Mueller Confirms: Russia Used Anti-Trump Resistance To Stoke Division


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Wow, the left are Putin puppets! Who woulda thunk. Whoopee. So far a million buck for this farce and all these clowns can dredge up is this?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals on Friday confirms Russia sought to promote anti-Trump protests after the election as a way of sowing discord in American society.

Russian operatives organized a rally titled “Trump is NOT my President” in New York City on Nov. 12, 2016, less than a week after the election, the indictment states. (RELATED: Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Groups Spreading North Korean Propaganda)

Facebook ads turned over to the House Intelligence Committee last year showed that more than 16,000 people RSVP’d as attending the protest.

The indictment notes that the operatives organized a pro-Trump rally in New York the same day as the anti-Trump rally, although there is no indication that the pro-Trump rally was as successful as the anti-Trump rally, which had thousands of attendees, including left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore. The Guardian reported 10,000 attendees at the anti-Trump event.

Mueller Confirms: Russia Used Anti-Trump Resistance To Stoke Division
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that
The narrative by the left is Trump and Russia colluded. No amount of evidence to the contrary, will change the minds of many on the Left.

Somehow they often get stuck on STUPID. Why?

My guess is because they accept information from the establishment media, which is clearly a criminal operation controlled by the ruling class.
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that was a master stroke when Trump had the Russians protest against him. Pure genius......
No. Trump was played. It is not in dispute that Trump Jr set up a meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary. And of course Trump was aware of this meeting. I don’t believe for a second that Jr would have set up this meeting without daddy’s knowledge and consent. Trump was played, because he thought the Russians were on his side, when in reality, they were throwing shit at every wall, sewing distrust in the American election process. And Trump played right along by attacking the American election process as corrupt and subpar. Whether Trump knows it or not, he was played. Bigly. SAD!
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that was a master stroke when Trump had the Russians protest against him. Pure genius......
No. Trump was played. It is not in dispute that Trump Jr set up a meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary. And of course Trump was aware of this meeting. I don’t believe for a second that Jr would have set up this meeting without daddy’s knowledge and consent. Trump was played, because he thought the Russians were on his side, when in reality, they were throwing shit at every wall, sewing distrust in the American election process. And Trump played right along by attacking the American election process as corrupt and subpar. Whether Trump knows it or not, he was played. Bigly. SAD!

Trump is the President. How exactly did he get played?
I really don't trust that meeting they had yesterday.

They set that up in 45 minutes.

The FISA court is weighing the request from the House Intel
Committee to give them the FISA apps used to get the wiretaps
and the extensions.

I think they had that meeting to try and show folks they are actually
accomplishing something, before people see those FISA Apps and
the inappropriate actions get taken before the SCOTUS and they
shut the entire thing down.

Those indictments yesterday mean nothing. It's not like they will
prosecute anybody. I just don't see the Russians extraditing any
of them.

PLUS that FBI informant has now testified before 3 Congressional
Committees on Uranium One. Mueller was the FBI Director that turned
his back on all of that stuff, including the bribes that the informant is telling
Congress about.

Trump is still in Mueller's sights for obstruction of justice. Trump just
needs to do what Dershowitz told him to do. Before he meets with
Mueller have the SCOTUS lay out the conditions of what is appropriate
and what isn't in trying to get the Prez on Obstruction for Justice, just for carrying out his constitutional duties.

SCOTUS would give Mueller a very narrow window.

Yesterday was a course in CYA.
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that was a master stroke when Trump had the Russians protest against him. Pure genius......
No. Trump was played. It is not in dispute that Trump Jr set up a meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary. And of course Trump was aware of this meeting. I don’t believe for a second that Jr would have set up this meeting without daddy’s knowledge and consent. Trump was played, because he thought the Russians were on his side, when in reality, they were throwing shit at every wall, sewing distrust in the American election process. And Trump played right along by attacking the American election process as corrupt and subpar. Whether Trump knows it or not, he was played. Bigly. SAD!

Trump is the President. How exactly did he get played? don’t want to hear anything but the rights narrative. Carry on
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that was a master stroke when Trump had the Russians protest against him. Pure genius......
No. Trump was played. It is not in dispute that Trump Jr set up a meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary. And of course Trump was aware of this meeting. I don’t believe for a second that Jr would have set up this meeting without daddy’s knowledge and consent. Trump was played, because he thought the Russians were on his side, when in reality, they were throwing shit at every wall, sewing distrust in the American election process. And Trump played right along by attacking the American election process as corrupt and subpar. Whether Trump knows it or not, he was played. Bigly. SAD!

Trump is the President. How exactly did he get played? don’t want to hear anything but the rights narrative. Carry on

Nope...but you're free to opine.
They are simply trolling us. So far that are doing a stellar job of the division.
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that
So all those joining in the Trump is not my president didn't get played.?

Your insistence at the division is what Russia wants. Congrats at your own getting played.
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that
So all those joining in the Trump is not my president didn't get played.?

Your insistence at the division is what Russia wants. Congrats at your own getting played.

I’m not far-left anymore than I’m far-right.

And the people who attended those anti-Trump rallies weren’t doing so under the knowledge that they were [allegedly] Russia-funded. However, Trump Jr (and presumably Trump himself) and associates did knowingly try to do dirt with Russians in the hopes of influencing the election. That is just a fact.
Wow, the left are Putin puppets! Who woulda thunk. Whoopee. So far a million buck for this farce and all these clowns can dredge up is this?
View attachment 177247

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals on Friday confirms Russia sought to promote anti-Trump protests after the election as a way of sowing discord in American society.

Russian operatives organized a rally titled “Trump is NOT my President” in New York City on Nov. 12, 2016, less than a week after the election, the indictment states. (RELATED: Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Groups Spreading North Korean Propaganda)

Facebook ads turned over to the House Intelligence Committee last year showed that more than 16,000 people RSVP’d as attending the protest.

The indictment notes that the operatives organized a pro-Trump rally in New York the same day as the anti-Trump rally, although there is no indication that the pro-Trump rally was as successful as the anti-Trump rally, which had thousands of attendees, including left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore. The Guardian reported 10,000 attendees at the anti-Trump event.

Mueller Confirms: Russia Used Anti-Trump Resistance To Stoke Division
There is a massive Geroge Soros funding connection here... I hope they follow it to its logical end and indite the bastard..
So the only people who were affected by this, the only people who reacted to this, the only people causing division and chaos are liberals.

Spot on.
Russian interference was sought out by Americans. I know Russia's supposed to be the big villain in the narrative, but it's clear Hillary Clinton sought out Russian dirt on Trump. She paid quite a bit of cash for it. She paid a British spy to gather 'intel' on Trump by way of Russia. And now we're finding out that Steele was working for Obama's FBI as well.

It was a well-coordinated devious set-up. Folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection to see what happened. So yes, both the Brits and Russians tried to influence our Election. But they had a lot of help from Americans. That's something folks need to think about. Who are the biggest culprits in this sordid affair?
All I that proves is that Putin played Trump like a chump. But we already knew that
So all those joining in the Trump is not my president didn't get played.?

Your insistence at the division is what Russia wants. Congrats at your own getting played.

I’m not far-left anymore than I’m far-right.

And the people who attended those anti-Trump rallies weren’t doing so under the knowledge that they were [allegedly] Russia-funded. However, Trump Jr (and presumably Trump himself) and associates did knowingly try to do dirt with Russians in the hopes of influencing the election. That is just a fact.
dude - you have frank n furter in drag as your avatar. you're pretty left. no problems being that way, but don't try to be one way and sell yourself as another.

it's also a fact that a lot of YOUR "facts" were bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary.

you're getting played out both sides.

suddenly, your avatar makes sense.

not that there's anything wrong with that. :) just own it.

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