the Founders of this country?


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...But Martin Bashir decided that her use of the term slavery was so out of bounds that he read how a certain slave owner forced his other slaves to defecate in one slave’s mouth and piss in his eyes for something he had done, and said Sarah Palin deserved the same treatment...

So, because he disagrees with Sarah Palin, he's going to rub shit and piss all over her name to make himself feel better. I guess it's easier to throw a tantrum about the messenger than it is to hear the truth sometimes, can't really fault anyone for that. Mr.Bashir will come around, though. As soon as his debts are paid off, and then he'll be free to have an opinion of his own that won't get him into trouble with his masters.

Martin Bastard gets the sharpton blueberry pie award...


MSNBC's Martin Bashir 'On Vacation' After Sarah Palin Remarks

By: Dylan Byers (Politico)

Martin Bashir, the MSNBC host who has come under fire for the controversial remarks he made about Sarah Palin, is "on vacation" and will not host his namesake afternoon program on Monday, POLITICO has learned.

Sources at the network said Bashir had been temporarily suspended from the network following graphic remarks he made last month about the former governor from Alaska. In that segment, Bashir suggested that Palin should be forced to endure slavery like conditions, including the consumption of feces.

MSNBC spokesperson Lauren Skowronski told a different story: "He’s still out on vacation," she wrote in an email. Asked multiple times when Bashir would return from vacation, Skowronski did not respond.


MSNBC's Martin Bashir 'On Vacation' After Sarah Palin Remarks - Fox Nation

MSNBC host Martin Bashir resigns over Palin remarks

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

MSNBC host Martin Bashir resigned Wednesday following controversy surrounding remarks he made on his show in November about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

"Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the president of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation," Bashir said in a statement. "It is my sincere hope that all of my colleagues, at this special network, will be allowed to focus on the issues that matter without the distraction of myself or my ill-judged comments."


MSNBC host Martin Bashir resigns over Palin remarks - U.S. News

Two embarrassing Communist Globalists. Pretty funny watching them squabble though. Thought we were gonna see a defecation throwdown. No but seriously, a village in Great Britain wants their idiot back. We should oblige. Bashir gots to go.

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