MT governor forces kids to learn indian history - Call critics racist


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
No gov - you're the racist. People know that "ethnic studies" courses are just hate-whitey propaganda.

Montana governor laments

by Lexi Stemple | August 08, 2012

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer had some curious remarks last month about his own constituents - describing some of them as rednecks with a penchant for making racist comments.

Schweitzer told the Ohio Democratic Convention, "All over Montana, you can walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a while as people talk to each other, and you will hear somebody, before very long, say something outrageously racist about the people who have lived in Montana for 10,000 years."

"I decided I can't turn the heart of a 45-year-old redneck. But if we start early enough. If we start with a tender child -- so we passed Indian Education for All."

The governor was trying to stress the importance of that education act, a law that requires children in Montana to learn both American and Indian history. The suggestion was that younger Montanans would be more open to such diversity education.
i dont see why we all shouldnt learn everyones history.
Teaching someone everything takes a really long time. I bet there isn't enough time to teach someone everything.
i dont see why we all shouldnt learn everyones history.

Everyone's history?? Not enough hours in the day for that. Anyway - all history is propaganda and i say don't teach any of it. History is easy stuff that people can learn on their own if they wish.
i dont see why we all shouldnt learn everyones history.

Everyone's history?? Not enough hours in the day for that. Anyway - all history is propaganda and i say don't teach any of it. History is easy stuff that people can learn on their own if they wish.

Yours is the attitude that has made America the land of imbeciles that is is. Constantly making the same mistakes over and over not learning from history because it is rarely taught.
No gov - you're the racist. People know that "ethnic studies" courses are just hate-whitey propaganda.

Montana governor laments

by Lexi Stemple | August 08, 2012

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer had some curious remarks last month about his own constituents - describing some of them as rednecks with a penchant for making racist comments.

Schweitzer told the Ohio Democratic Convention, "All over Montana, you can walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a while as people talk to each other, and you will hear somebody, before very long, say something outrageously racist about the people who have lived in Montana for 10,000 years."

"I decided I can't turn the heart of a 45-year-old redneck. But if we start early enough. If we start with a tender child -- so we passed Indian Education for All."

The governor was trying to stress the importance of that education act, a law that requires children in Montana to learn both American and Indian history. The suggestion was that younger Montanans would be more open to such diversity education.

Well if they teach kids Indian history (what the hell happened to PC Native Americans lately?) as well as some states are teaching American history they're not going to learn much. And as an added bonus they won't learn as much about American history because there's only so many hours in the teaching day and all the other subjects that need those hours as well.
Why are you against kids learning our history?

Indians don't have a history. They lived in the Stone Age for thousands of years. Hell - they didn't have a written language until white people showed up. They had no technology and no progress. There is no history to indians.
the history of the people we took this country from is part of OUR history.

you just dont like it so you want to pretend it doesnt exsist.

Bad info in bad decisions out.

Its why you people are so uninformed and dupable
Good...I remember a few years back when losers objected to a Native American being assigned as head National Park ranger at Little Big Horn.
No gov - you're the racist. People know that "ethnic studies" courses are just hate-whitey propaganda.

Montana governor laments

by Lexi Stemple | August 08, 2012

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer had some curious remarks last month about his own constituents - describing some of them as rednecks with a penchant for making racist comments.

Schweitzer told the Ohio Democratic Convention, "All over Montana, you can walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a while as people talk to each other, and you will hear somebody, before very long, say something outrageously racist about the people who have lived in Montana for 10,000 years."

"I decided I can't turn the heart of a 45-year-old redneck. But if we start early enough. If we start with a tender child -- so we passed Indian Education for All."

The governor was trying to stress the importance of that education act, a law that requires children in Montana to learn both American and Indian history. The suggestion was that younger Montanans would be more open to such diversity education.

Well if they teach kids Indian history (what the hell happened to PC Native Americans lately?) as well as some states are teaching American history they're not going to learn much. And as an added bonus they won't learn as much about American history because there's only so many hours in the teaching day and all the other subjects that need those hours as well.

Indian history IS American history, so they'll be learning just as much.
I am loling at some of the posts in here already.

Kids shouldn't be taught history?
Native Americans have no history?


Not really sure why you would need a special class for native American history. I remember leaning about other cultures, including Native Americans when we reached that part of American history.
Why are you against kids learning our history?

Indians don't have a history. They lived in the Stone Age for thousands of years. Hell - they didn't have a written language until white people showed up. They had no technology and no progress. There is no history to indians.

The mighty white men you speak of would have starved to death at Jamestown if it had not been for those no technology, no progress, ignorant Native Americans.
Why are you against kids learning our history?

Indians don't have a history. They lived in the Stone Age for thousands of years. Hell - they didn't have a written language until white people showed up. They had no technology and no progress. There is no history to indians.

Speaking of people who could benefit from a history education...

Tell the Mayans they had "no technology and no progress".

My gawd there are some ignorant idiots on this board.
the history of the people we took this country from is part of OUR history.

You know nothing about history. For thousands of years the strong took from the weak. The indians lost because europeans are smarter and had advanced technology.

The idea of "indigenous rights" is only 100 years old.

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