MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Over 'Humiliating' Interview Question

The "elites" think Melissa Harris-Perry and Rachel (Richard) Maddow are so talented and so intelligent. Too bad those same intelects don't watch. The mess that is MSNBC will be going the way of the dodo soon.

Megyn Kelly Tears Into MSNBC s Melissa Harris-Perry Over Humiliating Interview Question

There's a reason why MSNBC is only pulling in around 50,000 viewers these days. Their "news" coverage is a joke and people like Melissa Harris-Perry, Ed Shultz and Rachel Maddow are SO over the top in what they say that only the most hardcore progressives can watch with a straight face.

I admit that I tune into MSNBC from time to time because I find it so amusing. It was even more amusing when they had Keith Olbermann pontificating to the true believers. He was laughably bad...
Yes, it is true. Liberals don't watch MSNBC because MSNBC is stupid. Sadly, conservatives watch FOX because FOX is stupid, just like conservatives are.

All Conservatives are stupid? That's just a ridiculous comment. That's like saying all Liberals are smart. Equally ridiculous.
Would you quack for us?

That's funny.

Kelly a beauty, Harris a beast, and a dingbat.


So you value your news source on the basis of what the newsreader looks like.
Why am I not surprised....

MHP has that weird hair.... UGH.

Actually the reason I know who she is is she looks like a woman I used to date. Mine had way bigger dreads though.
Could her ass land 747s too?

She's not a pilot, she's a writer.

Bizarre question... :cuckoo:
She is a race baiter just like the formerly fat Rev Al. She is nothing more than a community rabble-rouser with a speech impediment and some creepy dread extensions. Meanwhile Kelly is HOT.

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