MSNBC takes out the garbage

That's right MSNBC has immediately cancelled the Ed Schultz and Alex Wagner shows.
No more stupid radical Left bitch (close friend of the 'BOBO's') who didn't have enough fucking common sense to use a fucking bobby pin to keep the hair of her eye. No more fucking union thug Schultz who spent his entire show having union bosses and far Left magazine writers on screaming at the successful union buster Scott Walker. Their combined viewer count was similar to what a 'Littlest Hobo' episode rerun from the eighties garnered.
The MSNBC executives can't get rid of Sharpton the fucking race whore as long as BOBO is President. The fucking day after the 'BOBO's' waddle back to the brownstone in Chicagoland, which a member of organized crime bought them, will be the day Sharpton is kicked off the air. Sharpton's viewers are 100% negroes who are either in jail, about to go to jail, have friends and family in jail, just out of jail. Once the 'BOBO's are gone Sharpton's viewers, all fifty of them know the 'free shit' tit is going away when a REP wins the Presidency.

bout time

No more fucking union thug Schultz who spent his entire show having union bosses and far Left magazine writers on screaming at the successful union buster Scott Walker.

You have clearly conveyed the impression in this forum that you are a police officer. If this is true then you are an FOP member, as well as a member of your agency's individual union. As such I am sure you know, or I hope you do, that were it not for these unions you would not enjoy the salary, benefits and, most important, legal protections presently afforded all American cops.

So how do you account for your obvious contempt for strong union advocates like Schultz?

Unions in present day are about as useful and relevant as horse and buggy in transportation or bayonets in warfare.
While recognizing their pioneer work, it must be also recognized that what they fought for couple decades ago comes free with prescription nowadays. Only idiots and freeloaders would believe that a lazy slug should get the same pay as an industrious hard worker and only idiots and freeloaders believe that when a company shuts down the first hires should be let go last after proven without a doubt that they are the worst freeloaders.

Scott Walker was RIGHT. Blowhard Ed Shultz was WRONG.
1 Not all police officers belong to a union.
2 Ed the fucking union thug didn't even have the class to do his last show. Instead the race whore MED had to stand in. Boy that was priceless. MED looked like someone had shoved a watermelon up his ass.
3 AW is a close buddy of the 'BOBO's'. She was on last night filling in for someone. Guess what? She didn't have to shake the hair out of her eye even once. HA HA. Someone handed her a fucking bobby-pin and told her to FUCKING USE IT!!!!!!!!!! What a vile POS she is. All 'snarky' with her shit-eating grin but not bright enough to keep the hair out of her eye.

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