MSNBC screws over McCain: Another heavy edit


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Surely there is something that can be done about this media outlet. I'd started to investigate FCC rules.

I've got to get back at it and see if they are breaking any regulations and how to get them nailed to the wall.

So grab this latest one.

Video of Sen. John McCain speaking to the mother of an Aurora shooting victim was edited in a way that made him appear to be insensitive to the tragedy, the Arizona lawmaker’s office charges.

“[The video] had been selectively edited by a TV station in Phoenix to make McCain look insensitive to her,” Brian Rogers, the veteran senator’s Communications Director, told Newsmax.

“And then [MSNBC’s] Rachel Maddow and several other liberal outlets attacked McCain for it.”

Rest of the story at the link:

Edited Video Made McCain Look Insensitive to Aurora Victim?s Mom
Last edited:
LOL, it was so bad even Madcow had to admit it was wrong:

When Maddow ran a piece on the meeting, she aired the heavily-edited KTVK segment.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Maddow admitted, “Obviously there was an edit between the end of the woman’s question and the part where John McCain sneers the straight talk line at her. So maybe that edit was cut in a way that’s not fair to John McCain.

“Maybe he wasn’t in real time so insensitive and abrasive, to a woman who probably deserves some sensitivity when she is talked to about these matters.”

But Rogers said there was no excuse for MSNBC and others to go with the edited version.

Read Latest Breaking News from Edited Video Made McCain Look Insensitive to Aurora Victim?s Mom
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I doubt the dumb bitch aired an apology on her show though.
MSNBC screws over McCain: Another heavy edit... what a waste of time!
McCain will screw over himself without any editing if you wait long enough.
We get what we ask for.
This is by no means just MSNBC that does this. All of the major networks do it....all of them.
There is no room in America for hard news. As someone pointed out to me when I made a thread about how bad is getting - if they reported primarily hard news and unbiased reporting - no one would watch/read.
We got the media we asked for - one that feeds our own biases and further divides the country.
They are in such a hurry to be the first kid on the block to get their shot in on a republican.
Journalism is dead in this country.
I saw Dan Rather recently being interviewed about this and he was very critical about the media.
This from a guy whose very good career ended in shambles.
And was asked to give his opinion.

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