MSNBC Poll agrees: Teachers Should Carry Concealed Weapons

I don't have a problem with teachers carrying concealed weapons.

Students should not be sitting ducks for every madman out there....or for every false flag by the Deep state out there.....or for anything really........anything at all!

Guns in the hands of responsible citizens protect people. :thup:
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact.

You need weapons to fire back with. Better research Ft Hood
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact
Bill Clinton ended the practice of troops carrying arms on base...all weapons are secured and only military police can carry side do know that right? Those troops were in a gun free zone just like our students are...amazing isn't it?
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact.

Do you know the difference between "Trained in weaponry" and "armed"?
I don't have a problem with teachers carrying concealed weapons.

Students should not be sitting ducks for every madman out there....or for every false flag by the Deep state out there.....or for anything really........anything at all!

Guns in the hands of responsible citizens protect people. :thup:

HaHaaHa.....You said DEEP STATE.......HaHaHaHaHa
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact
Bill Clinton ended the practice of troops carrying arms on base...all weapons are secured and only military police can carry side do know that right? Those troops were in a gun free zone just like our students are...amazing isn't it?


Thank you for reminding us! :clap2:
So the Alt Right and the gun bunnies are swamping an online push poll?

You idiot.

Maybe it's the Russians swamping the poll. Did you ever think of that?

Good self picture, JGalt.

Somebody is swamping an online poll, yes.

Probably the gun bunnies.
Posted by the resident dumb bunny
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact.

They didn't have any weapons, dumbass! Think he would have tried it if they had been armed?

By the way, there were 13 deaths and more than 30 injured.
In all honesty, public school teachers get fired from their jobs for breaking up fights too aggressively. There just needs to be video surveillance and several security guards who are not faggots like the douchebags at Sheriff Israel's dept. to deal with a psychotic student on drugs prescribed by the school psychiatrist.
Someone pointed out that a guy went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood Army Base where every single person around him was was trained in weaponry and he still killed 4 and injured 14. Giving a few untrained teachers weapons isn't about to make much impact.

LOL! No one at the processing center where the Ft. Hood shooting took place was armed except Major Hassan. Soldiers were not carrying weapons on post unless they were in the field or the range training.
It's MSNBC, folks. MSNBC!!

Considering the origin and likely viewership of the poll, 76% speaks volumes...

"What do you think? Do you agree with laws allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons?"

Poll: Do you agree with laws allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons?

Same ol', same ol'. Every time there is a mass shooting, your answer is to put more guns on the street. And the mass shootings continue to increase in amount and severity. This is more of the same.
What do you think?
Do you agree with laws allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons?

60k votes

Click chart for answers

6 share 29

Poll: Do you agree with laws allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons?

looks like you're about 74% short of where you thought you were


online polls don't mean shit anyway

Saved for posterity. :laughing0301:

What a fucked up liar you are, Galt.

The percentage that approve of that idea is presently at 20%;

Poll: Do you agree with laws allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons?


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An internet poll on teachers and weapons that draws gun bunnies is accurate to the extent how gun bunnies feel, nothing more.
So the Alt Right and the gun bunnies are swamping an online push poll?

You idiot.

Maybe it's the Russians swamping the poll. Did you ever think of that?

Good self picture, JGalt.

Somebody is swamping an online poll, yes.

Probably the gun bunnies.
Posted by the resident dumb bunny
LDS leader says limit gun access<BR> Arms, mental illness don't mix, he says

WEST JORDAN -- LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley said guns and mental illness do not mix as he eulogized church security officer Donald Thomas who was slain by a gunman last week.

"A way must be found to keep the mentally ill from senseless acts of violence," President Hinckley said. "You cannot have an indiscriminate allowance of firearms without abuses. All of us cannot be held hostage by a few whose minds are sick and who lack judgment and reason."We cannot live and work in a bunker mentality," he said. "The very nature of our lives is based on our freedom to go and come while doing our work."

LDS leader says limit gun access<BR> Arms, mental illness don't mix, he says

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