MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

I don't even click on your crazy wingnut sites.

Since we don't have a CHAIN OF CUSTODY, this supposed diary has no evidentiary value.

It did escape from a Wet Market, and inflation is transitory... I can tell you that because I work in the supply chain end of it... and prices of commodities are going down.
^^^ this guy is desperate to believe ashley biden's diary is fake. Reality is that it is real, verified by the FBI, and says what it says. A simple hand writing analysis can prove ashley wrote it.
Joe, STFU, go back and read tbe articles provided, do some research, then rejoin tbe conversation after you have educated yourself. Every time you post you embarrass yourself.

You are shamelessly desperate to defend the compromised pedophile.

All you've ever done in this forum is to make increasingly crazy and unhinged claims about Democrats on no evidence.

^^^ this guy is desperate to believe ashley biden's diary is fake. Reality is that it is real, verified by the FBI, and says what it says. A simple hand writing analysis can prove ashley wrote it.

It's not real and it's never been verified by anyone.

None of the so called "evidence" - Hunter's Laptop, Ashley's diary, are real.

There is an entire cottage industry creating crap to make you fools lose your minds and turn on your fellow Americans. Ask yourself who benefits from you losing your mind and hating your fellow countrymen?
It's not real and it's never been verified by anyone.

None of the so called "evidence" - Hunter's Laptop, Ashley's diary, are real.

There is an entire cottage industry creating crap to make you fools lose your minds and turn on your fellow Americans. Ask yourself who benefits from you losing your mind and hating your fellow countrymen?
I never had sex with that woman Ms Lewinsky....not real dear???
Actually, what will happen is that people will eventually accept this as normal, and even the Churches will pretend they had nothing to do with the homophobia.

Just like they try to pretend they had nothing to do with the racism of 60 years ago.

Pedophilia isn't normal.

No one has validated the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.

No one.

And our intelligence agencies have no interest in doing so, at least not officially. I wonder why? I can assure you that if it was fake, they would have already said so. They haven’t because, well, it isn’t and because it is difficult to remove an electronic paper trail that is created by email. If I may also remind you that Hunter did in fact drop off a laptop at the computer shop that he didn’t pick up. There is that as well as the paper trail, witnesses and pictures which can be proven to be unaltered.

The left will defend and protect their politicians with the most ridiculous, non-sensical arguments. I am convinced that we could catch Biden robbing a bank on a 4k surveillance camera, have 10 eyewitnesses, GPS location from his phone putting him at the bank at the same time and a handwritten note stating his intentions and the left would believe him if he said “it wasn’t me.”
You are trying to engage in discussion about a topic you admit you have no clue about because you choose to be ignorant, because educating youself might inadvertently cause you to rethink your ignorant opinion.

If Republicans had REAL proof that Joe molested his daughter... they'd be filing impeachment proceedings tomorrow.
You need to stop believing the QAnon bullshit.
It did escape from a Wet Market, and inflation is transitory... I can tell you that because I work in the supply chain end of it... and prices of commodities are going down.

No, it did not escape from a wet market. There is not a medically sound argument supporting that theory, but it is the theory that China and those on the left want you to believe.

On inflation, everything is transitory if you take the word literally. When describing inflation, transitory is meant as a far shorter term than what we have seen. The fed and the Biden Administration called it transitory in April 2021, 2 years ago and didn’t even entertain the idea that they were wrong until Nov. 2021. Even still, they didn’t first raise rates until March 2022, just about a full year after their mistake. The Biden administration was in line with the reasoning of the fed, despite many people raising the alarm. Let me let you in on a little secret, when Biden continues to spend money like a drunken sailor and propose completely irresponsible budgets, inflation will never get back to where it was under Trump. Won’t happen. You heard it here first. Even the target rate of inflation is twice as high as it was under Trump.

Your sources, science, economics, medicine, et. al., will not allow their knowledge of the subject of their expertise to supercede the ideology that has been implanted into their heads. The sooner you realize that you are being taken for a ride, the better.
Pedophilia isn't normal.


And our intelligence agencies have no interest in doing so, at least not officially. I wonder why? I can assure you that if it was fake, they would have already said so. They haven’t because, well, it isn’t and because it is difficult to remove an electronic paper trail that is created by email.

Actually, it's not difficult at all.

If I may also remind you that Hunter did in fact drop off a laptop at the computer shop that he didn’t pick up. There is that as well as the paper trail, witnesses and pictures which can be proven to be unaltered.

Really? Where's the video of that happening?
Where's the fingerprints on the laptop?
Where's the receipt from a computer store showing that he bought that laptop with that serial number from a Best Buy or wherever it came from?

The left will defend and protect their politicians with the most ridiculous, non-sensical arguments. I am convinced that we could catch Biden robbing a bank on a 4k surveillance camera, have 10 eyewitnesses, GPS location from his phone putting him at the bank at the same time and a handwritten note stating his intentions and the left would believe him if he said “it wasn’t me.”

You mean like you guys all deny Trump instigated January 6, even though he was on all the networks doing it?
No, it did not escape from a wet market. There is not a medically sound argument supporting that theory, but it is the theory that China and those on the left want you to believe.

Well, no, it's actually VERY Sound.

The one thing that I've learned from a year of dating a Chinese girl.. .they will literally eat anything.

Raccoon dogs, bamboo rats, palm civets: these are just some of the animals whose DNA has been found in swabs taken from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, which has been linked to the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. The swabs also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease. The analysis — posted on 20 March to the research repository Zenodo1 — provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 spilled over from animals to humans at the market, say some researchers.

Particularly notable was the raccoon-dog mitochondrial DNA found in six samples from two stalls. These small fox-like animals are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, and can spread the infection to other raccoon dogs without showing clear signs of sickness2. Raccoon dogs and masked palm civets have also been found with infections of viruses that are almost identical to the one that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, which is related to SARS-CoV-2 and caused an outbreak in people in 2003. And work in palm-civet cells indicates that the creatures could possibly become infected with SARS-CoV-23.

The researchers were looking for evidence of mammals, which could have been intermediate hosts of the virus. They identified near-complete mitochondrial-DNA sequences — each some 16,000 base pairs long — for five species, including raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura), Amur hedgehog (Erinaceus amurensis), masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) and hoary bamboo rat (Rhizomys pruinosus). “It’s remarkable to have a list,” says study co-author Alex Crits-Christoph, who is a computational biologist at a non-profit organization and is based in Baltimore, Maryland.

On inflation, everything is transitory if you take the word literally. When describing inflation, transitory is meant as a far shorter term than what we have seen.

Except it's going down now, now that supply chains are clearing up.
Companies are putting a major initiative on inflation clawbacks with their suppliers. Eventually, that will be passed on to consumers. We could really bring inflation down faster by dumping the Trump Tariffs and giving more undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, but we won't do that.

Your sources, science, economics, medicine, et. al., will not allow their knowledge of the subject of their expertise to supercede the ideology that has been implanted into their heads. The sooner you realize that you are being taken for a ride, the better.
Actually, it's not difficult at all.

Really? Where's the video of that happening?
Where's the fingerprints on the laptop?
Where's the receipt from a computer store showing that he bought that laptop with that serial number from a Best Buy or wherever it came from?

You mean like you guys all deny Trump instigated January 6, even though he was on all the networks doing it?

There is much more than the time stamp on a file that can show tampering. That is a very novice approach.

There is a term called “reasonable” in law. Hunter dropped off a laptop and signed for it. Fact. Hunter never picked up said laptop. Fact. Electronic paper trails and forensics on pictures and videos found on that laptop indicate that it was Hunter’s. Any reasonable person would make the assumption that it is his.

I saw Trump’s comments on Jan. 6th. I also saw him say “peacefully and patriotically”, the part your sources conveniently leave out of their narrative.
You've said absolutely N0THING in this post, which isn't unusual for you.

Well, I didn't want you to start feeling inferior about the fact that you cannot stand up to an actual debate with an adult, but that's kind of what happens when you come to an adult forum and make a statement of what you want everyone to believe is truth, but when you are asked to prove the validity of your statement you disappear.

Inferior debating skills.

So yeah.

Now, it's your turn to throw another pitiful little insult at me and hope that it hurts my feelings. :laughing0301:

If Republicans had REAL proof that Joe molested his daughter... they'd be filing impeachment proceedings tomorrow.
You need to stop believing the QAnon bullshit.

You keep trying ... and failing ... to discredit and ignore the fact that ASHLEY BIDEN WROTE IT IN HER OWN DIARY.

Go away.
0ne thing has N0THING to do with the other, however, like the Lewinsky scandal, it speaks to the desperation of Republicans to smear a popular and very competent President. It is also proof positive that your lies about the Biden's aren't working.
Why do you deny the diary is real? (Americans know why, ask MTG)

Why would the FBI go looking for a fake diary?

MGT is right!!!
If Americans learn 1 thing from this thread, it's how to tell if someone is a "pedo friendly" democrat.

democrats say things like...

it's not my kids, why would I care?

You can do whatever you want to a kid as long as you have the parents permission, the sky's is the limit...

Democrats post pics of Trump and Epstein and pics of trump's daughter and claim that Trump is a pedo too so its all good.

Lastly democrats totally give everything involving Biden a total pass, make excuses for it, and deny its real.

MTG is right!!! Record Democrats around kids. Put recorders in your kids back packs.
Pedophilia will never be accepted.

'Accepted?' You've condoned it. An adult man who showered with his underage daughter sat in Congress for 40 years, was nominated as your party's vice presidential candidate, was later nominated as your party's presidential candidate, then was elected president. While you stuck your fingers in your ears yelling 'na uh, na uh, na uh, na uh'...

Very simple question, do you accept the validity of the President's daughter writing in her private diary about her father's inappropriate showering and how uncomfortable it made her? Do you believe she was lying within the pages of her private diary? Do you think the daughter was lying about this? Do you consider men of child bearing age showering with children to be acceptable behavior? Or does he get a 'pass' because he represents 'your side?' Actually, don't bother responding, it's clear to pretty much everyone what the answer is...
Prove it or fuck off, Dirk. But that is part a parcel of the New Republican's these day. Vile pieces of stinky human excrement vomited out of your gaping maw.
The excrement is all over the streets and sidewalks in the Democratic shitholes you love. No one will stop you. It is all you can eat.

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