MSNBC's Chris "The Tingler" Matthews

I sorta miss fat Eddie from their lineup of losers. He was good for a hoot now and then, especially whenever it looked like that huge melon of his might explode. But race hustler Al Sharpton kind or intrigues me. Maybe it's his preacher-speak sort of attitude when he gets riled up along with his penchant for heavier reliability on ebonics as he heats up.

Here...check out their dismal ratings.........

TUES., APRIL 30, 2013

CMDY COLBERT 1,752,000
Obama’s MSNBC Whore

May 14, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, President Obama finally addressed the Benghazi controversy, calling scrutiny of the edited talking points a “sideshow” and denying his administration was involved in a cover-up. ”If this was some effort on our part to try to downplay what had happened or tamp it down, that would be a pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information,” Obama said. “Who executes some sort of cover-up or effort to tamp things down for three days? So the whole thing defies logic.” Equally willing to defy logic was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who has been more than eager to carry water for the Obama administration. Matthews’ coverage of the unrelenting Benghazi scandal has been particularly loathsome.

Last Thursday, Matthews was in fine form. After acknowledging that witness Greg Hicks, former deputy chief of mission in Libya, testified before the House that he had spoken with Hillary Clinton on the night of the attack and that Clinton’s Chief of Staff tried to intimidate him into silence, Matthews downplayed the egregiousness of the former secretary of State’s public lies and scandalous behavior. The Obama administration was merely putting the “best face” on a terrible situation, Matthews said. “But it didn’t cause Chris Stevens to be killed, it didn’t cause the guys being killed by the mortar fire in the second attack, it didn’t really cause any damage except to Mitt Romney,” he continued. “And how is that going to offend the public?” In other words, four deaths and a subsequent cover-up are no big deal.


As a former speechwriter for President Carter, Chris Matthews is well aware of how government agencies operate and he knows full well that there isn’t the remotest chance that Susan Rice, after a major attack on the U.S., unilaterally decided to promote the Muslim video angle. He simply doesn’t care. As far as Matthews is concerned, his sitting president and his 2016 presidential candidate of choice must also be protected at all costs — even if anything resembling journalistic integrity gets sacrificed in the process. Matthews has demonstrated a willingness to destroy his own credibility for the sake of currying favor with those in power. That’s what media whores do.

Obama?s MSNBC Whore | FrontPage Magazine
Obama’s MSNBC Whore

May 14, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, President Obama finally addressed the Benghazi controversy, calling scrutiny of the edited talking points a “sideshow” and denying his administration was involved in a cover-up. ”If this was some effort on our part to try to downplay what had happened or tamp it down, that would be a pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information,” Obama said. “Who executes some sort of cover-up or effort to tamp things down for three days? So the whole thing defies logic.” Equally willing to defy logic was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who has been more than eager to carry water for the Obama administration. Matthews’ coverage of the unrelenting Benghazi scandal has been particularly loathsome.

Last Thursday, Matthews was in fine form. After acknowledging that witness Greg Hicks, former deputy chief of mission in Libya, testified before the House that he had spoken with Hillary Clinton on the night of the attack and that Clinton’s Chief of Staff tried to intimidate him into silence, Matthews downplayed the egregiousness of the former secretary of State’s public lies and scandalous behavior. The Obama administration was merely putting the “best face” on a terrible situation, Matthews said. “But it didn’t cause Chris Stevens to be killed, it didn’t cause the guys being killed by the mortar fire in the second attack, it didn’t really cause any damage except to Mitt Romney,” he continued. “And how is that going to offend the public?” In other words, four deaths and a subsequent cover-up are no big deal.


As a former speechwriter for President Carter, Chris Matthews is well aware of how government agencies operate and he knows full well that there isn’t the remotest chance that Susan Rice, after a major attack on the U.S., unilaterally decided to promote the Muslim video angle. He simply doesn’t care. As far as Matthews is concerned, his sitting president and his 2016 presidential candidate of choice must also be protected at all costs — even if anything resembling journalistic integrity gets sacrificed in the process. Matthews has demonstrated a willingness to destroy his own credibility for the sake of currying favor with those in power. That’s what media whores do.

Obama?s MSNBC Whore | FrontPage Magazine
Chris is more than a media whore. He's queer for Obama. I'll bet he has life-size posters of Barack throughout his house, and of course, over his bed.
Chris Matthews: “Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong”

June 9, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield



Chris Matthews is baffled by opposition to President Obama as he faces a series of scandals, especially because the president has “never done anything wrong in his life.”

“His whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle, and transparent,” Matthews said on his show earlier this week. “He’s never done anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever.”

This line of reasoning led Matthews “to believe it’s ethnic with these people.” “Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a ‘bad man?’” he asked.

Amazingly enough, Chris Matthews has, for the first time ever, managed to not only be wrong, but to be so wrong that his speech consists of saying the exact opposite of the truth about everything. That makes him the wrongest he’s ever been.

In other news, doing cocaine, doing favors for dirty politicians, collecting huge amounts of money with no check and doing favors for campaign contributors using taxpayer money is literally clean as a whistle.

Chris Matthews: ?Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong? | FrontPage Magazine
The good news in all this is....Romney LOST!!

Case closed.

Exactly. The losers continue to whine, democracy is definitely not to their liking, nor is free speech. I did find the fact the Romney's thought it their time regardless of the will of the people rather interesting. So many on the right thought the win was in the bag you have to wonder at the bubble they exist in.
Exactly. The losers continue to whine

The fact that you are not whining over what this president has done, proves you are a loser, or living in a hole without a clue
Chris Matthews: “Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong”

June 9, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield



Chris Matthews is baffled by opposition to President Obama as he faces a series of scandals, especially because the president has “never done anything wrong in his life.”

“His whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle, and transparent,” Matthews said on his show earlier this week. “He’s never done anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever.”

This line of reasoning led Matthews “to believe it’s ethnic with these people.” “Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a ‘bad man?’” he asked.

Amazingly enough, Chris Matthews has, for the first time ever, managed to not only be wrong, but to be so wrong that his speech consists of saying the exact opposite of the truth about everything. That makes him the wrongest he’s ever been.

In other news, doing cocaine, doing favors for dirty politicians, collecting huge amounts of money with no check and doing favors for campaign contributors using taxpayer money is literally clean as a whistle.

Chris Matthews: ?Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong? | FrontPage Magazine
Mr. Matthews is into some serious denial, and has been since the first time he was caught drooling on Clinton's watch, which was almost every day until I just got in the habit of never watching television any more. :doubt:
Chris Matthews: “Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong”

June 9, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield



Chris Matthews is baffled by opposition to President Obama as he faces a series of scandals, especially because the president has “never done anything wrong in his life.”

“His whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle, and transparent,” Matthews said on his show earlier this week. “He’s never done anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever.”

This line of reasoning led Matthews “to believe it’s ethnic with these people.” “Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a ‘bad man?’” he asked.

Amazingly enough, Chris Matthews has, for the first time ever, managed to not only be wrong, but to be so wrong that his speech consists of saying the exact opposite of the truth about everything. That makes him the wrongest he’s ever been.

In other news, doing cocaine, doing favors for dirty politicians, collecting huge amounts of money with no check and doing favors for campaign contributors using taxpayer money is literally clean as a whistle.

Chris Matthews: ?Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong? | FrontPage Magazine
Mr. Matthews is into some serious denial, and has been since the first time he was caught drooling on Clinton's watch, which was almost every day until I just got in the habit of never watching television any more. :doubt:

You know it was code when he said he felt a tingle in his leg, he really meant ass...:eusa_shhh:
Chris Matthews: “Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong”

June 9, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield



Chris Matthews is baffled by opposition to President Obama as he faces a series of scandals, especially because the president has “never done anything wrong in his life.”

“His whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle, and transparent,” Matthews said on his show earlier this week. “He’s never done anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever.”

This line of reasoning led Matthews “to believe it’s ethnic with these people.” “Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a ‘bad man?’” he asked.

Amazingly enough, Chris Matthews has, for the first time ever, managed to not only be wrong, but to be so wrong that his speech consists of saying the exact opposite of the truth about everything. That makes him the wrongest he’s ever been.

In other news, doing cocaine, doing favors for dirty politicians, collecting huge amounts of money with no check and doing favors for campaign contributors using taxpayer money is literally clean as a whistle.

Chris Matthews: ?Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong? | FrontPage Magazine
Mr. Matthews is into some serious denial, and has been since the first time he was caught drooling on Clinton's watch, which was almost every day until I just got in the habit of never watching television any more. :doubt:

You know it was code when he said he felt a tingle in his leg, he really meant ass...:eusa_shhh:

Agree with the code part. But he made up the thrill up his leg thing because he couldn't say it was really his ejaculate running down it.
Mr. Matthews is into some serious denial, and has been since the first time he was caught drooling on Clinton's watch, which was almost every day until I just got in the habit of never watching television any more. :doubt:

You know it was code when he said he felt a tingle in his leg, he really meant ass...:eusa_shhh:

Agree with the code part. But he made up the thrill up his leg thing because he couldn't say it was really his ejaculate running down it.

Running down from his ass...:eusa_shhh:

"I might be kinda funny"

Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin

Glenn Beck


“The way you can spot a tyrant or a dictator is anybody who tells you to shut up, sit down, be quiet, anyone who doesn’t think that you have a right to speak,” Glenn told listeners. “I don’t mind Chris Matthews and MSNBC — they have a right to go out and say all this stuff. I support them 100%. I would never boycott them. I think boycotts are for girls, quite honestly. You put your money where your heart is.”

“That’s really an offensive thing to say about girls,” Stu quickly interjected. “They are for cowards.”

Glenn’s point is this: MSNBC and Chris Matthews does everything it can to silence and marginalize those that think outside their ideology.

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews made the claim that Senator Ted Cruz “fits the tradion” of notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Charles Coughlin.

“I want you to listen to Chris Matthews and what he said about Ted Cruz,” Glenn said.


Matthews: This guy goes pretty far but I think he fits the tradition of Father Coughlin and McCarthy and, of course, and maybe to a lesser extent Pat Buchanan and then of course O’Reilly. These guys are hard rightwing guys. They look a lot like — they have what we call a black Irish look to them. They don’t smile much.

After mocking Mathews’s remarkable inability to speak while anchoring a television program, Glenn clarified who Father Coughlin was for those who aren’t familiar.

“Father Coughlin is a progressive,” he noted. “A socialist progressive.”

Coughlin ran Social Justice Magazine and was a Nazi supporter. Needless to say, Ted Cruz hardly fits the bill. Not to mention, somehow Matthews managed to group Father Coughlin, McCarthy, Buchannan (a former MSNBC employee) and Bill O’Reilly into the same category.

“It’s really amazing,” Glenn described of Matthews’s statement.


Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin ? Glenn Beck

"I might be kinda funny"

Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin

Glenn Beck


“The way you can spot a tyrant or a dictator is anybody who tells you to shut up, sit down, be quiet, anyone who doesn’t think that you have a right to speak,” Glenn told listeners. “I don’t mind Chris Matthews and MSNBC — they have a right to go out and say all this stuff. I support them 100%. I would never boycott them. I think boycotts are for girls, quite honestly. You put your money where your heart is.”

“That’s really an offensive thing to say about girls,” Stu quickly interjected. “They are for cowards.”

Glenn’s point is this: MSNBC and Chris Matthews does everything it can to silence and marginalize those that think outside their ideology.

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews made the claim that Senator Ted Cruz “fits the tradion” of notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Charles Coughlin.

“I want you to listen to Chris Matthews and what he said about Ted Cruz,” Glenn said.


Matthews: This guy goes pretty far but I think he fits the tradition of Father Coughlin and McCarthy and, of course, and maybe to a lesser extent Pat Buchanan and then of course O’Reilly. These guys are hard rightwing guys. They look a lot like — they have what we call a black Irish look to them. They don’t smile much.

After mocking Mathews’s remarkable inability to speak while anchoring a television program, Glenn clarified who Father Coughlin was for those who aren’t familiar.

“Father Coughlin is a progressive,” he noted. “A socialist progressive.”

Coughlin ran Social Justice Magazine and was a Nazi supporter. Needless to say, Ted Cruz hardly fits the bill. Not to mention, somehow Matthews managed to group Father Coughlin, McCarthy, Buchannan (a former MSNBC employee) and Bill O’Reilly into the same category.

“It’s really amazing,” Glenn described of Matthews’s statement.


Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin ? Glenn Beck

"Black Irish"?? Really? That makes zero sense whatsoever.

But go get me a credible link. Something maybe a wee bit more legitimate than a self-described rodeo clown. Which still leaves you almost everybody on earth...

You do know how to find a direct link rather than a third-party hearsay one, do you not?
Last edited:

"I might be kinda funny"

Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin

Glenn Beck


“The way you can spot a tyrant or a dictator is anybody who tells you to shut up, sit down, be quiet, anyone who doesn’t think that you have a right to speak,” Glenn told listeners. “I don’t mind Chris Matthews and MSNBC — they have a right to go out and say all this stuff. I support them 100%. I would never boycott them. I think boycotts are for girls, quite honestly. You put your money where your heart is.”

“That’s really an offensive thing to say about girls,” Stu quickly interjected. “They are for cowards.”

Glenn’s point is this: MSNBC and Chris Matthews does everything it can to silence and marginalize those that think outside their ideology.

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews made the claim that Senator Ted Cruz “fits the tradion” of notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Charles Coughlin.

“I want you to listen to Chris Matthews and what he said about Ted Cruz,” Glenn said.


Matthews: This guy goes pretty far but I think he fits the tradition of Father Coughlin and McCarthy and, of course, and maybe to a lesser extent Pat Buchanan and then of course O’Reilly. These guys are hard rightwing guys. They look a lot like — they have what we call a black Irish look to them. They don’t smile much.

After mocking Mathews’s remarkable inability to speak while anchoring a television program, Glenn clarified who Father Coughlin was for those who aren’t familiar.

“Father Coughlin is a progressive,” he noted. “A socialist progressive.”

Coughlin ran Social Justice Magazine and was a Nazi supporter. Needless to say, Ted Cruz hardly fits the bill. Not to mention, somehow Matthews managed to group Father Coughlin, McCarthy, Buchannan (a former MSNBC employee) and Bill O’Reilly into the same category.

“It’s really amazing,” Glenn described of Matthews’s statement.


Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin ? Glenn Beck

"Black Irish"?? Really? That makes zero sense whatsoever.

But go get me a credible link. Something maybe a wee bit more legitimate than a self-described rodeo clown. Which still leaves you almost everybody on earth...

You do know how to find a direct link rather than a third-party hearsay one, do you not?

Go for it dumbass, all mouth no substance or links, in short, all talk no action, now get to work mf...:whip:
Last edited:

"I might be kinda funny"

Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin

Glenn Beck


“The way you can spot a tyrant or a dictator is anybody who tells you to shut up, sit down, be quiet, anyone who doesn’t think that you have a right to speak,” Glenn told listeners. “I don’t mind Chris Matthews and MSNBC — they have a right to go out and say all this stuff. I support them 100%. I would never boycott them. I think boycotts are for girls, quite honestly. You put your money where your heart is.”

“That’s really an offensive thing to say about girls,” Stu quickly interjected. “They are for cowards.”

Glenn’s point is this: MSNBC and Chris Matthews does everything it can to silence and marginalize those that think outside their ideology.

On Wednesday, Chris Matthews made the claim that Senator Ted Cruz “fits the tradion” of notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Charles Coughlin.

“I want you to listen to Chris Matthews and what he said about Ted Cruz,” Glenn said.


Matthews: This guy goes pretty far but I think he fits the tradition of Father Coughlin and McCarthy and, of course, and maybe to a lesser extent Pat Buchanan and then of course O’Reilly. These guys are hard rightwing guys. They look a lot like — they have what we call a black Irish look to them. They don’t smile much.

After mocking Mathews’s remarkable inability to speak while anchoring a television program, Glenn clarified who Father Coughlin was for those who aren’t familiar.

“Father Coughlin is a progressive,” he noted. “A socialist progressive.”

Coughlin ran Social Justice Magazine and was a Nazi supporter. Needless to say, Ted Cruz hardly fits the bill. Not to mention, somehow Matthews managed to group Father Coughlin, McCarthy, Buchannan (a former MSNBC employee) and Bill O’Reilly into the same category.

“It’s really amazing,” Glenn described of Matthews’s statement.


Champion of Nonsense Chris Matthews compares Cruz to Father Coughlin ? Glenn Beck

"Black Irish"?? Really? That makes zero sense whatsoever.

But go get me a credible link. Something maybe a wee bit more legitimate than a self-described rodeo clown. Which still leaves you almost everybody on earth...

You do know how to find a direct link rather than a third-party hearsay one, do you not?

Go for it dumbass, all mouth no substance or links, in short, all talk no action, now get to work mf...:whip:

Uhh-- it's your claim Shirley, not mine.

You actually think it's somebody else's job to document your fantasies??

"Black Irish"?? Really? That makes zero sense whatsoever.

But go get me a credible link. Something maybe a wee bit more legitimate than a self-described rodeo clown. Which still leaves you almost everybody on earth...

You do know how to find a direct link rather than a third-party hearsay one, do you not?

Go for it dumbass, all mouth no substance or links, in short, all talk no action, now get to work mf...:whip:

Uhh-- it's your claim Shirley, not mine.

You actually think it's somebody else's job to document your fantasies??


If you don't knock it down the clown wins...:eusa_whistle:


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