MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

Prove it or fuck off, Dirk. But that is part a parcel of the New Republican's these day. Vile pieces of stinky human excrement vomited out of your gaping maw.

Link to me anywhere on this board where you've even HINTED that this should be looked into further? And if you voted for Biden, then at the very least you condone adult men showering with underage girls.
^^^ this guy is desperate to believe ashley biden's diary is fake. Reality is that it is real, verified by the FBI, and says what it says. A simple hand writing analysis can prove ashley wrote it.
The diary has never been validated by anyone.

In fact, even some of the most right wing propagandists turned their nose up at it.
Link to me anywhere on this board where you've even HINTED that this should be looked into further? And if you voted for Biden, then at the very least you condone adult men showering with underage girls.
No way you c*cksucking piece of shit. You accused me of condoning pedophillia. You can fuck off, eat shit and die. Let me further clarify that for you.

The diary has never been validated by anyone.

In fact, even some of the most right wing propagandists turned their nose up at it.
That was until the FBI went looking for it.

The diary is real. Just like the laptop.

No way you c*cksucking piece of shit. You accused me of condoning pedophillia. You can fuck off, eat shit and die. Let me further clarify that for you.

Gotcha. I love that you're more angry at ME than you are of having a president who showered inappropriately with his daughter. Very telling.

So for the record, you CAN'T link to me anywhere on this board where you've HINTED that an incident involving a middle-aged man allegedly showering with his much younger daughter 'inappropriately' should even be investigated further to find out if true?

Condone (verb)
to accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
There is much more than the time stamp on a file that can show tampering. That is a very novice approach.
And I'm sure that the Russian Data Hackers aren't novices. If all your evidence is "electronic", electronic can be faked. You can make deep fake videos and pictures. You can create fake electronic documents.

The problem is, of course, that no judge would allow evidence from this laptop to be used merely because you can't establish provenance. It's been through too many hands.

There is a term called “reasonable” in law. Hunter dropped off a laptop and signed for it. Fact. Hunter never picked up said laptop. Fact. Electronic paper trails and forensics on pictures and videos found on that laptop indicate that it was Hunter’s. Any reasonable person would make the assumption that it is his.
Actually, we don't know that. We only have Mac Isaac (a right wing extremist) word for that. We don't have video him dropping it off, we don't have a paper trail showing he owned that particular SERIAL NUMBERED laptop. We don't have his fingerprints or touch DNA on the laptop.

The only thing that connects Hunter is that SOME of the data appears to be legitimately his, and any fool can hack into a server and get that data.
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And I'm sure that the Russian Data Hackers aren't novices. If all your evidence is "electronic", electronic can be faked. You can make deep fake videos and pictures. You can create fake electronic documents.

The problem is, of course, that no judge would allow evidence from this laptop to be used merely because you can't establish provenance. It's been through too many hands.

Actually, we don't know that. We only have Mac Isaac (a right wing extremist) word for that. We don't have video him dropping it off, we don't have a paper trail showing he owned that particular SERIAL NUMBERED laptop. We don't have his fingerprints or touch DNA on the laptop.

The only thing that connects Hunter is that SOME of the data appears to be legitimately his, and any fool can hack into a server and get that data.

Again, we are talking about being reasonable here. Because it is someone from your political persuausion, you seem to require far more than any reasonable person would require to come to a conclusion. If you are locked in a room with no windows and hear heavy wind and thunder only to open the door later to see limbs all over the ground and that everything is wet, it is reasonable to assume that it rained. When defending Democrats, you are the guy that walks out of the room and says that you don’t believe that it rained because nobody saw it. Others that were in the same room look at you like you are a bit crazy.
Again, we are talking about being reasonable here. Because it is someone from your political persuausion, you seem to require far more than any reasonable person would require to come to a conclusion. If you are locked in a room with no windows and hear heavy wind and thunder only to open the door later to see limbs all over the ground and that everything is wet, it is reasonable to assume that it rained. When defending Democrats, you are the guy that walks out of the room and says that you don’t believe that it rained because nobody saw it. Others that were in the same room look at you like you are a bit crazy.

Not a good analogy.

A reasonable person would conclude that when Trump started recycling conspiracy theories about Biden and Ukraine, someone would come up with the "evidence".

The problem- again- is that the information on the laptop can't be used as evidence because it simply wasn't acquired legally and has been through too many hands, which is why the worst thing that Hunter is facing is maybe some tax violations, which he can easily pass off on his accountant and pay a penalty.

The thing is, all these Republican investigations are falling flat because they aren't what real people care about.

But so far, these investigations seem to be flopping. They don’t seem to be sticking in the public consciousness. They haven’t uncovered page one news about Hunter Biden’s laptop, or about the origins of Covid-19, or about a supposed government conspiracy to silence conservatives on Twitter. A bit more than two months into Republican control of the House, plenty of these investigations are well underway. Hearings have been held, letters sent, witnesses summoned, and hours spent appearing on Fox News.

The House GOP investigations also aren’t making the president’s reelection campaign untenable — many Democratic operatives suspected that was their goal — and they don’t seem to be damaging the president as many Republicans had hoped.

New polling provided to Vox by the progressive research group Navigator further demonstrates this trend: Half of American adults believe Republicans are overreaching in their oversight of the Biden administration, up from the 46 percent who said so in a February poll and the 30 percent who said so in January. The number who view the GOP’s investigations as a form of overreach is also rising among political independents, while Republican support for the investigations is remaining steady

My take... It's like you people learned not a fucking thing from the 1990's, where you made accusation after accusation about the Clintons, from the Mena Airport to Whitewater to supposed Buddhist monks laundering Chinese money, and after all your pandering to the crazy, the only thing you came up with is that he lied about having sex with an intern, and people rejected you soundly.
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If you promote children changing their sex before they are old enough to consent to sex, I don't see how it is any different.

Children should be allowed to develop sexually normally and be left the hell alone to figure life out on their own.

Well said MTG! The democrat party is the party of pedos.
Leslie Stahl wasn't too good at masking her contempt for MTG throughout the interview. Objective journalism is dead and 60 Minutes is just another leftist msm mouthpiece.

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