MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes


Outted the dumbercrat.

So damn easy
Snopes and Politifact have been busted so many times lying and covering for Democrats they have lost credibility.

The Bidens and FBI ne er denied the diary was real, much like Hunter and his lawyer admitted several times the laptop is Hunter's.

That's really not their place. The point is, if Ashley published that tomorrow, THEN you'd have credibility.

But this diary was so funky even Project Veritas wouldn't touch it.

As for Hunter's supposed laptop, the only thing they admit is that SOME of the documents on it are genuine. Again, no evidentary value as it's been through too many hands.

YOU will cling to anything that feeds your need to believe Democrats are angels without sin instead of, in the case ot the Bidens, dysfunctional, incestuous, lying, corrupt, crackheads, pedophiles, influence peddlers, and criminals.

Yes, the sad thing is, you believe all this crazy, because you NEED to.

From Ashley’s diary:

“Hyper-sexualized @ a young age,”… “What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the (last name’s) house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with (another female); I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn’t suppose to be.”
Fake document, nobody cares.
That's really not their place. The point is, if Ashley published that tomorrow, THEN you'd have credibility.

The ownwrship of the diary is not in question.

The validity of the diary is not in question - The FBI already validated it.

But according to you, Matlock, Ashley would have to PUBLISH her diary for what SHE wrote in her own diary to be credible?!


But this diary was so funky even Project Veritas wouldn't touch it.

Again, Matlock makes the 'Funky' legal defense of Bragg's ridiculously weak case.
The ownwrship of the diary is not in question.

The validity of the diary is not in question - The FBI already validated it.

When did they do this? They merely retrieved stolen property without verifying the validity of what was CLAIMED To be in it.

Again, when Project Veritas takes a pass on it, then you know it has hair all over it.
When did they do this? They merely retrieved stolen property without verifying the validity of what was CLAIMED To be in it.

Joe, STFU, go back and read tbe articles provided, do some research, then rejoin tbe conversation after you have educated yourself. Every time you post you embarrass yourself.

You are shamelessly desperate to defend the compromised pedophile.
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That is a strong word to use. Child abuse would be more appropriate IMO, at least in regsrds to sex change decisions. Can't drive until 16, drink until 21, Im not sure your age to be allowed to smoke. You can however, approve of unnecessary, major constructive surgery that alters your gender and hormones? The funding for the promotion of this probably started by the enemies of the U.S.

No you cannot have surgery. How many times does that need to be explained to you?
The ownwrship of the diary is not in question.

The validity of the diary is not in question - The FBI already validated it.

But according to you, Matlock, Ashley would have to PUBLISH her diary for what SHE wrote in her own diary to be credible?!

The validity of the so called "quotes" from the diary are most definitely in question and have never been confirmed or verified.

It disgusting how eager Y0U are to promote the most hateful and vile lies nd slanders on absolutely N0 evidence. It's destructive to the country but the Trump wants to see the country destroyed. That's always been the goal.
The validity of the so called "quotes" from the diary are most definitely in question and have never been confirmed or verified.

It disgusting how eager Y0U are to promote the most hateful and vile lies nd slanders on absolutely N0 evidence. It's destructive to the country but the Trump wants to see the country destroyed. That's always been the goal.

You should probably do the dignified thing and run and hide now, before someone asks you one of those really tough questions that you, as usual, have no hope of being able to answer.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

That's really not their place. The point is, if Ashley published that tomorrow, THEN you'd have credibility.

But this diary was so funky even Project Veritas wouldn't touch it.

As for Hunter's supposed laptop, the only thing they admit is that SOME of the documents on it are genuine. Again, no evidentary value as it's been through too many hands.

Yes, the sad thing is, you believe all this crazy, because you NEED to.

Fake document, nobody cares.

Actually, not fake, but then again you get your information from sources that insisted that this inflation was transitory and that COVID escaped from a wet market. You people never learn.
Actually, not fake, but then again you get your information from sources that insisted that this inflation was transitory and that COVID escaped from a wet market. You people never learn.
No one has validated the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.

No one.
My turn.

The Democrat Party is the party of

hate hoaxes
scientific fraud aimed at bilking the taxpayer
legal fraud
theft of taxpayer money
bankrupting America
state sponsored DNA discrimination like the NAZIs
demonstrating cowardice and intellectual inferiority by refusing to debate and hiding behind card tossing "isms"
sick fascist experiments like Fauci and trans surgery
Joe, STFU, go back and read tbe articles provided, do some research, then rejoin tbe conversation after you have educated yourself. Every time you post you embarrass yourself.

I don't even click on your crazy wingnut sites.

Since we don't have a CHAIN OF CUSTODY, this supposed diary has no evidentiary value.

Actually, not fake, but then again you get your information from sources that insisted that this inflation was transitory and that COVID escaped from a wet market. You people never learn.

It did escape from a Wet Market, and inflation is transitory... I can tell you that because I work in the supply chain end of it... and prices of commodities are going down.
Actually, not fake, but then again you get your information from sources that insisted that this inflation was transitory and that COVID escaped from a wet market. You people never learn.
Even if we assumed it was real it doesn't even imply what you clowns like to pretend it does. You illiterate morons don't know what a semi colon is for.
I don't even click on your crazy wingnut sites.

You are trying to engage in discussion about a topic you admit you have no clue about because you choose to be ignorant, because educating youself might inadvertently cause you to rethink your ignorant opinion.

Thanks for sharing...have fun with that.

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